Wow. I need to try some of these. Some I've played, but others not. The Galaxy games are ones I haven't. Would love to give them a run.
Casey Ranks Mario Games
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![]() On 09/05/2014 at 02:29 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
So Blake asked me what my ranking for Mario games would be. And I thought that would be fun to write about them. I'm keeping it to just the platformers because if I ranked all of them that would mean including Kart. And sports. And RPGs. And Party. And Yoshi. And....Wario? And.....
18. Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
Also known as Super Mario Bros 2 in Japan, I'll level with you guys. This game is just not fun to play. At all. It's about being a dick to the player even if he's hates the game for it. Mechanically it's fine, but the level design is torture.
17. Super Mario Land
I'm sure this game was amazing when it came out. I mean, Mario anywhere at anytime! But nowadays, it just does not hold up. The controls lack the polish of the series and the level design is just not up to par. It doesn't even look or feel like a Mario game. More like a cheap Chinese rip off of a Mario game.
16. New Super Mario Bros 2
While mechanically more sound than later entries and not having any flaws that many other entries on this list have, at the end of the day, NSMB2 just was not memorable. I cannot tell you what I did in World 4 or really any world. I just remember the time trials were neat. I feel the game should have been built around those rather than try to confine them to the usual Mario trimmings. At least then we'd have something different and memorable. As is, this game is fine if you've never played a NSMB. If you have, there's no reason to play unless you really want a Mario fix.
15. Super Mario Bros
A classic which paved the way to bigger and better things. Unfortunately I played many of those bigger and better things before this game, so as is, the game has its iconic moments, but lacks the draw future Mario games had on me.
14. Super Mario 64
Yes, I played this game when it was new. Yes, I was blown away by it. BUT it just does not hold up that well. The controls just do not have the precision necessary for this game. Often a tight turn in my mind means going as wide as possible for Mario. I love the levels and areas, but the controls need work. A remake on the Galaxy engine on the other hand would launch this up to top five.
13. Super Mario Bros 2 ('Merican version)
A game which had neat ideas which was never expanded on. I loved the idea behind this game, but thought the controls could use just a little more precision and the levels, while good, were not quite great. Give me a sequel to this one and I'd be all over it.
12. New Super Mario Bros
A new 2D Mario was a dream come true when this came out. And I had a blast with it. The game is not as fun as the console NSMB games, but it had enough neat level ideas to keep it memorable. I still felt it was trying too hard to imitate SMB3 instead of adding more to the Mario series however.
11. New Super Mario Bros U
It's more NSMB. If you're a fan of the formula, the level design is good enough and the new power ups and baby Yoshis (awesome) will keep you happy. If not, nothing to see here. Again held back by the NSMB formula.
10. Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
A very different Mario game, but unlike the first SML, it does not feel cheap like that game. It feels like Nintendo is trying something really different with the formula, like putting Mario on the moon (wait...)
9. Super Mario 3D Land
Basically New Super Mario Bros in 3D, for better or worse. Mechanically, it's more similar to the 2D Mario games than any of the other 3D ones. And the levels are very good, though repetitive. That was my main issue with this and really any post Galaxy Mario. All the levels feel too similar and never did something super creative. And this game has some moments where levels look half finished, though that may be an effect of the 3D focus.
8. Super Mario Sunshine
A neat idea for a 3D Mario game held back by the story of all things. The FLUDD was an awesome mechanic idea, giving Mario a squirt gun, jetpack, and many other cool tricks in one snazzy device. But keeping it confined to a beach resort got old. I wanted an ice world, a lava world, a world I hadn't thought about. Instead I had tropical everywhere. And the objectives could get more annoying than fun every now and then. And those blue coins...
Also thought the best part ironically was when they took to FLUDD away and gave super challenging platforming segments.
7. New Super Mario Bros Wii
If there's a spot where this list transitions from good to great, I'd put it here. NSMBW was a fantastic little platformer. I don't like the multiplayer as I thought bouncing all over each other got more annoying than fun (not to mention all my friends suck at Mario games). But if you want any NSMB game to play, this is the one.
6. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
It's starring Wario, but it still has Mario in the title. Taking Mario Land 2's villain and giving him his own game was an awesome idea, especially since Wario cares more about collecting money than Mario, giving a neat twist on the Mario concept. While future Wario Lands were all better, this is still a great entry in the Mario series. This was also the first game I ever owned, so it's very special to me.
5. Super Mario 3D World
While held back by everything I have said about 3D Land and NSMB, this game comes closer than any other to overcoming this all. While the character selection is the draw here, what really makes this game special is all the crazy ideas it throws at you. In fact I'm almost certain this conversation took place at some point during development:
"You can't stick all of these power ups in one level and-"
"I can do anything I want! I'm MIYA-FUCKING-MOTO"
4. Super Mario Brothers 3
Remember how I said NSMBW was where this list translated from good to great? This is where the list translates from great to legendary. Everything about this game oozes creativity. The power ups, the level design (those giant levels), hell, I had no clue this was an NES game until I was a teenager. Truly ahead of its time and an all time classic. If you haven't played it....I'm not even going to say go play it. Go fuck yourself.
3. Super Mario Galaxy
A game that took the Mario and turned him on his head-literally. Galaxy 1 and 2 are the most creative 3D platformers I have ever played, their level design is full of so many amazing ideas. Even the Wiimote centric levels were pretty damn good.
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
Takes Galaxy 1 and improves on it in every way. Offering more creativity and challenge than the original, Galaxy 2 is the best Wii game ever. Plus it didn't have Rosalina (not that I hate her as a character, but the way people get off to her is really fucking creepy). I squealed with delight when I heard the music to Hightail Falls. Of course that would mean nothing without...
1. Super Mario World
The first video game I ever played. At the time, it seemed like the grandest, most epic adventure ever. Super Mario World was not just about beating every level, it was about finding every secret to a level. About feeling not just that you were beating a game, but were mastering it. Every other level offered some secret path to a new level making the map feel seemingly endless. Some were even designed around their secret paths.
I love every level to this game. I love the music. I love the enemy design. I love the cape. I love the secret level that only exists to give power ups. I love the Star Road. I love the secret Yoshis in the Star Road. I love the secret path on the Star Road leading to the Special World. I just love this game.