I feel like an awful game journalist for not even knowing what the heck this gamergate stuff is. I'm just too busy playing Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright and having fun with games!
Stuff That's Been Bugging Me Lately
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![]() On 09/05/2014 at 07:48 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader ![]() See More From This User » |
Just gonna vent a little, so please bear with me.
My mother hasn't been feeling well lately, so my brothers and I have been doing our best to make sure she's able to feel better as soon as possible. During one particular visit to her doctor, there was someone just staring at me as I was getting out and while I was helping my mother out of the car. Sure my lack of coordination in getting out of a small car can be a little amusing I admit, but what was annoying to me was that it was another one of those times where the person had this look of 'what are you doing here?' on their face. I've gotten that look from a lot of different people over the years, and it's always an unwelcome sight.
I'm still refusing to choose a side as far as that major vortex of chaos known as GamerGate goes, for many reasons, though Snee's latest blog just about sums up my feelings on the matter quite nicely. The only thought on the matter I'd like to share is that it's really bugging me how some people are calling it a 'terrorist movement' with a straight face. Sure, there are some terrible things being said, but using hyperbole to that extent just trivializes actual terrorist actions happening in the world right at this very moment.