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Thoughts on art,game-making,Phil Phish,and moral supremacy

On 08/10/2014 at 05:53 PM by BrokenH

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Still having fun doing art for my Gutterdelve story arch! Here is an epic collage I worked on for a few days,hollah if you like it! 

So,will I make another Gutterdelve game? It's a question that pops up every once in awhile and is one I've been entertaining albeit cautiously. I even made a few maps in rpgmaker xp but beyond that not much in the way of game making has been done.

I will say that I wasn't ready to be a game-maker yet during my first attempt. I intially released my game too early when it still had bugs and though I'm normally cool around trolls and critics I discovered they could be exceptionally vicious when ripping apart a precious indie-baby.

I think the difference is you can put your sweat,tears,and labor into a game for 6 months to a few years so there's a lot of personal investment and deep emotions wrapped up in it. By contrast I'm not as angry when people take their collective dump on my art due to the fact cranking out an illustration is much less time consuming. 

My worst beef is critics these days do not simply judge the game itself but try to use it as a way to judge the person who created it too. Though I got a few good criticisms alot of the rest was comments like "You are a misogynist because there is a part in your game where your female characters have a conversation in a kitchen." People look really hard to see if a building is  actually a giant penis and often enough even if there is no sinister hidden context they will find a red herring created by their very own delusional minds. In my day people did not try this hard at moral grandstanding,vilification. and political correctness and I find such intellectual circus antics to be utterly absurd! Beisides just because an author or artist may include things like rape,incest,torture,and ultra violence it does not automatically make them guilty of those crimes. I'm sure George RR Martin and the guy who created Walking Dead are nice in person despite going into macabre and disturbing scenes in their stories.

Regardless, I somewhat empathize with the jerk who is Phil Fish just because I put myself in the same trenches and had to deal with the same shit. Not every game designer is a social debutante and we certainly do not have the benefit of hiding behind seasoned PR people who can handle even the most abrasive of detractors!



Cary Woodham

08/10/2014 at 06:14 PM

You already know what I like about your art.  Thanks for reading my blog.


08/10/2014 at 06:17 PM

No prob,Cary! This is indeed a good year for movies!

Julian Titus Senior Editor

08/10/2014 at 09:56 PM

I'm sure Fez is great. I'm sure it deserves all the accolades it received. If I had reviewed it I would have done so on the merit of the game, not my opinion on the man who made it. That being said, I'm glad I didn't have to review it because I don't want to support Phil Fish.

My problem with him isn't the way he dealt with criticism. My  problem with him is the way he would run his mouth about an industry that he was trying to break into, and the general way he would whine and complain when things didn't go his way. Beyond that, what annoyed me the most was how many people in the media (friends of Fish) would give him a pass and say "Oh, that's just Phil."

If he could have been a professional and moderated his tone, maybe I would have had less of an axe to grind against him. I feel the same way about Jim Sterling, a man who I believe just loves the sound of his own voice and is incapable of saying or writing anything with a professional or respectful tone.


08/10/2014 at 11:06 PM

Just because I sympathize with someone doesn't mean I agree with them or even like them, Julian. I actually took issue with Phil the moment he said something along the lines of "Japanese games suck.". It was very belligerent and truth be told Fez's subtle 3D mechanic in a seemingly 2D world is "neat" but not as ground breaking revolutionary as certain gamers made it out to be.

I just meant that at the end of the day I'm not some sort of charismatic spokesperson that can charm the pants off anyone. lol. There's making a game but then there's being good at socializing. They're not one and the same skill. (Heavens,I wish they were!)

Lately another thing gamers laud is developers who take "community feedback" to heart. And while I find that very amiable myself, there's a difference between having a team and working solo. I mean I tried to take helpful suggestions to heart but I do not think the people responding to me always fully grasped the limitations I was working under. (Or the fact someone's first game is rarely their best game)


08/11/2014 at 12:12 AM

Jim Sterling called Two Worlds II a GREAT game.

Fuck that guy.


08/11/2014 at 12:52 PM

I agree with Julian. Not a big fan of Sterling myself. I think the only things me and Jim agree on is our love of Deadly Premonition and Dynasty Warriors. Everything else? Not so much. lol.

Nick DiMola Director

08/11/2014 at 06:55 AM

Personally, I think I just kind of feel bad for Phil Fish. If Indie Game: The Movie is any indication, the guy seems to suffer from some really bad depression and I don't think he's particularly equipped to cope with real world problems. Most of his reactions to situations are the way I'd expect a child to behave and that seems to link directly back to whatever internal issues he's coping with. All that being said, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy I could go get a beer with. I may have some sympathy for him, but he definitely couldn't be my friend. 

As far as Fez goes, the game is truly fantastic. I'm more interested in the art than the artist - that being said, if I like the artist behind something in particular it'll likely increase my appreciation for their art. For whatever reason, it's not the same in the opposite direction, but I'm glad because I'm sure there are plenty of artists that are just despicable human beings.


08/11/2014 at 12:51 PM

I agree,Nick. Phil was not great at saying things I liked or selling me on "him" but then again he was a game-maker and not a celebrity personality. Actually having been very depressed in highschool I related to some of his reactions when he was interviewed. (Like when he said he'd commit suicide if for whatever reason he could not finish Fez) I'm not implying people change their opinion of the guy. However I believe gamers should be aware that it is much more difficult & stressful to be an indie game developer when in comparison to a big-shot who has good PR and hundreds of people working under him.


08/11/2014 at 08:40 PM

I was just talking to some friends about this kind of thing just the other day. You really have to seperate the artist from their work. It can go both ways. For example I love Miles Davis music, but as a person he was a total dick. That does not mean I have to stop listening to his music. On that same note, like you said G.R.R. Martin tells some mighty gruesome stories, that does not mean he personaly likes to get midievil on some body. Sadly there are a lot of salty people out there that have nothing better to do than piss in someone elses cereal, and most of these puds don't have a creative bone in their body. All they can do is try and tear down what other build because they can't build anything themselves.


08/11/2014 at 09:15 PM

It's rather humorous how George seems like a jovial big kid with a beard you would greet at a family barbeque or at an rpg hobby-store. He's not menacing in the least bit yet his mind has certainly been to some dark places.

 I agree there comes that time we should separate artists from their work. And yeah, the saltiest people looking to break others down are often creatively inept and just filled with bitterness and envy. 

 That said, I pretty much "get" people who cannot stand Phil Fish. He said some rather belligerent things and often acted like an over-emotional trainwreck. Still,I hope those who bought Fez can enjoy it even if its' creator is not a guy that's fun at parties!


08/11/2014 at 10:39 PM

Yeah, I saw the same movie Nick mentioned. He just seemed a bit twitchy, high strung. But he had some crazy shit going on too, high stress situation. But his melt down and following "I give up" hissy fit was just pathetic. A real artist makes what they want to make and offers it to the masses knowing not everyone will like it. And to those who don't like it ,fuck'em, who cares what they like. Never mind the irony of caving under the presser of a bunch of key board slugs in turn letting them win. I have no sympathy for the guy. Had he stood up for his art, then I would have had his back.


08/11/2014 at 11:13 PM

Yeah, I refuse to quit. I've already met people who hate my art or loathe the fact I occasionally put up something erotic/hentai related but that's their problem and not mine. I'm not going to censor my art or stories just to be politically correct either.


08/12/2014 at 01:58 PM

Yeah, I tend to be creeped out by reviewers who try and use a person's work as a means of some kind of backdoor psychoanalysis. Not everything a person works on is really reflective of their personality.


08/18/2014 at 01:07 PM

I think there are two sets of standards when it comes to content that is graphically violent and graphically sexual. As violent americans we can handle graphic violence than graphic sexual. It's just the stigma that one faces when they do such things. part of the territory. I'm sure the makers of the walking dead get talked to about their violent creations, not as much as those that do the graphic sex thing. But then again I never thought to ask porn directors how they are treated.

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