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Tablet Games, Chris' Advice To You College Folks, And Oh PSN...

On 08/25/2014 at 12:28 PM by goaztecs

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Greetings good people of Pixlbitland! How was your weekend? For me the gaming stuff was really laid back. There wasn’t a lot of gaming especially on the consoles. I should take advantage of these lazy weekends because I have a crazy backlog that will be pushed back once Destiny rolls out (this is what happens when you reserve a game on a whim).


First off to you folks who are going back to school here’s some advice I learned

  2. Top Ramen is not a good dinner choice (I hate that stuff to this day)
  3. Visit your professors. Many times they will give you hints or full on answers to tests
  5. Actually study
  6. The Gym is free, USE IT! If anything there is always a pickup game
  7. Enjoy your time. It goes by quick
  8. Don’t go to class in your pajamas. Make an effort to actually be presentable
  9. Get involved with on campus clubs
  10. GO.TO.CLASS.



So I heard through my news source (Twitter) that PSN got hacked again, and sure enough when I went to check it was down. My first reaction was “I wonder which free games we will be offered”, and then what should have been my first reaction “What the hell Sony.”


I saw this article this morning while reading items from my news source

And it looks like these folks are targeting XBox.


As for actual gaming there really isn’t much going on…again. Since I have the Simpsons Marathon, I’ve been watching that, I took in the last Die Hard flick, and maybe spent too much time building up bases in some tablet games.

Simpsons Tapped Out – iPad Air/Android


I unlocked Wizard Marge, that I can’t use yet


I achieved the level where I can start buying walls for Lisa’s Castle which is the same size as Bart’s Castle across the mini river



Plundernauts – iPad Air

I am currently upgrading my workhorse of the fleet so I can take the final two planets in the last solar system. It has been upgrading since Saturday Night, and it should be ready in an hour. Currently I’ve been using an older ship on the easier worlds that have been re-attacked.

From what I read online, everyone is just waiting and saving up all the in game currency for when new ships, solar systems, and multiplayer is added.


Star Wars Commander – iPad Air


This is my base. I have no idea what I am doing but I have been building what I think is a solid base. I attacked one person’s base because it was part of the single player storyline, and I won so I think I’m doing ok.

I also joined a group. Actually it’s the second group I joined. The first kicked me out for some reason, so I joined this other one. I don’t know what we are supposed to do but apparently we just attack other people’s bases and they do the same. Either way it’s kind of fun to see what approaches people take.


As for the other handhelds, I played a couple of random games, mostly on the 3DS XL. It’s the stuff I downloaded from Club Nintendo, and some random match game I bought when it was on sale. Nothing too exciting. On the Vita, well it has been Treasures of Montezuma Blitz…and that’s pretty much it. I have a couple of Vita games I should try and finish but I’m just not in the mood.

As for consoles just NCAA Football with the San Antonio Raiders. I’m thinking I will leave them independent because I like having new teams to play every season. I will try and have a schedule where I never leave the state, which should be fun.

Alright Pixlbit, I am off so this is the end of my blog…also GO TO CLASS!


That’s all for now, more later!





08/25/2014 at 12:38 PM

PSN did not get hacked. The servers were subjected to a Denial of Service attack in which a bunch of idiots spammed the servers with phony traffic making it impossible for real requests to get through. It did not involve breaking into anything so there was no hack.


08/26/2014 at 11:28 AM

Ah, good to know. From what my news outlet (Twitter) made it sound like it was almost as bad as last time. If it was DoS then it isn't as bad. It still sucks but not like the great outage of PSN.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

08/25/2014 at 12:47 PM

I did 9/10 of those when I was in college so go me!


08/26/2014 at 11:29 AM

9/10...that means you skipped one of your classes Tongue Out


08/25/2014 at 01:23 PM

Im doubtful they will get much of a chance, the FBI is out to get them now. They posted on twitter about there being a bomb on a plane flight that had the president of Sony Online Entertainment John Smedley. They had to land the plane be safe. Thats pretty much what I have been told is a straight up felony charge now. I cant wait to see the news article saying they were arrested -_-


08/26/2014 at 11:31 AM

Its one thing to mess with a company's security but when you start scares about people's safety, that's just wrong. 


08/27/2014 at 02:49 AM

Damn. What's hackers got against Sony? Is it really just that they didn't allow Linux on the PS3?

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/25/2014 at 02:26 PM

mmmmm ramen.  


08/26/2014 at 11:31 AM

I hate the stuff. That and Cup O Soup. Easily the worst things I've ever eaten in college. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

08/26/2014 at 11:38 AM

yeah every once in a while I have some ramen like once a year as a guilty pleasure.  


08/25/2014 at 02:54 PM

number 2 should read simply

2. Top Ramen is not food.


08/26/2014 at 11:32 AM

Yes...and YES!

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/25/2014 at 06:00 PM

1. Don't have to, online.

2. Never bought it for myself. Been eating out. Will be surely broke soon.

3. I'm basically building one of their classes, so we're good.

4. NO

5. I can read. Don't be condescending.

6. You're gonna get somebody killed. Avoid pick-up games at all costs. Don't make monetary bets, the refs are biased. Stay in your corner with the free weights and don't smile or make eye contact. DO NOT get involved in pick-up games. You will get shot. All pick-up game players are violent men with gambling addictions. And guns.

7. #1 way to enjoy your time: Never get involved in Residence Life. Makes time go slower.

8. I wore pajamas under my jeans on cold days. It was comfy.

9. I never did and I turned out fine.

10. Do you want me to jump into the Internets? I can't. 


08/26/2014 at 11:37 AM

Dude what is going on at your gyms if pick up games are dangerous? When I used to go it was all the guys who couldn't make the team, and the guys from other countries who tried the latest moves they saw on TV.

I had a different experience with Residential Life. It was a lot of fun, my residents were calm freshmen, and I worked the 12-4am shift at the desk which was my study time/holy shit I have a paper due at noon time. 

Jump into the internets!!! Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/26/2014 at 11:58 AM

Lol I'm just giving you crap. 


08/26/2014 at 12:29 PM

I know man, its all good.

Cary Woodham

08/25/2014 at 07:47 PM

I always went to class.  Except I did skip a few of my Children's Literature classes because I was already making a 100 in that class anyway and I had classes for my major to study for.

I never ate Ramen in college.  I don't really like it that much.

I always visited my professors in college.  I think it did help a bit.

I studied a lot, too.  Another good tip is to get plenty of sleep.  I did that as well.

Only problem with the gym being free is that it was always crowded.  That's why I didn't use it much then.

College was a fun time and I did enjoy it and miss some things about it.  However at the same time, it was a waste of time as far as finding future jobs was concerned.  At least for me.

Which brings me to my next tip: major in something marketable.  Don't be like me and major in Magazine Journalism.  However, in my defense, at the time I was already writing for The Dallas Morning News so it seemed ike a good idea at the time.

I always showered and dressed before I went to class.  You never know when that cute girl would decide to sit by you.

I was involved with the campus newspaper for a few semesters, but that was it for me and college clubs.

And that was some of my college tidbits by me, Cary.


08/26/2014 at 11:39 AM

Good tips! 

Oh plenty of sleep. That is a good one! 


08/26/2014 at 08:49 PM

Yes, Stay In School and get a good job or you will be condemed to hard labor such as myself. @56 years old the labor is starting to take its toll on my body


08/27/2014 at 02:54 AM

I loved my classes in school. I carried around a huge backpack full of books and spent a lot of time at the library. I actually still do all that except now I'm probably seen as a freak. Oh well, what's a reading addict to do. 

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