I was thinking that I do not have much to say, but we will see. I may end up rambling on for a while.
I have not spent time with the Smash Bros demo. I booted it up and tried a game, but quickly put it down. My go to guy, Snake, is no longer in the game and my second choice, Samus, is not playable in the demo. So, I hope that those people who used my extra codes made better use of them than I did... I am curious as to who go the random one that I posted in the comments of mothman's blog offering his extras.
I have officially given up on Skyward Sword. Hopefully this will be temporary, but who knows... the motion controls have finally pissed me off. Around this time I picked up Metro Redux and started to play through a superior version of Metro 2033. The game is just as amazing as I remember on the 360, but without quite so many hiccups. My joyful reunion with the Metro series was cut short by Destiny.
I did not pick up Destiny on day one. I held out until the Friday after it was released before picking it up. I wasn't waiting on reviews, but I did want to get some idea of what I would be getting myself into by playing this game. I read plenty about people's issues with the story, but as I have said elsewhere, story isn't everything for me when it comes to games. I can appreciate a good story, but mechanics and gameplay are what I tend to look for when it comes to new games. How does it play and all... The hands-on impressions that I had read seemed to say good things about those parts of the game. There was some exchange on twitter that ended up completely selling me on the game, and so I took the plunge. I do not regret it, and have been playing as often as I can. There were concerns about the repetitive nature of the campaign, but I have yet to truly notice that. I have been playing competetive multiplayer between campaign missions which I think has helped refresh me for the levels.
The main reason that I actually wanted to come on today was that Wasteland 2 was released today. Back when it was on Kickstarter they kept adding a bunch of random perks on at the end of the run. One of these perks was an extra copy of the game to do with as we like. I initially thought that one of my brother's wouldn't mind having the game, but times have changed and he doesn't have the time. So, now I have an extra copy and I do not know who to give it to, or even how I should go about figuring out what to do with it. Now that I realize that they are charging $40 on Steam for the game, I know that I cannot treat this like a Smash Bros code or the Destiny alpha code... I would appreciate the help.