Does any Pokemon game let you name your attacks?
Bought a 3DS, and My PC is Fixed.
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![]() On 09/09/2014 at 10:00 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Firstly, I like the progression of Blogs. It goes: Fuck Nintendo, 3DS is Awesome, Bought a 3DS.
So I caved and bought a 3DS XL. It's white and I got two games with it: Pokemon X, and Bravely Default. Of the two I've played Pokemon a lot more, mostly because Bravely Default is basically a Final Fantasy game, and the only games that start out more boring than Final Fantasy games are fucking Zelda games. Seriously, those things eventually get good, even amazing, but they always start so slowly. I mean, Twilight Princess was fucking ridiculous. I gave up when it took 8 hours to get to the first dungeon.
Anyway, it looks good. I've also got Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, but Bilby wants to borrow it, so she can. Also, since I played a tonne of it on her 3DS, the thought of having to start over kind of worries me. Mainly because the Lost Woods section is the worst section of any game I've ever played. Fuck those ghosts.
Anyway. I've sunk four hours into pokemon now. So far my main pokemon is a Fletchling that I renamed Felching because I'm super mature. Now it evolved into a Fletchinder, and I want to rename it Felchedinher, but I can't until I get to a later town. It's also somewhat of a shame, because Felching was adorable. I beat the first gym. It was super fucking easy. Could be because I had a fire flying pokemon but whatevs.
I also got my computer back. It was a faulty Power Supply like I thought, and it only cost $66. BARGAIN! So I played through Metro 2033 Redux, because with the changes the redux makes it's now the best shooter of this generation, bar... maybe Bioshock 1? Anyway, it's fucking awesome. Seriously... play it if you haven't. Pick up the Redux, it's seriously worth it.
And that's about it. Oh, one more thing: Nintendo, hire a new thing namer. Wii, Wii-U, DS, DSi, DS XL, 3DS, 3DS XL, The New 3DS, The New 3DS XL... did the marketing team at Nintendo all suddenly suffer a stroke?