I recognize Leonardo from Ninja Turtles and Astro Boy on that car, but can't make out the rest well aside from the comic book sayings. Looks cool though.
The (Arkham) Asylum is Down, we must go Beyond (Good & Evil)
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![]() On 08/26/2014 at 02:50 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
Sup peeps!? I've been gliding here and there and you've all been busy, so have I.
I'm working 5 days a week and this week was the London Carnival (think Mardi Gras with worse weather but better music and food) Saturday to Monday. So I could party or play too much. but I did manage.
Arkham Asylum
I forgot how stiff certan things felt and remembering the old button config was trick at times but I finished it rather easily, I started to apreciate what Rocksteady and Dini did with this game, from little touches to just how much it holds up. Something I had forgotten about but now that I experienced it again is just how cinematic the gameplay was, in particular the parts where you talk to the joker in that places where you speak to inmates (I forgot what it's called), there where obvious clues that the manikin was the joker because when you turned around ONCE certain positions changed and I was desprate to use Detective Mode but Rocksteady are gits!
The I realise that that is the main problem with City (even though I think it's better), there was a greater sense of dread and ingame cinematic feel as well as isolation. Some of this is important to the character but not so much the franchise however I hope it's more prominent.
Beyond Good & Evil
Just restarted and I like it already, i'm not too far in, just got the first mission in the cave but it's cool so far. I have the PC version but i'm using the Pinnicle Game Profiler to use my Xbox360 controller. I'm surprised they haven't remade this game yet, maybe after BG&E2?
Poket Fist! (Pokken)
Well, Pokemon has finally got a fighting game, it appears 2D but looks very Capcomy.
(If you don't know who that guy at the top is... Read Sandman!)
Grant morrison released his multiverse sprawlling epic detailing how the DC universe works with characters, concepts and stories from DC past reimagined and or restored. This is what you call A Love Letter To ANY AGE. for all those who get that reference, you know what i'm talking about.
I wish that the whole Nu52 was conducted with this much care, love and intelligence... with a touch of madness
The Fade Out
Ed Brubaker and Sean Philips have anythother crime noir epic, I'm not going to say much about other than Read there previous work, Criminal and Fatale.
My new headphones are alright but for some odd reason tend to cut in and out not all the time, just enough to be documented, they aren't as tight either but then I have a small head because of that they don't feel as bassy as the other ones which have about the same output.
That Wii controller to PC usb adapter works damn near perfectly, I can use my fightstick with ease sometimes when I start the game I have to pull it in and out again but other than that, no problems.
A lot of Talented people have died recently, actors and artist. It's a shame, still, we live in a more connected world so as we don't forget those who leave there legacy behind. Immortality is real.
This is V saying
"You Walk By McDonald's one day and you see something Amazing"