the shading on Kara looks great! You've improved a lot with your coloring, etc.
I want to pick up that remastered Kingdom Hearts 1 game sometime. Always been meaning to try those.
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![]() On 08/24/2014 at 11:14 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Coming to you from the bohemian’s crows-nest me harties! Gaming wise I’m caught up in Birth By Sleep again. Aqua has some awesome fights, especially the one where she helps Prince Phillip face Maleficent in her dragon form! That whole battle rekindled my childhood nostalgia quite significantly.
Alex and I “tried” to get more cool weapons unlocked in EDF 2025 but for some reason we couldn’t cooperate worth shit. Perhaps it is because we were out of sync from having put it down a couple of days. Certain games punish you for the briefest of hiatuses!
Oh, and I banged this hawtie named Kara who wears a bee-suit. (NSFW) Granted she’s a fictional character knocking boots with my fictional avatar but I’m quite sure this will be misconstrued as me hating, raping, and objectifying bees! For the record, I love bees. It’s the wasps and hornets that are complete assholes. They’re always up in my grill when I’m taking out the garbage. Lousy bunch of trash eating free-loaders, every last one of them!
When a scandal erupts that I whore out my body to bee-babes for honey you remember that I did it all for social justice and to champion the cause of bee rights! I’m the real Ben Shady and I’m standing up!
KH is a great series,Matt! I do admit the "core story" is a bit difficult to follow sometimes. However the gameplay, nostalgic environmental designs, and number of endearing cameos make the trip worth it. I'm flattered you harped on the shading done to Kara. Thank you,sir!
I still get freaked out Ventus and Roxas look near identical. lol. Nomura already confirmed the resemblence doesn't mean anything but still...
Rambling aside,the characters as a whole are more interesting in Birth By Sleep. I also think Ventus was a better Sora than Sora if that makes sense. As in he can be upbeat and optmistic as the youngest male hero in the group but he never oversteps the line where it becomes annoying.
Birth by sleep is the very best handheld Kingdom Hearts game in my opinion. If you have a psp or can download it via vita I'd say it is a must have,Chris. Playing Birth By Sleep makes cycling through spells/items very easy and the better you get with each,the faster you can use them again after a cool down period. The melee combat is as fast,frantic,and varied as you would expect. There are "command styles" that get unleashed when you do certain things in battle and using them is sheer eye candy.
For me it compares pretty well with Devil May Cry. Quite a lot of potentials for combos and being stylish. Also, each of the 3 protagonists play a bit differentely and though they visit the same worlds they accomplish different tasks and often fight different bosses. (Or different forms of the same boss)
NSFW. Take my word for it about the warning, and it's a comic strip.