Hello everyone!
It's time for yet another edition of the weekend-nosey-blog that kicks the ever-loving hell out of other weekend-nosey blogs.

credit to the original artist, as always.
Let's begin!!!
What Are You Playing?
Well since I just beat Demon's Souls last night, I haven't quite decided what I'm going to play. Im still chugging along in Persona 4, and I played about 15 minutes of Stella Deus: the Gate of Eternity (just to check it out, I think i'm gonna like it!!), but since AsReal is going to be playing horror-themed games to welcome the autumn and the upcoming Halloween, I think I may just have to get down to the nitty-gritty with my copy of Resident Evil 4 HD. Other than that, I may play some Fez on PC to celebrate Phi "Douchebag" Fish selling the IP. Seriously, Fish stepping away from Fez is the best thing to happen to Fez since Fez was released.
What Are You Watching?
The 3rd season of Once Upon A Time released today via Netflix streaming, so I imagine my girl and I will be immersed in that all weekend. Also been watching various Alaska-themed shows on Netflix streaming. I enjoy that sorta stuff.
What Are You Reading?
Just blogs, really. I still haven't cracked a book in nearly a month. Actually, probably over a month.
What Are You Eating?
I just munched some corn dogs for breakfast. I may go and get a Jumbo Jack for lunch, fry my own egg, and then top the burger with the fried egg. It's no Red Robin delicacy, but it'll do.