So I finally read my first Spider-Man comic, Spider-Man: Blue by Jeph Loeb (writer) and Tim Sale (artist). It was really good! As you can imagine from the title, though, it was sad. Not the raw emotion of fresh sadness, but the dull ache of remembered loss. It's Peter Parker remembering his time with Gwen Stacy, remembering the events that led up to her death. It doesn't actually cover her death because that's not the point. (I'm not sure how she died since I haven't read the original comics but I inferred it was the Green Goblin.) As a tale of Peter's memories it is quite effective. And we get to see a bunch of classic villains along the way, like the Lizard, Vulture (two Vultures, actually), Rhino, and Green Goblin. The art was really good too. I wasn't sure what to expect because the work of Tim Sale I'd seen before was on Batman (Haunted Knight, Long Halloween, and Dark Victory) with lots of interesting uses of perspective and color to create that dark, brooding atmosphere that works so well for Batman. Thankfully, Sale proves a versatile artist and the work in Blue is very bright and colorful. Lots of big spreads highlight Spidey and the villains. The story and art fit together really well and the whole left me, well, feeling a little blue. Spider-Man was also a nice change of pace from the darker things I tend to read. It won't be my last jaunt with him in New York, I'm sure.

I also started playing Kirby's Dream Collection. It's a nice counterpoint to Mass Effect 3. I played through Dream Land in a sitting and have moved onto Kirby's Adventure. My word, I haven't played this game since it came out on the NES. I remember the Sun and Moon boss blew my mind as a kid. I thought that was so cool! Can't wait to get to that point this time. It amazing how Dream Land introduced Kirby but Adventure really defined him. We're essentially still playing this Kirby game today, and that's not a bad thing at all.

So how is everybody else spending their weekend? I've been called into work overtime tomorrow, which sucks but hey, it's nice money. Probably play more ME3 tonight but maybe I'll get in some Kirby's Adventure right now. My two-year-old son loves watching it 