it's time for another edition of the blog series that;s all about you fuckers.
How's everyone doing? How was your week?
Mine's been decent. I started working overnights. I get home close to the time my girl is getting up and around, and I've still got a bit of energy....and it all goes right down the drain after I fry myself up a couple of eggs, sprinkle cheese on top of them, hit it all with a bit of ketchup and add a flat wheat bagel to the side. It's not the healthiest breakfast around, but I use a good deal of calories up during the day so I'm really not worried about it. Now that I've briefed you on what a Dark Lord Of The Sith eats for his morning meal, let's begin!

I nearly forgot to mention that none of these pics I've been using are original at all. I simply find what I like on the internet and throw it in. I'm not making money off of anybody, so they can kiss my whole ass if they don't like it. 
What are you watching?
I'm watching Continuum. I'm usually doing something else while the episodes are streaming, so I typically end up re-watching each episode one or two times. I don't mind though, it's a really good show about a time-traveling cop working with present-day police to overthrow a time-traveling cell of terrorists. The timecop is also in cahoots with a young visionary who has a large stake in her future. I won't go into any more details; it's a good show, and I doubt you'd be very disappointed if you gave it a gander.
What are you playing?
I've been getting more and more into Hearthstone, just playing casual matches. I'm still really liking how Thrall the Shaman plays, so I've been putting time in with that deck. I don't play but 2-3 matches a day, but it's a welcome distraction from the beast of a game that is Persona 4. I've been neglecting all the other games in my backlog so as not to get distracted and put down Persona 4 again....I'm going to stick with it until I finish this time. I've beaten upwards of 16+ games already and we're only 3/4 through the I think I'm making damned good progress on my backlog. I've resolved not to purchase any more games for the PS3. At all. If they're given as gifts (my bday is a little over a month away) I won't turn them down though!
What are you reading?
I haven't been reading very much, other than the stupid shit people post on Facebook. Oh, and I've been keeping up with the Michael Brown situation in Missouri. It's pretty ridiculous....and I have some strong opinions on it. But here is not the place for that. You're more than welcome to guess what my stance is there.
What are you eating?
This is more or less the question that most of you, except for Step, fail to answer. I don't care if you end up sounding like a colossal fatass, you should definitely include the delicious foods you're eating during the weekend in your comment. Hell, Step was the most fitness-minded one of us (maybe he still is, though his recent blog makes me think he's taking a break) and he wrote a blog about his 3 Sweet Tea Lunch @ a burger joint. Food is the common denominator...everyone's gotta eat, right? Of course they do!
Last night I had homemade tamales that my girl's mom made...they were delicious. I had a couple that were chicken-filled and a couple that were filled with cheese and jalapeno. I already wrote about my breakfast....tonight, it'll probably be tortilla soup and a nice turkey & tomato sandwich.
It's your turn. And for those of you who lurk and don't should check in and talk about yourself a bit!!!