At one point in time, I promised to write a blog and never got around to doing it. Now that I've found some time in my hectic life, I guess I'll start with video games. 2011 was a great year for video games. We had many original offerings and just had a great time with video games in general. This was a good year for gamers.
As much as I love gaming, for some reason I just felt like I never really had enough time for it. I actually work as a chef at a small local Thai restaurant, and I'm also a reporter for my University. Writing and Cooking is a passion for me. I spent the better part of 2011 getting used to my new apartment complex, and feeding lots of hungry mouths. I didn't know telling people on campus that your a good cook made it a good reason for starving college students to come visit. Even though I was busy as hell, I did manage to squeeze in some video game time.
This year, I actually focused more on Wii games, and older ps2 offerings that I missed. 2010 was almost purely 360 time, with some ps3 added in. Since my roomate tended to keep up with 360 games, I decided to piggy back off of him if he had a game I wanted to play. For the time being, I ended up focusing on buying and playing games that I missed for the wii, and ps2. Near the end of 2011, I bought a total of...8 wii games maybe? I bought Metroid: other m, Fragile Dreams, Monster Hunter Tri, Skywards Sword (of course) and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Little King's Story ect.... After spending some time with all of them, I can say that I'm pleased with most of these purchases. Perhaps I'll post up some user reviews in the future for a few of these games.
Now, even though these are alot of games, I've only skimmed the surface for most of them. After beating Skyward Sword (amazing game by the way), the game that really kept my attention was Little King's Story. A cute and child friendly game at first glance, it's quite a dark game. Cute little Dictator? Check. Conquering the World? Check. Lots of Wives....check. This game is fun and addicting. If you were a fan of pikmin back for the gamecube, you may feel right at home here. This is a great gem that many people looked over in the Wii's library, I recommend any fan of Pikmin or Overlord to give it a chance.
Another game that I played a bit of is Fragile Dreams. This game is fucking sad. Not sad in the sense that it disappointed me, but in the sense that I cried. I cried hard. Gameplay could use some refining, but Fragile Dreams is just an emotional experience. It's more like reading a book than playing a video game. If your looking for an exciting game, then I would recommend you look elswhere. If your looking for a satisfying emotional ride, then give it try.
So that's my 2011 in a nutshell. Other video mentions is that I've been given every .hack// game ever made for the ps2 (7 total), so that will probably take me quite a while to beat. I also just bought Persona 4 and plan on giving that a go sometime in the future, but other than that, I hope this will be another great year for games.