Hello one and all!
I've been so ate-up with playing Dark Souls II that I've been a bit remiss in my duties here at Pixlbit...without further delay (and certainly better late than never) I give you this week's edition of.......
What are you playing???
Phew....too much Dark Souls II. I ended up purchasing the Old Iron King DLC, and initially was so pissed off by a few parts that I considered "unfair", I nearly put it down. Notice the quotations on "unfair".....it's more like I'm "unskilled", hehe. I stuck with it though, and eventually took down the two bosses in the DLC that matter....Ser Alonne and Raime, the Fume Knight. After I beat the DLC I immediately began another playthrough so I could experience New Game Plus in all its evil goodness. I fucked up and sold off a piece or two of Raime's armor to Gavlan by accident though, so it looks as though I'll be making another foray into Brume Tower to take on the Fume Knight again. If I get my nerve back after that encounter, then maybe I'll posse-up with a couple people and attempt the Smelter Demon. I hated him in the original encounter, so I'm not exactly gung-ho to fight an enhanced version. The A.I. is crazy smart in the DLC, especially the A.I. that you can summon. They'll actually greet you with gestures when you summon them! And the A.I. invaders...those bastards will use gestures when they kill you. I've a particular hatred of the No Way gesture now.
I've heard from a couple people that the Sunken King DLC isn't quite the same sort of difficulty as Iron King, but still difficult in its own right, so I may spend the ten bucks and play it to see for myself. I'm currently around 220 hours deep across 3 characters into Dark Souls II, and I'm not at all tired of the game.
This is gonna be one of those titles that I'll be playing for a year or so.
What are you watching?
I just finished up season 5 of The League on Netflix streaming...that show's funny as hell. I also rented Captain America: The Winter Soldier the other day and watched it 3 times, and actually began looking up characters via the internet, as I've never been too deep into the comics for that particular character. Turns out there were a ton of characters worked into the movie that've been steadily featured in the comics over the years; makes me want to get some of the trade paperbacks.
What are you reading?
Sadly....not much. Mostly blogs and such.
What are you eating?
Ham and pineapple pizza was the flavor of the weekend. I also ended up trying a couple of those Lay's flavors that are in some sort of contest....Peter did a blog about them not too long ago. I tried the Wasabi Ginger kettle-cooked chips, which were utterly delicious....they really, really nailed that flavor. I also had the mango salsa flavor, but to be honest those ones tasted more of mango than salsa. I also saw some cappuccino-flavored chips and wasn't at all tempted to try those. I may check out the Bacon Mac n Cheese flavor though.
I wonder if they can just make a bacon-flavor. I'd be all over that.
How about YOU? What're you up to this weekend? Inquiring minds wanna know!!!!!