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My New Solid State Hybrid Drive! <3

On 09/10/2014 at 06:17 PM by V4Viewtiful

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About a week ago I bought a SSHD a fusion of a SSD and an HDD, the reason for this is not only was my 2 thirds full drive acting sluggish it was also glitching in small but noticeable ways.

For the past 4 or 5 days or so I have been trying to clone, transfer and save my files to the new Toshiba 1TB SSHD, while I'm typing this USFVI is running and there's no slowdown or lag.

(The New Drive in the Old Drive out!)


If you're wondering why it took close to a week well it's--well... It's a story.Undecided

1st Day I used 4 different partitioning software to copy the first drive to the second each took about 5 and or more hours. It ended up not working because I couldn't clone the OS therefore nothing would boot, the Laptop didn't recognize the new drive. it was until the forth time it didn't work that I realized what had happened. When I went into disk manager to assign the new drive a letter ( E:, C: etc) I then realized the cloned drive had no "Boot", I made several web searches before I found out about the OS and even the drivers couldn't be mirrored.

I was already planning to upgrade my OS but on from Home Premium to Ultimate, however after some BGTT I decided to keep it as but I had no disk I downloaded Ultimate because i unknowingly stopped my old drive working on my laptop I went to the old laptop to create a USB boot disk. Full disclosure, I tried to do this already, 3 times but for some reason didn't work.

This took two hours, the installation itself took another to for the new Drive. The reason why not even my old drive was working in the Laptop it came from was in the BIOS* when I swapped things out and reset some others I discovered that the UEFI* wasn't enabled and so nothing was booting anyway. After I fixed it, it worked and the OS was installing.

Now during the install I was looking for the best way to move all my files exactly... then for the first time in my life heard about Windows Easy Transfer. Well i'll tell you now, it may be easy but it's certainly not timely  this took 2 days. One to copy and another to transfer. Now at first I put the Transfer file on my new drive  (big mistake) and I was ready to go but then I saw it was too large, it doesn't simply release the files like a like wrapping paper with the contents stored it's like a rar. or zip. file. Sooooo i used a 2TB portable driveCool I hadn't filed it with Anime and movies fully yet (no, there's no porn on it. That's on my other drive).

I'll also add that even though the computer booted and things worked I had no drivers for the GPU the Wi-Fi, nothing so i used the boot USB to download the wireless drivers so I could download the rest, like Hotkeys and stuff, mildly fun actually.


So on the last day (it's all a blur) a found out what could have been a quicker way which I didn't get when I saw this

I have seen a USB to USB transfer cable but was unaware of it's use, since I have my old Laptop (with the Game HDD working) and the gaming laptop up and running  I wonder if this whole thing could have been avoided... Anyway, a day to copy and a night to transfer it finished as soon as I got off work today,


Everything but a few games work now, I'm tired now but I have some games to play. this is a cautionary tale kids, if you're going to be cheap like me be prepared to pay with your time. Install the OS  and drivers first!


This is V Saying "One Day, I Shall be King!"




*The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware.

*Basic Input/Output System is a de facto standard defining a firmware interface.




09/10/2014 at 07:27 PM

Man, sounds like a mess.  But you got it though.  It's good to keep the porn separate. Cool


09/11/2014 at 05:24 PM

Yeah, with the lub Wink

It was a mess but all messess can be cleaned.

Joaquim Mira Media Manager

09/10/2014 at 10:43 PM

I'm thinking of putting a hybrid drive on my rig for games. SSDs are still too expensive for their capacities. I will probably get another SSD (have one in my laptop, 128GB) when I can get a 500GB for about $100.


09/11/2014 at 05:56 PM

i've seen a 500gb SSD for £350, 1tb at this point would break the damn bank! I may buy a 2tb SSHD next year but this time i'll use the transfer usb cable Innocent

Super Step Contributing Writer

09/10/2014 at 10:52 PM

I've been wanting to build my own PC but cost and frustration other people put into keep me hesitant. Honestly, it's more the cost, cause without that I love a good challenge, but I do like having a rainy day fund and my laptop is all I really need right now. 

When you said Hybrid drive I thought you meant you bought an eco-friendly car. lol


09/11/2014 at 06:20 PM

I know the connectors and casings are cheap (even a decent fan) but it's the gpu and cpu that'll drain your pool.

Eco-friendly car, nothing wrong with a bit of smog. but apparently ssds and hybrids consum less energy so technically it is.Smile


09/11/2014 at 02:45 AM

Computer tinkering can be fun if also frustrating. I used to do it on my old towers. Now I just get a laptop and throw out the old one (or give it to a friend). I've had surprisingly little trouble with my present laptop. Runs like a champ, but then I don't use it for games or store lots of video on it either - just writing and music.


09/11/2014 at 06:26 PM

I have 2 laptops the old one I used for Uni and the current one for games and watching stuff. I currently own own 2 portable HDs and my old 1tb that'll be used for... I dunno? more games?Tongue Out

As much agro as this was I did have a pervous fun out of it but anyone who likes lego like making things, i guessLaughing


09/12/2014 at 02:28 AM

I recently pulled my two computers out of a dust filled corner. I'd love to find some time tinker with them, but I seem to remember that both had broken CD drives.


09/11/2014 at 12:21 PM

I'm...going to reconsider upgrading the HDD in my destop after reading this. But you did bring up an interesting question for me.

Is the SSD only good for fast load/boot times? or is it built better to handle constant deletion/overwrites of the partition memory. I only ask because I'm thinking about getting a PS4 but I'm not sure what kind of long term HDD to use. I could go standard or hybrid or full SSD. I'm mostly worried about all the overwritting I'll do on the memory given how you have to install games dreictonly on the system's HD even with a physical disc.

I'm not big on faster load times, I just want it to last for a LONG time.

Congrats on getting everything back in action. sounds like it was quite a chore.


09/11/2014 at 05:23 PM


It's really a mix of things, the lack of moving parts means it won't wearout or overheat as often so yeah, it does last longer.

Transfering games (and other files) again it's mostly because they're coded to what it was stored on and what computer they where used, if they don't match it won't work.

I don't know what format the PS4 uses to read memory but which ever has the fastest transfer rate and cache is the one to get. Programs in general are faster for me now, little delay.

It was only a chore because there's no one correct way, and it depends on what you have at your disposal.


09/11/2014 at 06:08 PM

Good thing I leave these things for experts like you because I can't do shit Tongue Out

Maybe once you're ready we can start playing Team Fortress 2.


09/11/2014 at 06:29 PM

"Expert", he saysFoot in Mouth

Though I work in a computer retail shop I wouldn't trust me with hardware, though we have a devition for it, it's not for meEmbarassed

when I get better at my mouse reflexes we're game!Laughing


09/16/2014 at 11:04 AM

Congrats man, I love SSD because they boot up in seconds. If/when I'm going to build a gaming PC, that's going to be my first purchase. 


09/17/2014 at 04:07 PM

Thank you, it was worth it, it's not as hot or as loud, a triumph in techTongue Out

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