I wrote a blog about this on 1up a while back after deciding to talk to women that I know, gamers and non gamers, to see how they felt anout so-called sexism in games. The verdict I found was that some care, some don't, some like it. But more importantly I learned that female gamers are tired of being singled out as "girl gamers" or "female gamers", they just want to be treated as gamers, but they find it hard to just be a gamer when these white knight journalists are always turning them into victims. Sure there are women that do it from time to time, but it's the men in this industry that feel the need to defend them that really take it too far. Bob mackey is an excellent example of this, as are Patrick Klepik from GiantBomb, and Author Gies from Rebel FM. Shit's irritating as hell.
Sexism Rants and Why We Hate Them
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![]() On 03/10/2013 at 11:51 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
Those of you who have seen the Tropes vs Women first video on video games dealing with the damsel in distress will be able to follow this very easily. To those of you who have not seen it and value your time too much to watch it: Think of your least favorite Bob Mackey article. Okay, you're in the perfect mindset to read this.
She used April O'Neil as an example. Has she never heard of the cartoon?
So basically, the article dealt explained the damsel in distress trope and how it has been used in older video games. You then got a rant where she called it bullshit, showing exceptions to the rule to try to devalue them, and the typical bullshit all of us gamers hate. In her defense, she did her research, pulling out very little known facts. That's basically the only good I can say though as I just wanted to write some smartass piece mocking the video. When I saw how this was almost universally hated, by well reasoned people just as much as the overly defensive fanboys, I wondered why do we hate sexism so much. So I ended up figuring out a few reasons as to why I do at least:
1. They only focus on women
Let's take a look at Gears of War for a second. The game is mostly made of men, but none of them have much personality. Marcus Fenix is an always pissed tough guy, Baird says stupid shit, Cole Train says hilariously stupid shit, and Dom obsesses over his dead family and how he could not protect him. They all look like they take a type of steroids that doesn't exist yet. Now, if the morons giving sexism rants actually cared about both sides, this would be the male equivalent of Lollipop Chainsaw and Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball.
Rather than just showing one side, the video only focuses on how women are objectified by this. What about the men always saving them though? By this logic would it not be safe to assume that it is the duty of a man to fight for others and protect people? Hell, I'll go one step further and say by this logic, couldn't it be linked to why until this very year only men were drafted into the army to go to war in America? Now, I'm not saying this has anything to do with it, nor am I not. That's not the point. What I'm saying is that there are two sides to sexism and it is annoying how every bit of focus are on women.
2. They neglect answering why
Now, this was part one and part two will focus on more modern games, but every damsel in distress came from a time where very was a very small, if non existant part of video games compared to what it is like today. Games had barely any story, used little voice acting if any at all, and did not want to interrupt the gameplay for it.
So they needed to set a simple goal up to explain why the protagonist is going through all these challenges. Many did it without the damsel in distress. Mega Man had you resue Dr. Light, which since he was a robot and the doctor was wearing a lab coat, even without any exposition you could logically guess that he created Mega Man. Not every game had a setting and character designs that could take advantage of this though and there are fewer ways that are better to convey this in five seconds than being rewarded with a beatiful woman.
The reason was not because developers wanted a male dominated world. It's just because they didn't give a shit about stories and did the bare minimum for them.
3. The good examples have already been taken
Remember Metroid: Other M? People sure were pissed about what that turned Samus into. Pretty much everyone's said their two cents on it from the perspective of a Metroid fan. So people wanting to go into games with a demonstration of sexism, they can only really gloss over that game or else people will turn away sick of seeing that dead horse get beaten any more.
No one wants to hear about this again.
Instead they turn to the overly obvious examples that may be nothing more than cultural differences or simple fanservice. They'll pick apart things in ways that punish critical thinking rather than reward it. It feels way too obvious that they just wanted to talk about sexism because it's a hot button issue.
Sexism is a topic that should be covered. The problem isn't that it's being covered. Just that we have people like Bob Mackey and whoever this chick is covering them.