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Cary's 2014 Summer Movie Rampage!

On 08/10/2014 at 03:45 PM by Cary Woodham

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Summer’s winding down, so you know what that means.  It’s time to write a blog about the movies I saw this past summer.  There may be some slight spoiler warnings here and there, but I’ll try not to reveal anything major, just to let you know.  OK, let’s begin!


When I was a kid, we didn’t have any 24-hour cartoon cable channels.  The only time we could watch cartoons was maybe for an hour before or after school, and on Saturday mornings.  So those Saturday mornings were always special because that’s when the good stuff came on, and it was a little sad when it was all over and you’d hear “Soooooouuuullll Train” on the TV.  That’s how you knew the cartoons were done.  Although as a kid I would stay and watch the first part of Soul Train because I liked the cartoon train that would run past in the beginning.  But anyway, it wasn’t totally over on Saturdays because one of the local stations here would almost always show a Japanese monster movie in the early afternoon, and sometimes I would watch it.  So I was exposed to stuff like Godzilla and Ultraman at an early age.  And Mystery Science Theater 3000 later helped, too.  This new Godzilla movie made me feel like a kid again.  One cool thing is that there is a cable channel called Chiller, and they usually just show scary movies.  But on the opening weekend of the new film, they showed a bunch of Godzilla movies!  I wish they’d do that more often!

The other American-made Godzilla movie was done in the late 90’s when I was in college and it was awful.  Godzilla didn’t even look like himself, and he didn’t do what Godzilla is supposed to do.  He just burrowed in the subway and laid eggs.  Godzilla doesn’t do that!  Luckily in the new movie, Godzilla does everything that he is supposed to do: breathe fire, fight other giant monsters, and of course, that distinctive roar.  Only problem I had with the movie is the same problem I have with all Godzilla movies.  It takes too long to get to the good stuff: the monster fights!  But other than that, I really enjoyed the movie.  Godzilla looks like he put on a few pounds, though.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I don’t really get into Marvel Comics, or comic books in general.  In fact, most of my knowledge of Marvel comes from the LEGO game, Marvel vs. Capcom, and the other movies I’ve seen.  So each movie is always a learning experience for me.  So in this movie, I learned that Spider-Man has to fight a lot of crazy bad guys.  First he fights a guy made out of electricity.  This “Elec Man” got his powers from plugging in two big wires without turning the power off, and then he fell into a tank with electric eels in them!  Who keeps a tank full of electric eels in a power station?  That’s just silly.  So after Spider-Man defeats Electric Eel Man, he then has to fight the Green Goblin.  Or at least I think that’s who it was.  He’s the guy who rides on the flying skateboard, right?  So after Spider-Man beats him up, then he has to fight a guy in a giant rhino mech at the end of the movie.  I kind of wish he could’ve fought that guy more often, as I liked the rhino mech, and rhinos in general.  In the LEGO game, he was just a big rhino guy, so I don’t know which one is right.  But the other confusing thing is that in the first three Spider-Man movies, Spider-Man had one girlfriend, and in the last two remakes, he had a different one. So how many girlfriends does Spider-Man have?  Oh well, it was still an entertaining, turn-off-your-intelligence type of movie, although it got sad near the end.  Luckily, the rhino mech came along to cheer things up!  Hooray for rhinos!

X-Men: Days of Future Past

There sure have been a lot of X-Men movies.  Like I said earlier, I don’t know much about comic book characters, so there were a lot in this movie I didn’t know.  I know who Wolverine is, and Professor Z, and the blue lady.  In this movie there were a lot of others.  Like an ice guy and a fire guy, a lightning lady, a metal guy, and a girl who could make portals like in, well, Portal. And then there was a fast guy and someone who had the power to make people throw up (yeah I bet that one’s useful).  Another guy had a frog tongue, I kind of liked him.  I think he was in another movie, too.  Oh yeah, and a blue monster guy.  And that’s all I remember.  I want you comic book experts to tell me who these people were, and I also want you to pick out an X-Men character that you think I’d like.  I know exactly how to defeat Magneto, though.  All you need is a giant refrigerator and a kid’s drawing or straight A report card, and Magneto will stick right to it!

In the movie Wolverine had to go to the past to stop those purple Sentinel robots from getting more advanced in the future.  See I know about the purple robots because they’re in Marvel vs. Capcom.  So Wolverine goes to the 70’s before I was even born!  I wish they would’ve played up being in the 70’s more.  Sure there was a disco and a Pong machine and everyone wore those super thick neckties.  But they could’ve given Wolverine an afro and a leisure suit. That would’ve been funny.  Oh yeah, we had to stay through the end credits because nobody would leave their seat so they could see the last part that never makes any sense (to me anyway).  So can one of you comic book experts explain that, too?  Thanks.

You know, come to think of it, I’ve been blind in my left eye since birth because of an optic nerve mutation. So does that make me a mutant, too, like the X-Men?  I think my only power is to write good game reviews, though.  So watch out, evil game store employees!  Next time one of them tries to sell you Titanfall, just remember my powers and buy that Kirby game instead!  Of course, if more people played Kirby games, the world would probably be a happier place.  So maybe that is a good power to have!


OH MY GOSH!  It’s a movie about the villain in Kingdom Hearts!!!  Just joking!  I know who she is.  I really wasn’t planning on seeing this, but a close relative really wanted to see it so I told her I’d take her to it as long as she asked for the tickets at the counter.  I’d still pay, but I just wanted to hear her mispronounce the name of the movie!  Yeah I know, I’m mean.  The movie was OK I guess.  It was pretty girly and definitely Disney.  I thought it would be scarier than what it was, but it really wasn’t that bad.  Lots of people had their kids in the audience and none of them cried or got scared.  I think my favorite part of the movie was when Angelina’s own daughter played the part of the young princess as a toddler.  She just hobbled over to her mommy, gave her a hug, asked her to pick her up, and then she played with mommy’s horns on her head.  The older version of the princess came off as kind of ditzy, though. 

Transformers: Age of Extinction

I don’t really like the Michael Bay Transformers movies that much, but they are great to see in the theater because the special effects are awesome and they do really make it look like you’re part of the action.  The humans were not as annoying this time around, at least.  I had no idea who some of the robots were, and those were some pretty weird takes on Galvatron and the Dinobots.  I also thought the My Little Pony reference was amusing.  But after playing the Fall of Cybertron game, I’ve been spoiled.  The only folks who can do a Transformers movie right are game makers High Moon.  If you’re a classic Transformers fan, you really need to play that game!

Rifftrax: Sharknado

My favorite TV show of all time is Mystery Science Theater 3000.  Some of the cast is still around making fun of movies, minus the robots of course.  And they show some of their movies in theaters.  So yeah I paid for them to riff Sharknado.  Wow, that’s a movie that almost doesn’t need anyone to make fun of it; it does that all on its own!  And to think they made a sequel.  Later in August Rifftrax is doing the awful 1998 Godzilla movie, and later I hear they’re doing Anaconda in theaters, too.

Guardians of the Galaxy

When I go see a Marvel movie, I almost always have no idea who all the characters are.  But since this is a movie based on a more obscure Marvel license, I figure I was on more level ground.  Only thing I knew about this movie prior is that it had a mean raccoon in it, and I only knew that from playing Marvel vs. Capcom 3, where most of my Marvel knowledge comes from.  The outer space characters kind of reminded me of the Green Lantern stuff.  I can’t remember the names, so I made up my own.  There was Mean Raccoon, Tree Man (I also called him Wispy Woods), Green Lady, The Guy, and That Other Guy.  Overall, though, it was a neat movie with fun music from the 70’s.  I only wish the raccoon could’ve been nicer. At least his tree friend was cool.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Aside from some typical casting choices, even though this was a Michael Bay movie, it really wasn’t that bad.  And fun for kids, too!  When TMNT first came out, I was a little too old to be into that stuff.  I knew it was a comic book first, because I saw kids carry them around and remembered the unusual title.  I only watched the cartoon because I met some of the folks who worked on it at a convention and I wanted to see their name in the credits.  But what I did get really big into was the arcade game and the SNES Turtles in Time.  My brother Jeff and I have a history with those games, and that’s why we had to go see the movie.  We were happy they even used a quote from the arcade game in it!  Every summer, there is one movie that overdoes it on the product placement, though, and this year it was the Turtles movie.  Can you guess which commercial product they had the most?  That’s right, Pizza Hut!

I love the promotion that Pizza Hut has going on with this movie right now, though.  They are serving four different pizzas, each one representing one of the Turtles.  Leonardo, being the generic leader, gets a regular pizza.  Michelangelo, being the crazy one, has a pizza with weird ingredients like pineapples and jalapenos.  Donatello’s ‘smart’ pizza has grilled white chicken and mushrooms and other green ingredients.  But the best turtle has the best pizza.  Raph’s is an all meat pizza and I ate it today and it’s yummy.  Yeah, surprisingly Raphael is my favorite turtle.  But that’s simply because of the arcade game.  His joystick was on the rightmost side of the cabinet, so when I would play the game, I’d always play as him so I wouldn’t have to squeeze in between two people to play.  That’s the same reason why I always played as Lisa in the Simpsons arcade game!  Oh yeah, and supposedly on the Pizza Hut web site, you can order your turtle pizza ‘katana cut’ with a real katana (yeah right) into four big turtle slices!


There were some movies this summer that I didn’t see, either because I didn’t get around to it or I’d rather wait until it goes on Netflix.  One movie that I didn’t get around to seeing was How to Train Your Dragon 2.  The first one was actually better than I thought it was going to be, and I would’ve liked to have seen the sequel.  But it didn’t happen so I’ll either see it at the dollar movie or wait until Netflix.  Other movies I’m happy to wait for Netflix are Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, because I saw the first one on Netflix, too.  And Planes: Fire & Rescue, because the first one wasn’t very good.  In the comments section, let me know which movies you saw this summer, and which ones were your favorites.  Later!  --Cary



Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 04:10 PM

I'm seeing Guardians this Tuesday, but I wish I could have seen Dawn of the PLanet of the Apes. I may still end up seeing it in theaters, I don't know. 

I had the same problem with Godzilla: Not enough Godzilla ... or Bryan Cranston. I actually liked the soldier guy fine, I just thought he and his wife weren't really given anything that interesting to do. 

I liked the goofiness of Amazing Spider-Man 2, but I've never liked the character Rhino and I thought Paul Giomatti played him a little too campy. As for your questions about Spider-Man's girlfriends, Gwen Stacey is actually his first girlfriend in the comic before he meets Mary Jane. I think Black Cat is also a love interest, but I'm not sure. 

Days of Future Past was pretty good. I can tell you Quicksilver is the "speed guy" and I think "portal girl" is Kitty Pride and "blue lady" is Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. I think the fridge magnet thing would work to Magneto's advantage though, cause he controls things magnetically without being magnetically pulled to them himself I think. 

I wanted to see Maleficent, but bad reviews kept me away. 

I watched the first three Transformers, but I can never pay attention or stay awake all the way through them. They're too long and I don't care enough about what's happening in them. 

It's funny they did a riff of Sharknado, considered the movie was made to be a B-movie in the first place, so it's making fun of itself in a lot of ways as it is. So I've heard anyway, never seen it. 

TMNT actually looks like it could  be kind of fun. The Turtles seem to act like I remember in the previews. I didn't know about those Pizza Hut deals though, I may have to order one!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 06:05 PM

Actually Betty Brant (Jameson's secretary in the first three movies) and Liz Allen were his girlfriends before Gwen. She's just more well known than either of them. And Cary Spidey has had a lot of girlfriends. He even dated the girl in X-Men who sent Wolverine back in time in the new X-Men.

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:18 PM

Spider-Man, you have too many girlfriends!

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 10:15 PM

I see. Did not know about either of those. The more you know ...

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:17 PM

So which one of the four Pizza Hut Turtle Pizzas are you going to get?

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/10/2014 at 10:19 PM

Michaelangelo's sounds interesting and he may be my favorite turtle, but I may go more traditional and get Raph's. Leonardo's has black olives, which I like, but Donatello's chciken may be good for me as I go back to my high protein diet (of course, so would Raph's obviously). 

I'll let you know. lol

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 07:46 AM

Yeah Raph is the best and strongest turtle so you should eat his pizza so you can be the best and strongest too.

How's that for dumb logic?

Well, regardless, tell me if you decide to get one of the TMNT pizzas, and let me know what you think of it.

The Last Ninja

08/10/2014 at 04:46 PM

Gwen Stacy was Peter Parker's first love interest, after that he had several, including Liz Allen, Felicia Hardy (Black Cat), Betty Brant, and finally Mary Jane. I haven't seen the movie yet, but will definitely buy it when it comes out on DVD. Hoping they bring in Mary Jane for the third movie.

Also looking forward to watching Days of Furture Past and TMNT.

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:19 PM

So does Black Cat have cat powers or firework powers (because, you know, Black Cat is a brand of fireworks)?

The Last Ninja

08/11/2014 at 12:27 AM

Nope. She's just a really good cat burglar who can fight.

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 07:47 AM

Aw, no super powers?  Too bad.


08/10/2014 at 05:18 PM

I saw Apes a couple weeks ago.  I still hadn't seen the first movie.  I thought Dawn was good.  

I saw Guardians yesterday.  It was great.  I actually wouldn't mind if Rocket was a bit meaner.  The nice, cute, & cuddlly animal thing has been done to death.  Rocket wasn't just mean, he was smart too.  That whole movie is PG-13 all the way.  

I plan to see TMNT this week.  I'm not hearing good things about it from my friends.  I'm not expecting much anyway.  I hope it's better than the 3rd movie.  

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:20 PM

I enjoyed the TMNT movie.  Didn't think it was bad at all.


08/10/2014 at 06:08 PM

Pretty excited about Maleficient,X-men: Days of future past,Godzilla,and Guardians of the galaxy! (Okay, excited for How To Train Your Dragon 2 as well! The first one was awesome!) TMNT and Transformers? I'll probably get around to them eventually but I'm a bit Bay-ed out and I'm not 100% fond of Megan Fox. (Though maybe she's matured a bit since last I saw her. Who knows?) My favorite turtle in the arcade game was Leonardo even though Donatello had the best reach. It was cool how in The Manhattan project on the nes the turtles all started to have diverse special attacks.

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:21 PM

The NES Manhattan Project was surprisingly good for an 8-bit title.


08/10/2014 at 06:46 PM

It was,Cary! I liked how it added rock-soldiers and more variants of foot soldiers as common infantry. It also had a beefy cornucopia of bosses! My only gripe is using a special attack took energy but I guess in retrospect it balanced things out a bit by punishing spamming.

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 09:09 PM

There were a lot of neat little details.  Like the Foot soldiers on the beach who would throw sand at you and it would make your turtles rub their eyes and slow them down for a bit.  Or the submarine that rose and sank in the water.  Pretty neat effects for the NES.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 06:13 PM

The Rhino is really just a guy in a rhino suit, one thats bonded to him permanently and impenetrable. Also gives him super strength because comic book. Though the Ultimate comic gave a mech rhino, albeit one that still looked mostly like a guy in a rhino suit. None of those guns from the movie on eithet. I definitely prefer the original rhino more but I'm curious to see more of the new Rhino since Paul Giamatti's a good actor. 

As for Goblin, I'm not sure if that's their version of GG, or they're revealing that Norman Osborne is still alive since he's always been the one true Green Goblin. This could be Hobgoblin or just Harry Osborne.

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:22 PM

There's a Green Goblin AND a Hobgoblin?  Dang it, stop confusing me, comic books!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/10/2014 at 11:49 PM

Yeah, Green Goblin is consistent with the first Spider-Man movie: Norman Osborne does experiment, goes crazy, and kills a bunch of people. Hob is a completely unrelated guy in one set of comics and Harry in another. 

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 07:48 AM

Comic books are too confusing sometimes.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/11/2014 at 01:12 PM

You think that's bad? I just got done reading a comic where Doc Ock switched bodies with Peter vowing to not only continue his legacy, but do better than him. Which involves Green Goblin taking over the city in order to aid the future heir of Spidey's ex girlfriend's child who will cause a new Spider-Man to emerge in the year 2099 who also has to travel back in time to the present to prevent Doc Ock from killing his grandfather.

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 09:50 PM

Bluh!  This is why I don't read comic books.


08/10/2014 at 06:51 PM

I only saw X-Men, Guardians and Spider-Man 2.
X-Men is my fav comic book and film series. As much as I enjoy Avengers and Captain America, I still prefer the the X-Men and especially First Class and now Days. I cannot wait for Apocolypse!  

Spiderman 2
I really didn't enjoy the first movie or the guy that plays Peter Parker, but I did like the costume. Same for the sequel. I really didn't like it. I think I'm getting past the splosiony action movies now.

Speaking of splosions, I do read comics from time to time, but Guardians was out of my comic knowledge, and I don't recall ever reading about them so it was a fresh start. In short, I really loved it! This movie reminds me a lot of a TV show called Farscape. In it a human astronaut ends up on a space ship with wierd aliens and go on adventures around space. It has more of a goofy sense of humor about itself, and cool looking alien creatures. I felt like watching Guardians, I was watching farscape on the big screen-- which is to say it was cool!

I hates Wahlberg, so no Transformers for me. Apes? meh. TMNT? meh. I'll wait for the rental.


08/10/2014 at 09:00 PM

Farscape was a good sci-fi show,more original than most. I even have the pc game based on it. lol.

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 09:12 PM

Didn't know there was a PC game but I guess that doesn't surprise me any.  Did you know Jim Henson's Creature Workshop had a lot to do with the show?


08/10/2014 at 09:49 PM

I missed out on the PC game. I thought the show was great!

Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 09:11 PM

Yeah I know about FarScape.  i watched it a bit in college because Jim Henson's Creature Workshop had a big hand in the making of it.  And as a big Muppets fan, i had to see it.  Unfortunately, I got out of it as quickly as I got into it because I have a hard time staying interested in sci-fi TV shows like that.


08/10/2014 at 09:47 PM

The show had really great characters. Aside from the character designs, it is also one of the last sci-fi shows to feature large beautiful background sets that make it feel like it's otherworldly. The show does take weird directions, but the chemistry between the characters had me coming back for more. I watched all 4 seasons, and sometimes go back and revisit my favorite episodes. I think you missed out on a great series. Cry

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 07:50 AM

I didn't really miss TOO much of the show.  i saw a lot of episodes, but I was at the tail end of college and was working really hard so it was tough to keep up with any kind of TV at the time.  Especially shows that if you skip a couple of episodes, you'll have no idea what's going on.  After I graduated and got a job, I thought about getting the series on DVD, but it was too expensive.  Can't watch all the shows, I guess.  My favorite TV show is still Mystery Science Theater 3000.


08/10/2014 at 10:33 PM

I fell asleep during the Amazing Spider Man 2. In the theatre. As someone with sleeping troubles, that's a rarity. All in all, I don't like these new Spider Man movies very much.

GoTG was a lot of fun and Days of Future Past is the second best movie I've seen this year. You should see Edge of Tomorrow though. I was blown away by that movie (despite being quite different from the book).

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 07:51 AM

How do you fall asleep in such a LOUD movie?

Never heard of Edge of Tomorrow.


08/11/2014 at 10:54 AM

Im quite a weirdo, I never had any influence into Godzilla until the 90s movie. I actually like the movie and to this day like it. So im weird and Im proud dammit! Me and the bf are thinking of going to see TMNT next week. Im glad to hear it isnt too bad,

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 09:52 PM

Well I hate to tell you, but Rifftrax is going to be making fun of that 90's Godzilla movie this week! :)

I didn't think the TMNT movie was that bad, but then, I don't have big expectations for movies like that.  As long as I'm entertained, I don't care.


08/11/2014 at 03:57 PM

Haven't gone to see a movie in a while, though I am tentatively planning to see Guardians of the Galaxy as soon as I can.

Cary Woodham

08/11/2014 at 09:52 PM

I see a bunch of movies in the summer, but now that it's over, I probably won't go see a movie in a theater for a while either.


08/12/2014 at 02:36 AM

I saw Guardians of the Galaxy twice now. Saw it in high def and then low fi at The Movie Tavern. Enjoyed it both times. There's still Sin City I'm looking forward to in a few weeks.

Cary Woodham

08/12/2014 at 07:47 AM

My friend from work has already seen Guardians four times and plans on seeing it again in IMAX.  That's just crazy.


08/13/2014 at 02:03 AM

I considered seeing it in IMAX and probably would have if several of my friends didn't take me to it twice already. 

Cary Woodham

08/13/2014 at 07:34 AM

Seeing movies in IMAX would be fun, but it's kind of expensive and if they're in 3-D, I can't see them anyway, being blind in my left eye since birth and all.


08/12/2014 at 10:45 AM

OK, Cary - the tree guy was Groot, the Raccoon was Rocket, the girl was Gamora, the guy with the red markings on his skin was Drax, and the last guy was Peter aka Starlord. 

Jason and I went last Tuesday to see Guardians of the Galaxy and took our young friend Lewis who is visiting from England. We all really liked it.

Also saw How to Train Your Dragon 2, which was good, but not as good as the first movie. It was a lot darker in tone.

According to Jason, who hasn't thought much of any of the recent Planet of the Apes movies, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was excellent. He went without me, so I can't say one way or the other, though. He does tend to be more critical than I am, so take that as you will.

Cary Woodham

08/12/2014 at 07:10 PM

Good to hear from you. Missed you bunches.

I'll probably just Netflix How to Train Your Dragon 2 and the new Planet of the Apes movie.


08/18/2014 at 12:59 PM

didn't touch any of those movies. the break down sounds like I may not get into these movies this go around. Looks like another netflix wait time.

Cary Woodham

08/18/2014 at 08:08 PM

Really one of the main reasons why I go see these movies is to just get out of the house.  Otherwise I could wait till Netflix, too.

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