There's going to be a Costume Quest 2? Interesting! I say that just because Double fine hardly ever does direct sequels. (But I'd love a follow up to Brutal Legend)
PAX Prime 2014!
On 09/04/2014 at 08:31 PM by Cary Woodham See More From This User » |
Well I just got back from PAX Prime in Seattle, and all my PAX articles are posted at So here are links to those articles for you all to read! Please check them out and post a comment or two if you can. I’d really appreciate it.
Sorry for the inconvenience of clicking on links, but I went to PAX as a member of the press for GamerDad, so that’s where the articles need to be and nowhere else. I hope you get a chance to take a look at them, though, as I played a bunch of games and took a lot of pictures! Let’s check them out!
PAX Prime 2014: Day 1: Seattle Warriors
On the first day I played titles like Nom Nom Galaxy, Geometry Wars 3, and a kickstarter game called Adventures of Pip. And I checked out games from big name companies like Square-Enix, Capcom, Namco, SEGA, & Nintendo.
PAX Prime 2014: Day 2: “Tooning” In
PAX is very indie game friendly, so on the second day I looked at some indie game fare as well as checked out titles from publishers like Midnight City (Costume Quest 2), Big Fish Games, and Cartoon Network!
PAX Prime 2014: Day 3: Cupcakes & Costumes
On the last day of the show, I wrapped up my meetings and played The Behemoth’s new game (so new it doesn’t even have a title yet). I also tried out some stuff from publisher Reverb and a couple of other games. And I posted pictures of cosplayers dressed as their favorite characters! Click to find out which costumes I liked the best!
And that’s all for now! Thanks for reading my articles and posting comments. If you have any questions about anything I did at PAX, or would like more details, just ask in the comments section. Later! --Cary