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Business as... unusual

On 09/19/2014 at 12:56 PM by transmet2033

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I was thinking that I do not have much to say, but we will see.  I may end up rambling on for a while.

I have not spent time with the Smash Bros demo.  I booted it up and tried a game, but quickly put it down.  My go to guy, Snake, is no longer in the game and my second choice, Samus, is not playable in the demo.  So, I hope that those people who used my extra codes made better use of them than I did...  I am curious as to who go the random one that I posted in the comments of mothman's blog offering his extras.

I have officially given up on Skyward Sword.  Hopefully this will be temporary, but who knows...  the motion controls have finally pissed me off.  Around this time I picked up Metro Redux and started to play through a superior version of Metro 2033.  The game is just as amazing as I remember on the  360, but without quite so many hiccups.  My joyful reunion with the Metro series was cut short by Destiny.

I did not pick up Destiny on day one.  I held out until the Friday after it was released before picking it up.  I wasn't waiting on reviews, but I did want to get some idea of what I would be getting myself into by playing this game.  I read plenty about people's issues with the story, but as I have said elsewhere, story isn't everything for me when it comes to games.  I can appreciate a good story, but mechanics and gameplay are what I tend to look for when it comes to new games.  How does it play and all...  The hands-on impressions that I had read seemed to say good things about those parts of the game.  There was some exchange on twitter that ended up completely selling me on the game, and so I took the plunge.  I do not regret it, and have been playing as often as I can.  There were concerns about the repetitive nature of the campaign, but I have yet to truly notice that.  I have been playing competetive multiplayer between campaign missions which I think has helped refresh me for the levels.

The main reason that I actually wanted to come on today was that Wasteland 2 was released today.  Back when it was on Kickstarter they kept adding a bunch of random perks on at the end of the run.  One of these perks was an extra copy of the game to do with as we like.  I initially thought that one of my brother's wouldn't mind having the game, but times have changed and he doesn't have the time.  So, now I have an extra copy and I do not know who to give it to, or even how I should go about figuring out what to do with it.   Now that I realize that they are charging $40 on Steam for the game, I know that I cannot treat this like a Smash Bros code or the Destiny alpha code...  I would appreciate the help. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/19/2014 at 01:02 PM

I'm tempted to trade u an amazon gift card or something for Wasteland 2, but I have to curb my spending a bit as I'm purchasing a couch next week I think and it's gonna put a dent in my finances.  I'm sure you can find someone interested in the game though.  I'll probably buy it next month.  I am really curious to play it, it looks great.  

I'm glad you're enjoying Destiny.  I want to play it, but not enough to buy a PS4.  When I finally get one, I'll grab a copy.  

I hear you about the Skyward Sword motion controls.  I had to put that game down too, which sucks because I love Zelda games.  


09/19/2014 at 01:20 PM

I don't know why, but I was a little suprised to see a price point of $40.  I am sure that it is a well worth $40, but if you backed it you could have a copy for $15.  I put down $30 and got A Bard's Tale, Wasteland and 2 copies of Wasteland 2...  seriously, inXile is clearly an awesome company.  

I think that the biggest problem with Destiny was the fact that they developed it for both the PS3 and the PS4 eras.  So, there are limitations on what they were able to do with the game and still make it the same experience across all platforms.  I think that Bungie built a solid foundation and future entries will be amazing games. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/19/2014 at 01:22 PM

I think $40 is fine.  IT was $60 in early access, which I felt was too much.  But $40 sounds nice for it now.  I'm gonna get it eventually, I'm just backlogged with similar games like Divinity: ORiginal Sin right now.  


09/19/2014 at 01:24 PM

Shadowrun was $20 and so I was expecting something around that price-point.  inXile spent significantly longer on this game than harebrained did on Shadowrun...  Also, $40 for the game is probably a steal when you look at how much time you are probably able to spend with the game.

Super Step Contributing Writer

09/19/2014 at 01:17 PM

Wait so, are you giving the code away or asking who wants to pay $40 for it?


09/19/2014 at 01:22 PM

I don't know.  I am asking for an idea as to how I should go about getting rid of the code.


09/19/2014 at 02:00 PM

I didn't bother with Smash Bros either. mostly because I'm not that big of a fan. I tried it but it never clicked with me. not sure if this new version will fix that.

I need to try that Zelda title but I'm still trying to get ahold of Windwaker. I wonder which version of Metro is better. Been wondering.

I wasn't sure what to do with Destiny either. Both my bro out east and a coworker wanted me to join in. But after careful thought (and a system dying on me) I had to pass. Perhaps in the future but...

Got me. I'm coming up blank on the Wasteland 2 issue.


09/19/2014 at 03:50 PM

Metro Redux.  The initial 360 release was buggy as hell, but they ported 2033 over to the Last Light engine, so the Redux release should be the best.


09/19/2014 at 03:05 PM

Am I the only one of this site that can stand the Wii's motion controls? Undecided

As for Wasteland 2, maybe try to do a giveaway here and whoever wins takes the copy.


09/19/2014 at 03:22 PM

I had been enjoying the game quite a bit and had gotten used to the motion controls.  I was on the ship in the desert and the mid-boss was giving me trouble.  I think that they work really well with Metroid Prime and I love that trilogy. 


09/19/2014 at 03:31 PM

On IGN Podcast Unlocked this week they were already talking about whether Bungie would do a Destiny 2 or just keep adding DLC. Seriously? Talking about a sequel ten days after the game is out? What's the matter with people? Also, worrying about the story this early in a game that's clearly going to release a lot of additional content is just silly. People are so darn impatient. It's borderline insane.


09/19/2014 at 03:49 PM

Well, I am sure that people are wanting to speculate on the future of the franchise, especially since Bungie has said something about a 10 year plan.

Maybe it isn't so much impatience, but a lack of responsibilities.  I have only been able to put about 5 hours into the game because of all my repsonsibilites.  There are people who are burned out on the game already because they have been able to sink 8-10 hours a day into the game. 


09/19/2014 at 03:59 PM

Yea, some people are putting so many hours into it already. What the heck are they doing? Don't some people have homework at least?


09/19/2014 at 04:41 PM

There is a guy at work that I talk with about Destiny.  He has put in about 16 hours to my 5.


09/20/2014 at 04:01 AM

My friend at work is talking about using armor upgrades to increase his level from 23 to 24. 

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