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Oooooh, it was on Hard Mode

On 08/15/2014 at 12:59 AM by Super Step

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So I don't remember setting it this way, but I looked at my 1% save file for Arkham Origins, wherein the first boss, Killer Croc, had been kicking my ass, despite most bosses in Arkham games never giving me much of a problem. Lo and behold the file said I had it on Hard mode. I was wondering why Batman's armor was so dramatically less useful than in previous entries. I mean I knew it was a prequel, so it made sense it would be weaker, but damn. But now I know. 

Unfortunately, as Tomb Raider did on higer settings, playing only a few minutes of Origins causes my laptop to shut down. Just need to know what settings to adjust so I can play it longer. Only where Tomb Raider had an Ultra setting I obviously knew to set back to Normal for its graphics, I'm not really sure what to do in the Graphics options for Origins. As always, any feedback on this is appreciated and I'll be sure to look at forum posts about how to resolve the issue tomorrow. I only got as far as a beat-em-up challenge called 100 to 1 in the batcave after the Killer Croc fight, before which I skipped most cutscenes, when the game decided to shut my laptop down. I don't think it's a space issue, since I've only used about 69 GB of the 279 available on my laptop's hard disk. At least now I know it's not unsafe to download a few other games while I figure this out. It's weird though, cause to me it doesn't look that much better than the first two Arkham games, which I've played for hours straight with no such problems. Oh well.

Speaking of settings, I set Resident Evil 4 to play at 30 FPS and it seems to run just fine now. No more slow-as-molasses bullshit, though I will say they probably should have sent a better runner than Leon to track the President's daughter. Thanks for the suggestion, Blake! So far, I've only hit the second save point in the farm area before being killed and stopping, and the heightened music that accompanies the not-zombies is freaking me out a lot more than the not-zombies themselves, probably because I'm wearing headphones while playing. Still, I'm intrigued to find out what the deal is with said not-zombies. No spoilers, please! Also,  got really frustrated with the damn pause screen not letting me refill my gun's ammo, only to find out via a not-so-timely Game Manual update that reloading is done in-game. Way to be slow with the info, woman on the other end of the Metal Gear Solid codec. Oh and I swear half the times the not-zombies start grabbing their chest, they should really be exploding from what I think are clearly headshots! But I digress. This is my first non-kiosk Resident Evil experience and it's already creeped me out a couple times, so I'm intrigued to see where this goes. 

In other news, this is the first day of at least this week where I've not gone to sleep right after I get home from work around noon. I actually managed to be productive and half-assedly clean my apartment and car, even finally finished watching the original Karate Kid on Netflix after watching bits and pieces for the last few days. I think I need to stop getting on Facebook and following links to quizzes and small stories from there, cause my attention span has really gone to shit lately. God help me if I can finish so much as a 20-minute television episode without pausing it in one sitting. Then again, I wrote two articles for earlier and plan to write (or record, cause I have an idea to make my next articles mini-podcasts) at least one or two more by tommorrow, so I guess my newfound ADD hasn't affected my ability to write ... poorly. Hell, look at this blog. Still haven't gotten back on the diet and exercise train, but that may just have to wait until Fall while I indulge myself as much as I can the rest of summer. See: my earlier blog post today.

For those of you wondering what I thought about The Karate Kid, I um ... thought it was just ok. I actually prefer the remake with Will Smith's son and Jackie Chan. Both have their own strengths and weakness though, and I'd say they're pretty even quality-wise. But with no nostalgia for the original and having been surprised by the emotional depth (especially in Jackie Chan'sperformance) and cinematography of the remake, I have to hand it to the remake as being my personal favorite. I'm not interested in the sequels really, but Netflix suggested Rudy, which I've only seen parts of, so that may be what I watch next. Oh and I haven't yet caught a fly with chopsticks, but I have killed several around my apartment with my bare hands this summer (hence cleaning or at least taking out trash as often as possible; damn flies), so I guess I'm capable of anything according to that crazy and wise Okinawan who teaches karate by having skinny white boys paint his house for him. 

Well, it's two minutes to midnight where I am, so I better set my alarm and go to bed. In closing, wax on, wax off or jacket on, jacket off? You decide.




08/15/2014 at 01:07 AM

Rudy is fantastic. I think you'll like it more than the Karate Kid.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/15/2014 at 01:15 AM

I hope I do. I liked Karate Kid well enough as it is, and I do love a good underdog story.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/15/2014 at 07:25 AM

You're welcome. I had the same problem you did with RE4 :) Anyway, enjoy. RE4 is my second favourite game of all time, but going back to it recently I forgot how damn tense it is. Not being able to move while aiming really does add a level of suspense to the combat. And fuck the chainsaw guys... that's all I'm going to say.

 As for settings to turn down, if I have slowdown in a game, the first things I turn off are ambient occlusion and antialiasing. If you're still having difficulty, turn anisotropic filtering down to the lowest it can go, followed by turning shadow settings down. Also, since you're on a laptop, try finding things that tax your cpu, like decals or bullet holes, as CPU is usually a bigger issue with gaming laptops than GPU.

 Sorry if you already know all of this and I'm acting like a know it all git.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/15/2014 at 09:50 AM

Ha I didn't know any of that. I mean I definitely turned anti-aliasing and shadows down only after the screen went black except for health bars during the Killer Croc fight, but that was only due to fumbling around and lowering ALL THE THINGS! lol Thanks for the advice, it's good to know someone who knows about PC gaming. Smile

Blake Turner Staff Writer

08/15/2014 at 10:48 AM

Haha. Don't worry. Just remember one thing: PC gamers don't know shit, they just google every fucking thing.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/15/2014 at 11:14 AM

Haha well that's what I was planning on doing, but it's nice to have the answers in one spot for my convenience. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/15/2014 at 05:41 PM

this is very true.  if i ever have any problems, I google the problem exactly as I have it.  odds are, someone has had the same problem.  


08/15/2014 at 02:04 PM

Blake already answered about Origins before I could say that the game is generally known for having performance problems. Oh well.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/15/2014 at 05:56 PM

Blech. Wish that site I use to ask if games will run on my PC would say something. Oh well.


08/15/2014 at 02:22 PM

I'm sure certain devoted fans trashed the Karate Kid remake but truth be told I thought the overall premise and the characters were more fleshed out. Don't get me wrong, I love the original too but I was glad to see the remake actually had some thought and care put into it.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/15/2014 at 05:57 PM

Yeah, that's what I think too pretty much. 


08/16/2014 at 04:30 PM

Loved playing RE4 on the Gamecube, must've played through it at least a dozen times. I'm usually a bit of a wimp when it comes to Horror games but something about it was just too good.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/16/2014 at 04:57 PM

So far, I'm fine with it, but it hasn't been amazing or anything. Guess we'll see how things change.


08/19/2014 at 01:14 PM

A PC game can actually shut down your PC after a few minutes of use? I never knew that before. I just figured it would crash your system but not a complete system shutdown. Wow. mmmmmmm.......resident evil.........

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/19/2014 at 02:41 PM

I think it just overheats it cause there's too much for it to handle. Also, many of these problems are likely due to the fact my laptop really isn't a gaming rig by any stretch of the imagination, but hey, games mostly seem to work on it, so why the hell not?


08/20/2014 at 01:54 PM

WAIT you like the new Karate Kid over the old Karate Kid? The story about a kid trying to learn karate from a book, who tries to fight kids who actually train, gets bailed out by handy man who makes kid fix his house, gives him a car, dates karate groupie Elisabeth Shue, and in the end even the bully respects him? Tongue Out I've actually never seen the new version. I like to believe that the story ended with the second film.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/20/2014 at 05:52 PM

He actually trains. It turns out Mr. Miyagi was teaching Daniel-san defense by having him wash his car. And remember that sweet crane kick. NO CAN DEFENSE! ... I'm pretty sure that's not at all true, and the bully could have just tripped Daniel-san, but no he couldn't have because NO CAN DEFENSE!


08/21/2014 at 11:13 AM

Right? I pointed this out as a kid. Why didn't they just sweep the leg? Everyone knows he's going to kick.

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