Vampires versus zombies: And why I
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![]() On 08/30/2014 at 02:45 AM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
I spent all night playing VTM Bloodlines. I did quite a few quests (Including stopping a plague bearer cult who were spreading diseases and turning people into zombies) and now I’m on a “ghost ship” called the Elizabeth Dane trying to get a ship manifesto for the head prince (vampire overlord) of Santa Monica. Sadly this requires stealth and I friggin hate stealth!
Next month I’ll be picking up Diablo III ultimate edition. Though I was mad when the game first came out due to the always online bullshit and the greed driven auction house, it seems as if Blizzard did a good job fixing these issues and this version even includes the “Reaper of souls expansion” for the sweet price of $39.99! (At least on the 360 and PS3)
For the record, I sadly was caught up in a lot of that drama. Some people call it “Quinn piracy” but I’ll just call it “Derpanok: The great derping”.
I know some of you may be disappointed in my character because I did not take the suave collected “neutrality approach” the rest of pixlbit did and I feel I have to explain myself.
For the record, I was not solely triggered by Zoe Quinn herself and I think too many people jump to the assumption anyone against this woman is just being misogynistic and hating on her because of “vagina”. Yet for the people that had the balls to perhaps read the extensive data collected on “Know your meme” as well as look at the you tube videos of Mundane Matt and Internet Aristocrat , there was a lot more information and more angles to that sordid affair going way beyond her gilded ex boyfriend airing her dirty laundry.
I’ll be honest, I’ve been angry at game journalism a long time. Some of you will remember my fight with Bob Mackey (Mr. This Month In Misogyny) and to be frank that was not the only time a sensationalist click bait article or shame tactic piece of “journalism” set me off.
Many of you probably remember when Kat Bailey compared Lords Of Shadow 2 to Rape-lay (At least Chris graded LOS2 from an entirely fair 100% gamer perspective) and when both Polygon and Kotaku lost it over Dragon Crown’s art-style. There was also a frenzy over Lara Croft possibly being raped in the new Tomb-raider (She wasn’t) and Hideo Kojima was accused of misogyny because his character design for the female sniper Quiet happened to look “sexy”.
Understand as someone who “creates things” this stuff is a bit more personal for me. Yes, I draw scantily clad women,write stories that are occasionally macabre,dark,or erotic, and draw hentai. So what? It’s not because I “hate women”. (Lust after them certainly!) I’m simply exhausted by certain people’s idiotic snap assumptions. Yes, I’m a guy with heterosexual biology but that does not automatically make me opposed to diversity in games or more females being in the industry. Additionally I have no problems with gay marriage, people who identify as transgender, or well told stories that cater to the LGBT community. My frustration is despite all this and despite identifying myself as an egalitarian I often get labeled as a misogynistic-pedophile-women-objectifying- rape-culture-supporting goblin anyway.
That’s what many folks in the debate are not getting. Gamers are not “mad” at the industry for diversifying itself or catering to more demographics. Gamers are upset because the gaming journalism narrative always seems to talk down to us (And often times even the developers who make the games) as if they are goading us into fights just to get more traffic. The most famous “talking heads of gaming” seem to have some sort of self loathing complex but rather than internalize it they take it out on us to feel better about themselves!
Lastly, I want to meet the people on the other side half way! If they stop calling me a misogynist piece of vile I’ll try not throwing around words like “white knight” or “sjw” anymore. I want peace……. but I refuse to be mocked and dragged through the mud merely for having my own opinions and my own tastes.