Those are all awesome 3DS games you got. I got the CEs of Bravely Default and Project X Zone.
The Secret (and sexy) Life of Blake
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![]() On 09/15/2014 at 12:33 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Shit yeah I'm sexy. Or at least I was until I accidentally shaved a bit off my beard and then had to shave it all off. Now I look freakish and alien:
Gah! It's hideous! Burn it with fire! Anyway, I don't know why I'm telling you now. This happened like 2 or 3 weeks ago, and my beard is semi functional now again. I say semi. It's more like prepubescant facial posturing at this point, but it's better than that looking 14.
Anyway, I had a fucking terrible day. Well, white male terrible anyway. I'm sure if I were to walk up Anne Frank and told her my story of woe, she'd look at me for a minute before slapping me and calling the next train to Auschwitz because she'd lost hope for the human race, but whatever. Bilby bought me a Game of Thrones coffee mug which I accidentally dropped a coffee machine on. Somehow, it only broke the handle. I thought I'd be a badass arts student and glue it back together. I let it set, and it was awesome, and worked fine! For one coffee anyway. The next one waited until I was back at my computer for the handle to break off and spray coffee over my monitor, keyboard, xbox controller, chair, wall, and a couple of 3ds game cases. My keyboard is thoroughly fucked though. I'd go and buy a new one but I CAN'T FIND MY FUCKING WALLET! Seriously, I searched the entire house and my car, it's gone. Maybe I left it at EB Games. I'll go talk to the guy, but I'm sure I brought it home. Anyway.
My humble 3DS collection. I also have A Link Between Worlds, but Bilby is borrowing it. If you can see them, note the prices. If Jesus were alive, buy golly he'd slice some mofos up with that samurai sword of his.
So far I've put 22 hours into Pokemon X and... I've got two badges. Seriously, I wanted to catch them all. Except Absol. That cunt can eat a dick. I went through a fuckton of great balls, dusk balls, nest balls, and he still wouldn't become my slave! Bastard. I also got some pokemon from Bilby because she's got Y whereas I got X.
I also got lost in Bravely Default, which is picking up now that I have some jobs and a full party. It was kind of boring before then. Although now Mrgrgr is my favourite phrase.
New Super Mario Bros. is fucking dope. So much better than 3D Land. Except that you have to either beat a castle or get 5 star coins and then get somewhere you can spend them before you can save. That's fucking bullshit, and exactly what you shouldn't do on a handheld. In every other respect it's dope as fuck.
Castlevania - Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate is kind of meh. It's not a bad game, but as a Castlevania game, it's kind of shit. I mean there's barely any exploration, and it plays more like a 2D God of War. I'm still having fun with it, but I think I'll get the DS Castlevania's off Amazon because they're apparently the bees pyjamas or however that phrase goes. If anyones played them, which should I get if I only get 2?
Project X Zone is fucking batshit, but I love it. If you haven't played it, it's a crossover of Namco, Capcom, and Sega, with lots of referencial humour at the expense of the various IP's. Basically, if Fire Emblem and Street Fighter X Tekken had a twisted baby, this would be it, and it's amazing.
I'd watched bits of Supernatural before and it kind of seemed corny, but now I'm watching it in order, it's still fucking corny. It's on CW, what did you expect? However, it's also awesome. Sam and Dean are great, the soundtrack and self referential humour are awesome, and it's just entertaining as hell. Nearly finished season 2, and it's just been a fun ride.
I also started watching The Shield. This show is great. It's like The Wire, but with self contained episodes and funnier dialogue. Oh, and more moral ambiguity than you can shake a stick at. I look forward to watching more. It's badass.
Just picked up the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. I started reading the first book and it's pretty darn awesome. It's got the blood and moral ambiguity of Game of Thrones, but with more flying castles and other awesome shit. If you have the patience, check them out. Just maybe read some cliff notes before going in, because he doesn't explain a fucking thing. He just drops you into some characters shoes and expects you to figure out what's going on. Which is kind of cool, and really works in immersing you in the world, but it also means the opening chapters are a touch on the dense side.
Anyway, that's me done. Toodles.