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Your Taste in Anti-Heroes Scares Me

On 08/10/2014 at 02:17 AM by Super Step

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If you watch Breaking Bad or House of Cards and root(ed) for Walter White and/or Frank Underwood, why? I get that they are both ambitious and they believe they are doing the right thing, but certain actions they take in their respective series put me squarely on the side of "against" them, regardless of their position as the main character/protagonist. 

So, why do you have a different opinion on this, you creepy sexual deviant? 

Better yet, can you name villains you rooted for but other people hate, or anti-heroes/villains many others rooted for, but you couldn't stand? They can be from any form of media, not just TV or vidya games. 




08/10/2014 at 02:21 AM

Pete Rose.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:24 AM

Pete Rose ... what? Anti-hero you like/didn't like? The real life person Pete Rose or a character i have never heard of. 

I'm getting the sense that this is a joke that flew over my head, as I know very little about Pete Rose aside from his name. lol


08/10/2014 at 11:32 AM

Fair enough.

Let's go with Captain Flint from Black Sails.  He's a pirate...that qualifies as anti-hero for sure

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:33 PM

I like Jack Sparrow in the first Pirates of the Carribean, so I guess I'm on the same boat.


08/10/2014 at 04:31 PM

not quite the same portrayal of piracy, but whatever floats your boat.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 10:04 PM



08/10/2014 at 05:41 AM

I personally love Kuja from FF9 even though he is one of the bad guys. Even though his actions werent right he went against what was said to be his fate which in turn gave hope to the other Genomes that they dont have to be mindless vessels, that they could live a full life. I imagine there are several people who didnt like Kuja.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:09 PM

From that description alone, he sounds like a pretty righteous character to me. I guess I'd have to know the full story.


08/10/2014 at 08:42 AM

Although I don't think they technicaly fit the definition of anti hero I would have to say Danny Glover and Mel Gibson's charaters in Lethal Weapon, they are like the dirtiest cops ever. If you ignore the whole family man (glover) and the lovelable rogue (gibson) personalities and focus on the things they actually do they are total scumbags. I loved these movies as a kid but after I grew up and learned about police corruption, brutality and abuse of power, I found these chaacters to be repulsive. Yet at the same time I can totally relate to a villain like Poison Ivy or the antagonist in "Blue Submerine 6", well sort of. lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:12 PM

Never seen Blue Submarine 6, but I totally get not liking corrupt police. I've only seen Lethal Weapon and none of the sequels and don't remember anything they did bothering me, but I guess I'll have to watch it again. Poison Ivy I'm guessing is cause of her environmentalism.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

08/10/2014 at 09:25 AM

As a character I never got interested or liked Walter White. For me Drugs = MEH.

House of Cards I just don't like politics so what's the point of watching a fictional view.

I like Dexter. I enjoyed watching his many obstacles to his lifestyle.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:16 PM

Funnily enough, his position as a drug kingpin was never what bothered me. It what actions he took outside of cooking meth. 

House of Cards is a bit hard to follow sometimes if you don't follow American politics, but I'd argue it's more of a character drama than a political one. 

I never really had much intrest in watching Dexter, but it's in my Netflix cue, so we'll see how the pilot grabs me I guess. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 09:47 AM

I didn't "like" Walter White as a person after Season 3 I think it was, but I was invested in his story. I don't have to side with a character morally to find them awesome.

 As for villains I've sided for that other people didn't: Tywin Lannister. The dude is just so fucking awesome that you can't hate him. Yes, he's an asshole and he has done some really fucked up things, but no worse than any other character on that show.  I just think if he was king the world would be a lot better for it.

 Malcom Merlyn from Arrow, but that's more because it's the actor who plays Jack Fucking Harkness from Torchwood, not because I agreed with his ideals lol.


08/10/2014 at 11:30 AM

Tywin is much more likable in the tv series than in the books.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:19 PM


Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 07:30 PM

Everyone is more likable in the show than they are in the books. The show gives us more time with them and delves deeper into their motives. Plus, most of the horrible things Cersei did in the books were done by Joffrey, Shay's moraly ambiguity was removed, making her decision really confusing and out of character in the show, and Tyrion does no wrong in the show, even though he does some fucked up shit in the books. There's a lot of stuff like that. 

 Joffrey is also more of a dick in the show.

 Yes Joe, you do need to watch this show. Like, a lot. And Jess is awesome.


Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:19 PM

I understsnd that view of Walter. I also thought he made some dumb decisions that made me not like him as much, but I can see some of his more badass moves as making you want to root for him. I just liked Pinkman, Mike, and Gus better in a lot of instances. 

I'm guessing Lannister is Game of Thrones. Still need to get on that. 

It's interesting that you like a character cause of the actor playing them. I definitely think Cranston gave a lot more credibility to Walter White than he could have had. 


08/10/2014 at 10:38 AM

I just finished reading the newspaper, so Obama comes to mind.  I can't stand that dude and still lots of people love him.  Laughing

I didn't like most of the characters in Breaking Bad.  It was the first time I ever watch a show that I enjoyed the story but couldn't stand the main characters.  Though, some of the characters I did like were criminals and Walter killed them.  

There are plenty of bad guys I liked.  It wasn't what they did that I liked, but the way they usually did it.  Television and movie bad guys aren't real, so it's fine to like them.  Real bad guys suck.  Try watching those investigation and forensic shows and you'll find that no one likes those people and if they did, they won't admit it to anyone.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:26 PM

You have the same political sense of humor as my dad. Laughing lol I don't love Obama or I wouldn't have voted third party last go-around, but I certainly don't have the same view of him as a lot of people around me. 

I liked some of the criminals more than Walter simply because I thought they were better at keeping their cool and never killed characters I actually liked otherwise. For me, House of Cards is the first show where the main characters make my blood boil every time they succeed, but I cannot stop watching. Frank Underwood is a Democrat by the way, so if you don't like Obama, that show will piss you off something fierce. lol

I get what you mean about not liking what they did, but liking the way they did it as far as on TV. I liked how Gus and Mike handled business a lot better than I liked how Walter did. 


08/10/2014 at 05:36 PM

Yeah, I liked Gus and Mike.  They were "honorable" criminals to a degree. Laughing  Hank is probably the charater I didn't like the most.  Walter saved him so many times and Hank didn't return the favor.  Hell, he didn't even give Walter a chance to explain.  By the time he found out about Walter, Walter was already out.  And he was a hypocrite.  He broke a number of laws trying to catch Gus and later, Walter.  Oh, and his wife stealing stuff all over the city.  Ugh, I can't stand that dude. Yell  I liked his partner though.  I wish he hadn't died. Frown  If I'd wrote the story, I would of had Gomez put Walter and Hank behind bars. Cool

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 11:39 AM

Heath Ledger's Joker is one I like that most people root against. Yes, he slaughters so many people, but I am 100% behind his speech to Harvey Dent where he explains how the system of power we have is so fucked that we just need to let it all come crumbling down.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 02:29 PM

You'd like Zaheer in the new Legend of Korra season. More or less the same philosophy. Plus, he's voiced by Henry Rollins, which makes me at least like him a bit more. lol 


08/10/2014 at 03:33 PM

The villian in Blue Sub 6 was an enviromentalist extremeist also. He was a famed geneticist who loses his faith in mankind after the polar caps melt and vastly shrink the land masses. With the world mostly ocean all things aquatic become important. The geneticist sets up a secret lab in the south pole and start building an army of genetically modified sea life, as they would be the future of the worlds next great evolution. Blusub is really good, should you stumble upon it.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 05:55 PM

He actually reminds me more if Bane, though his ideologies are a bit more in line with Joker's


08/10/2014 at 03:35 PM

So my reply just jumped onto someone elses comment, what the heck?lol

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 03:51 PM

I have no idea lol. I might watch Blue Submarine 6 later if I have the time then. I wonder if the upocoming Aquaman movie will take inspiration from that. 


08/10/2014 at 05:29 PM

Villains I've cheered for? Probably a slew of X-men characters,especially Magneto,Mystique,Rogue,Scarlet Witch,and White Queen. Then again what makes them likable is the fact somewhere beneath the darkness they're good people and have proven that from time to time.

 I will also say Slade Wilson was charming after a fashion in "Arrow" but at the end of the day I still wanted Oliver,Black Canary,and their assorted friends to kick his ass. 

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 05:57 PM

As long as the White Queen wears that outfit, I'll do anything she says


08/10/2014 at 06:01 PM

Me too Cas,me too. lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 10:08 PM

X-Men is a good example, since most motivations are at least understandable. Hell, Professor X and Magneto are meant as metaphors for MLK and Malcolm X. 

I need to continue watching Arrow on Netflix.


08/11/2014 at 12:44 PM

Exactly. Magneto may go to extremes but he does it to protect his people. And in days of future past he seems to realize he went too far and feels regret over many of his actions. Erik is a very complex character. It's difficult to truly hate him,especially knowing what he's been through.


08/10/2014 at 08:36 PM

A couple of characters come to mind from recent films I've seen. One is Thor 2 The Dark World or whatever. In Thor 1 and Avengers Loki was the villain, but in Thor 2 he is more of a hero/anti-hero you are meant to get behind. He was put in prison for destroying Asgard and NYC, but Thor kind of did the same to London? Anyhow, this has more to do with the actor that plays Loki, and he is pretty fun to watch.

Also most Tarantino films. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 10:08 PM

Loki was hilarious in Dark World


08/10/2014 at 10:22 PM

Your Taste in Anti-Heroes Scares Me.


08/10/2014 at 10:17 PM

I felt that with Breaking Bad the writers intended us to slowly drift away from rooting for Walter. I'm not sure they were completely consistent in that regard.

One villian I rooted for is the villian from Fate/Stay Night. This guy is without a doubt evil; the only joy he gets from life is from watching other people suffer. However, the writing made it clear that he was born this twisted, and despite his best efforts to blend into society he could never care for other people (including his own wife). Why I rooted for him is mostly because you almost couldn't argue with his ideals and logic.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 10:23 PM

Interesting. Kind of like rooting for a demon God made that way to begin with. 


08/11/2014 at 08:15 AM

I thought that this would be an easy question to answer.  Why am I having so much trouble thinking of one?

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/11/2014 at 10:54 AM

Maybe you're a perfect angel and don't like any anti-heroes or villains. 


08/11/2014 at 11:10 AM

Riddick.  I like Riddick


08/11/2014 at 09:11 AM

I really enjoyed Breaking Bad, but like others said I don't think you're even meant to be rooting for Walter White, especially towards the end.  Although I started hating him I still wanted to know how his story ended, so it kept me watching.

Some of my favorite anti-heroes are Clint Eastwood's Man with no Name (from Sergio Leone's films), Rorschach from The Watchmen, Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tony Soprano, and I guess Kenny Powers (Eastbound and Down) could also be considered one.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/11/2014 at 10:56 AM

Yeah, Rorschach is a fan favorite. 


08/18/2014 at 11:11 AM

Hmmm, the first thing that popped into my head would have to be in Pro Wrestling. I haven't watched much in years, but in college and a couple of years after I would root for the bad guys because they were more intertaining. Of course it also helped that while in school the big wrestlers were nWo, and the Attitude Era of WWE where the Anti-Heroes were the faces of the business. 

From what I've seen now, it's gone back to the same old storylines that I grew up with, but now I have stayed with rooting for the bad guys. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/18/2014 at 12:21 PM

I only remember the Attitude era from when I was in junior high and remember Stone Cold and Rock being the big faces. 

I haven't watched wrestling since junior high really, but I've gained a lot of respect for Mick Foley and a friend recently reintroduced me to wrestling, which ... I'm not into now a days, except for CM Punk's promos and his matches with Daniel Bryan. Too bad the guy left. 


08/21/2014 at 11:02 AM

I text my friend who follows it throughout the show and constantly ask questions like "who is this guy" and "why is this guy still wrestling". I saw that brought back the USA vs Russia storyline which is always interesting especially since the woman who is supposed to be the Russian Manager went to Florida State and was in Pitch Perfect (my friend told me to not to notice these little details)


08/18/2014 at 12:54 PM

I just had this experiance over my vacation where I saw something that expected my to root for the main character but I just couldn't because I hated them. It's on the tip of my toungue.

I guess in all seriousness I'd have to say the Punisher as my anithero that some people don't seem to like if only from how they know me. I'm pro law enforcement, anti vigliantie yet I'm enjoy watching The Punisher tend to those that the law is unable (or unwilling) to touch.

If not him then Barack Obama. What? is he not a antihero?

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/18/2014 at 03:36 PM

Oh good, politics. This is always fun. Thanks, Obama. Tongue Out

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