The Weekender 9/19/14 Edition
Let's kick this pig!!!
What are YOU playing?
I'm glad you asked, Darth! I'm two trophies away from a Dark Souls II Platinum I'll continue plugging away in the Bell Keeper Covenant to get Hidden Weapon, and then I'll join Pilgrims Of The Dark Covenant in order to snap up the last Hex needed for Master Of Hexes. I'm currently on New Game Plus Plus (NG++), and have plenty of lovely +10 weapons to beat asses with. Besides that, I'm going to play some more Persona 3 Portable, and I'm giving serious consideration to picking up Okami HD via the Capcom Sale on PSN. My only concern is how the /Celestial Brush is going to handle via Dualshock 3 controller...I don't have a Playstation Move.
What are YOU watching?
I've been going through all the available seasons of Sons Of Anarchy on Netflix. Excellent show.
What are YOU reading?
The birthday is next week. Gonna be 32. Also been reading plenty of job applications....hopefully something will pop next week. A job offer would be a wonderful bday present.
What are YOU eating?
Been eating sammiches.