Can you kindly step off your high horse and realise how hypocritical and retarded you all are? You do realise that "Don't say this word around the black man or he might have a cry" is far more offensive than saying something ignorant because you've never met one.
You do realise that telling a woman off for not being as much of a feminist as you is still being oppressive and denying choice. "Don't be a slut, you're making us look bad!" Right. Be a prude like society expects you to be so they'll see how different you are. Makes sense.

I saw this question asked on a forum: "Is it true that a lot of gay men don't do anal and they prefer oral? Because I heard that a lot of gays don't actually do butt stuff and it's a myth. Is this true?" I think that's a legitimate and strangely progressive question on the internet. This is a person asking for a homosexual man to clear up a social stigma attached to an entire group of people. On an internet forum, this guy might as well be the straight white Rodney King of Faggots.
So how was his response met? By a bunch of sexually repressed straight people being offended for the homos because apparently they can't handle being subjected to this. Let me tell you something: I'm pretty sure they've encountered worse. In fact, I'm pretty sure they've encountered worse from you, because I don't know where you're from, but as little as five years ago when I was in high school it was still acceptable to make fun of homosexuality. So yeah, you probably did. Shit I did. Teenagers are stupid. So is this whole crusade thing founded on guilt?
Also, you realise you guys aren't "hard" or "tough" or whatever. If you were actually called to stand up for this "cause" you've built for yourself, you'd run and hide, because you're like every other bitch on the internet trying to find something to be offended by. Your the same as every other asshole on the internet who has a cry and a moan because someone is different to you.

Also, a word without context is harmless. If I say "What's up my nigger" to a friend or call my lunch box a faggot, who am I hurting? No one. You're giving that word power by saying it shouldn't be uttered. I mean any word could be considered offensive. The word "It" is offensive in the right context. Should we ban it? Fucking dumbasses. If a white kid says nigger in the woods, does anyone have the right to give a fuck?
Finally, as a race of humans we should strive for equality, not by bring those on top down, by bringing those who are oppressed up. If everyone is oppressed, it's a fucking shitty world. My vision is that every man, woman, and child can exist without borders and tension. My first step towards this glorious utopian vision? The systematic slaughter of every cunt that uses Tumblr.