I agree that FFT is the king of SRPGs. I too am a little nostalgic for the PS1 version, even though the PSP game did bring a much better translation and some really nice cut-scenes (though with some added slowdown).
Final Fantasy Tactics the king of srpgs
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![]() On 03/10/2013 at 12:31 AM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
Final Fantasy Tactics is one awesome tactical rpg, and in my opinion only second to Tactics Ogre wich is ironic since Square bought out quest made this game then bought out Enix and became Square Enix the common name for Square today. Square has always been a great rpg producer and Enix just helped that cause, but FFT was just epic for the time and still epic today actually I dont think anyone has made a strategy title as good as this since it was made in 2007.
The playstation black label version has sold more then on any other platform to date, and then the remake of it Final Fantasy Tactics the war of the lion on psp was another hit and made a great game even better, me personally I preffer the classic ps1 game myself its nostolgic and very collectable but dont get me wrong the psp version was awesome and the makeover was done in a way to where it kept everything that made the original great and added more to make the psp version just as good with updated graphics, I have honestly spent more hours playing this game over the years, and im still finding new things I have never seen.this game is huge and very tough especially in the later levels.
The one thing thats stands out is the gameplay,the turned base grid gameplay is outstanding and the different character classes weremdone in annaddicting way, you start out with your basic classes like a mage a warrior an archer etc and as you raise there level you can master skills to upgrade each class, you can even be a time mage who can alter time speed it up ar slow it down to use to your advantage for example you can use haste to speed up time to give your squad more turns then your opponent,its the littl subtle things square added that made this game so successful,it has very versatilemaps so you never see the same map twice unless of course your replaying the maps to level up,its really amazing the strategy involved in playing this classic and thats probably the main reason this is one of my all time favorite games.