Speaking of Mondays and getting paid, what do you do for work?
Quick Hits: The Monday Special Remix Edition
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![]() On 08/11/2014 at 02:26 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbit folks! It is an overcast Monday morning here in what is usually Sunny Southern California. I hope you all are doing well, and everyone had a good weekend. I thought I’d mix it up today and have my Quick Hits today, and I hope you all don’t mind. Of course it might be a little longer than a normal Quick Hits but it’s all good. So sit back, get used to the idea that it is Monday and you’re one step closer to Friday!
Binge Watching Top Chef
(While looking up an image for this, I spoiled the end of the show. Oh well)
I decided to actually use my Hulu+ account, and I binge watched Top Chef 10 this past weekend, and I still haven’t finished the season (I’m a couple of episodes away). I’ll probably finish it this week. I forgot how much I like this show, and how it was more serious than Hell’s Kitchen, Masterchef, Chopped, and that random show on NBC.
What was fun about this season is that they brought back three chefs from previous seasons to compete. I liked CJ, indifferent about Josie, and didn’t care for Stefan. At the point I currently left off at, I still think CJ is cool, don’t care for Josie, and I like Stefan. I think I might watch more of the seasons I missed.
Return of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
The show I call “Hard Knocks For Cheerleaders” is back and it provides the same fun as previous seasons. The Season Premier has the hopefuls, along with some familiar faces coming back and auditioning for the DCC, some interesting stories, and some folks who tried out last year and got cut. I can’t wait for training camp so they can talk about which hopeful is a little “fluffy”, the drama of people who are a little behind in the choreography, and that crazy dance lady who everyone loves. This season they brought back former DCC member and Bachelorette Melissa Rycroft.
These have been my wallpapers for a couple of months now
It sounds mean but I do like the end of the show where three girls are sent to meet Kelli and she points out their weak spots and someone gets booted. I’m hoping the girl who was fan favorite from last year makes the squad.
Games In Random Spots
The Target Clearance Angry Bird figures that can be used in games have popped up in the local Ross Stores, and one of the big sets is super cheap ($7), but I don’t know if I want to spend that on basically one figure, and keep the rest of the Star Destroyer in a plastic tub.
At a Marshall’s I did spot these for $13
The ball alone is worth $13, and the game itself would be pure shelf padding especially since I don’t have a Kinect. Check out your local stores if you want a cheap copy of Baller Beats.
Bonus: if you like sneakers, and don’t want to pay a lot, check your local Ross stores. They have some crazy stuff. My store has the Griffey 1’s, a couple of the Deion Sanders shoes, and Team Jordan stuff. I bought a pair of one of the first model shoes that Kawhi wore when he joined the Jordan Brand.
Stuff I found Funny/Interesting on the Internets
Alabama fan has been bringing the LOL/WTF/SMH the past month
For you Back To School folks. Man I wish I had this when I was in college. Some of the books I bought weighed a ton, and I wasn’t a fan of the profs who wrote their book and you could only find new copies*
*Random story time: In one of my last years at State, I took a class with seven other people about running a museum (it was odd, but it filled a need to graduate and it was fun). The instructor was awesome because every class was a discussion and the required reading was articles she found, and then posted online. All we had to do was take one of those small disks to the local printer and spent maybe .40 cents a week instead of the 90+ textbook. Since I was a Graphics Major we carried around Zip Disks (don’t get me started about how much I loved the zip disks)
I’m not a fan of graffiti because the majority of it is terrible, but this is really well done.
When I get paid I’m getting this
This set is freaking awesome, and I do love me some Lego Star Wars
Game Soundtracks
I like to think I have a pretty good music library, and one of my favorite genres is the soundtrack. I have a bunch of movie, television, and theater soundtracks, but one portion has always been a little light and that is the video game soundtrack section. I had maybe two total soundtracks in the library. I also bought a couple of Humble Bundles and they came with soundtracks, and last week I decided to finally add them to my iTunes library.
I think these are all the ones I have but I might have missed maybe one or two, and I started listening to some of the HB stuff. It isn’t bad, but when playing some of these games, I’ll stick with my podcasts or iPod.
Some new console games
I found a clean and complete copy of The Conduit. I also picked up a random shooter game so I can get more use out of the plastic gun add-on I bought a while ago. Nothing too pricey here.
Apparently my GameStop has been secretly hording away PSP games in a drawer and finally just plopped the dang thing on the shelf. I wish they didn’t toss a lot of the complete game cases and manuals but out of the handful of complete games I found one I didn’t have, but wanted for a bit
I love the PSP, such a fun handheld…with a shitty nub.
I finally tracked down a sealed copy at GameStop. I’ve been getting my Fast and Furious with turtle shells fix on the go.
I finished all the easy and medium races
And I’m going to start on the hard races.
Some Android goodies
This popped up in either Flipboard, or the new section in Google Play Store, and it looked interesting. I think it was a buck
How do you not like Double Dragon?
I tried a little bit of it to see how it works and other than the joystick is too sensitive (hopefully I can adjust it), the game is fine. Another dollar game.
And another game I already own on the 360, but found for Android and it’s a lot of fun.
Hopefully I can play it with my stylus, because I had a lot of success and enjoyment playing other shooter games with this setup
I got sucked into the most recent Humble Bundle
I’m interested to see what the other games they will add to the collection. I tried a bit of Mines of Mars and Threes and they’re not bad. I wish Three’s moved as smoothly as 2048 but other than that, it’s a good game. The collection is solid.
This was a freebie from Origin
I’ve never played Wing Commander III, but it’s free and I’ll give it a try on my PC laptop at some point.
Target has been good to me. On my first trip I found these sets hidden behind some Creator sets. I went to scan them and they came up at I think around 70% off.
This set came out to $6.
This set came out to $7.
Combined both sets was cheaper than the first set at 30% off. I guess I have to continue my goal of building a scene from Game of Thrones (it’s going to involve Iron-Man. That Stark will kick ass)
My second trip to Target later on in the week and I spot this
I’ve been waiting for since it was announced that it was coming back. I missed the first release, and the one that was motorized, but I jumped all over this set. This one was steep and cost closed to $120 after tax, so I won’t be buying games for a bit, but I love, Love, LOVE, L-O-V-E this set, and is easily my favorite release from the Lego Star Wars line.
So after an hour of assembly I was at this point
Apparently my Lego skills have dropped a bit, but after two hours I have this beauty
It is so freakin’ cool!
The inside of the head
Inside the belly…with a stowaway named Bane.
A little fun with other characters, here’s the AT-AT trying to step on The Hulk
I can now recreate the Battle of Hoth with my other sets, which is kinda nerdy, but will be the Christmas Decoration for this year. Santa and Iron Man are going to pilot the Snowspeeders that take down the AT-AT.
Bonus shot of one of the minifigures
General Veers
Who later became
Grand Master Pycelle in Game of Thrones. Yeah I really have to build a GoT scene out of Lego now.
Alright Pixlbit, I am off to work on a project.
That’s all for now, more later!