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Indie Game: The Movie

On 03/12/2013 at 07:10 AM by Playdos

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Just finished watching this documentary. I must say this my favorite documentary to date and one of the best movies I have watched. Stop reading and just go watch it. I will not be offended. This blog will be here when you finish......


Come back? or Still here? Which ever the case may be. Glad your still reading.

This movie just showcases the work of these indy developers and gets in their minds. While watching I could really see the emotions and stress they were going through to produce a product that is their own but also that will sell copies. This is there living. The fact that they don't work for a big name company, they don't have the satisfaction of that next paycheck is there even if the game is delayed or what have it be. Not saying that game developers of big name companies have stress free perfect lives. All I am saying is that indy devs got it rough. But the satisfaction must be that much sweeter finishing the game and it doing better than A list games. 

I found the movie exteremly hilarious. I don't know if thats because I am a gamer or if I just have a low comedic threshold. Which ever, It is a good movie. For me, this movie shined a light on the video game industry and indy game industry. You don't really see much of the development process, only the final product which is the game. It is kinda nice to see the development process and the process of making a video game. 

I am not a huge indy game fan. But after watching this movie, I got to check some of these games out and indy development teams. These teams and their games do not get a whole lot of attention or spotlight even on the big gaming websites. Until a release and the game gets a review and even then, I don't see many of these games in the highlight reels of websites. Just my two cents on the movie. Nothing too much just making sure I give a shout out to this great movie. Any suggestions of must play indy games, just comment or message me and I'll make sure I check them out. Thanks for reading!






03/12/2013 at 09:23 AM

I have seen it on Netflix, just have not taken the time to watch it. I will now thanks for the reminder.


03/12/2013 at 10:36 AM

I am a big movie fan when I'm just feeling lazy or about to go to bed. So there will be plenty of movie recommendations from me to the community if I come across anything good.


03/12/2013 at 10:14 AM

I haven't seen this, but I'll look into it. I've been loving the Indie scene lately. There's a ton of awesome Indie games out there!


03/12/2013 at 10:32 AM

Yea, the indie scene has been really exploding and becoming more dominant. I feel too that indie is being taken more seriously than it has in the past and made more accessible to everyday gamers. 

Nick DiMola Director

03/12/2013 at 10:50 AM

I really enjoyed this movie as well. It was extra great seeing the process behind a couple of games I love (Fez and Super Meat Boy) and seeing someone I have talked to before do their thing (Edmund McMillen).

What I found most interesting was how zen Jonathon Blow was in comparison to the other guys. I also thought the movie humanized Phil Fish, who had gotten a pretty bad rap due to some of his arrogant behaviors and comments. It became apparent to me that the guy has some real self-esteem issues and cares immensely about how people perceive him and his work. It makes me not feel so bad about loving Fez so much.

I also felt pretty bad for these guys - they put it all on the line in a big way and hope that it pays off. They work extremely hard and lead a lifestyle I couldn't possibly imagine to realize their dreams. A lot of respect for these fellows and for the makers of the documentary who did an absolutely amazing job.


03/14/2013 at 12:25 AM

I totally agree with you, the fact that they followed games that commercially did well really got drew me into the documentary. It really humanized and showed what these developers sacrifice just to have a chance at making their dreams come true. But it was really enthralling to watch because the problems the developers faced were not necessarily something that AAA game companies would experience.


03/12/2013 at 10:53 AM

I watched it on Netflix earlier this winter and I liked it. It's definitely an interesting look at how the Indie scene was when the film was made, although I think the landscape of all that has changed since the games it focuses on were released.

I especially liked the parts based around the Super Meat Boy guys.


03/14/2013 at 12:31 AM

The indie scene has definitely changed since this release. More and more indie games are getting really popular, even getting attention than some AAA games. Indie scene is bustling especially since the accessibility is there with Steam, XBLA and PSN. 


03/14/2013 at 04:05 AM

I watched it several weeks ago.  I agree it is excellent.  I thought it was interesting to see how the different personalities of each game creator reacted to the anticipation of game release and player reactions to their game.


03/14/2013 at 11:01 PM

The developers for Super Meat Boy were interesting just seeing their different reactions to the same situation. The one was very calm and chill about it, confident that he was doing the right thing and they were going to be successful  The other guy was freaking out at almost every little thing. But it just goes to show how people deal with stress differently. 


03/14/2013 at 04:39 AM

One of my fav Indie movies last year. Very good. 


03/14/2013 at 11:04 PM

Agreed, I have just recently been getting into all things indie and loving it. Music, Movies and Games. Loving the whole experience and really appreciating that experience a lot differently because of this movie.

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