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Are We Entitled To More?

On 03/11/2013 at 03:29 PM by Chris Yarger

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So I guess EA has made another wonderful splash in the world of the Gaming Industry again.

First; the reported cancellation of Dead Space 4 simply because they were unable to meet their audacious sales quota.

Secondly; Sim City’s failure to launch properly due to the constant connection required.


And all of this has me thinking…

Are we the gamers… Entitled to more?


Now hear me out before you all begin to think that I am a pompous ass. And before we embark on this rant/tirade of my; watch this:


Now doesn’t that just LOOK awesome?

And did you notice that at the 0:05 mark was an exclamation noting that it was 100% In-Game Footage? Well I played the game, and my memory must be getting bad because I really don’t remember a lot of things from that trailer being in the game. Sure, there were a few things in the trailer that I remember from the game, but not everything was In-Game, that should’ve been labeled something along the lines of “About 50% of this is actually In-Game, the rest is crap we’ve made up so you’d buy this

This leads me to my point though.

As a gamer, shouldn’t we be entitled to something more than what’s thrown upon us?

I realize that not everything will always run as smoothly as a Kenyan, and sometimes when runners go awry they tend to run like a double amputee that just killed his girlfriend (Too soon?). But things should be better than what they are.

More often than not though, pre-orders are shoved down our throats the moment we step into a Video Game Retailer and they try to hit us harder than a head-butt from a triceratops with exclusive deals to in-game content and DLC. They try to sweeten the deal so it’s not such a hard hit with extra in-game content and other bonuses, but why? Is this the publishers’ way of forcing themselves onto us with their games and content like my ex does while on a nude beach?

Let’s skip back to Aliens again; this game was supposed to be an incredible game, even better than my priest’s version of Just The Tip. Preorders were rushed in, and those who preordered it were given a nice new shiny gun to play with!

But the game still sucked!!

It’s as if they took our money, gave us a stick, and told us to pretend to shoot at trees with our wooden rifle we were guaranteed to have through our preorder. Go to a local GameStop and you’ll see that they’re using used copies of this game to balance desks and play Frisbee.

Let’s look at another failure of a game; Duke Nukem Forever.

Duke Nuken Forever (DNF) was a game that was in production for nearly fifteen years. Before its release (It was one of the top 3 preorders for 2011 mind you….), DNF was purported to be Groundbreaking. But upon its release, we the gamers could finally see the truth; it was merely 15 years too late for the game. It was basically like a piece of adequate beef seasoned to perfection. It may have smelled good before we tasted it, but once we got a taste of the texture we could simply sense its adequacy as a whole.

And this is just it. When is enough enough?


We have preorders shoved down our throats. We’re entering into an era in which a constant on-line connection is required, but we’re now seeing how that is turning out with in regards to Sim City and Diablo 3. We’re promised nice and shiny gold, but we receive polished turds in the terms of Aliens: Colonial Marines. We’re told that certain console’s hardware can handle any type of game because it’s the strongest on the market, yet Skyrim is still struggling on the PS3. PS3 owners are more often than not subjected to receiving DLC late (Skyrim again!). And what of Day-1 DLC releases and why can’t they just be included in the game so we’re buying a full package? What about all of the rumors of the new Xbox not playing used games, thus forcing us to buy all new games?

Where do we the Gamers draw the line and take a stand? And is it even possible to take a stand?

Oh that's awesome Day-1 DLC....

I don’t want to have to ‘buy’ DLC that was released the day a game came out simply because I didn’t want to take the gamble on a pre-order purchase. I don’t want to be forced to be online if I’m playing a game that has absolutely nothing to do with online material. I don’t want to pre-order a game that has the potential to be as stinky as a hobo in the sun.

I simply want what I want.


I’m a gamer, and I pay for what I love. And dammit, I think I’m entitled to love what I pay for.


For the record though; I have played Duke Nukem, and Aliens: Colonial Marines and I thoroughly enjoyed them for what they were; Rentals...



Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/11/2013 at 03:38 PM

I think that through my ranting and raving I may have simply rambled jumbled nonsense.. So to all who read this; my bad. lol


03/11/2013 at 03:50 PM

lol. you can delete blogs now Chris. I wouldn't delete it though. There's a lot of bullshit that we have to put up with. Day 1 DLC and always online DRM are two things that I will never agree with. I had read somewhere that Sega let some other company work on Colonial Marines which is why it turned out like it did. Duke Nukem Forever was just sad lol. 15 years for that trash? Undecided

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/11/2013 at 03:53 PM

From what I've read Aaron, Gearbox used the money that Sega gave to them for Aliens to produce Borderlands 1 and 2. But.... I can't confirm that since I'm not part of Gearbox nor Sega.. Undecided

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/11/2013 at 03:47 PM

I too love renting and enjoying what I pay for ... and I'm staying the fuck away from commenting on every controversial joke you made. Tongue Out lol

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/11/2013 at 03:54 PM

I too love renting games, and they're more often than not the deciding factor for of whether or not I buy a game or simply continue to rent them!

And I thought my jokes were pretty awesome, lol

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/11/2013 at 03:58 PM

I'm not confirming or denying the awesomeness of your jokes, just in case there's a Kenyan who's also a Catholic amputee that enjoys nude beaches reading any of this.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/11/2013 at 04:02 PM

Blade Runner will find you for not responding.. lol!

True Gamer At Heart

03/11/2013 at 03:57 PM

Good article. I agree with you, when is enough. It may get to a point where we no longer gonig to have exclusives games..Just exclusive dlc?? Oh you got a ps5..well I can get his alt costume..oh yeah my xbox 1440 I have alt guns!

Myself, I do not support this one bit. I do not..DO NOT buy anything that was not part of the game..Cause when they know you are willing to buy alt costumes or whatever..They will keep on pushing to see how far the gamer will go and say, That'S IT!!! Enough is Enough! Just included in the game or do not include it!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/11/2013 at 04:04 PM

I agree with you to an extent. While I won't buy alt costumes or extra guns as DLC, I really have no problems with some DLC's that GREATLY extend the gameplay, such as any DLC for Skyrim, Dark Souls, or Fallout 3.

But if it's something such as Versus mode for Resident Evil 5, then normally I won't even bother with it.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/11/2013 at 04:04 PM

I think a lot of people will agree with your rant. I agree.  the industry treats its fans like shit.  The "always online DRM" is terrible, and it never works at launch.  EA makes me sick.  

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/11/2013 at 04:08 PM

I simply feel as if we are given garbage painted gold. And the Always Online is just awful...


03/11/2013 at 04:22 PM

More? I wouldn't say more but we damn sure should expect Better! Yell


03/11/2013 at 05:11 PM


Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 06:52 AM

Yes. Perhaps better is more suited to what I was talking about than more was. Thanks!


03/11/2013 at 04:36 PM

Another problem with online only requirements for modern consoles is what happens when the next consoles come along? There are going to be a lot of games that are unplayable or at the very least have missing modes due to nonexistant servers.

The problem is game companies today do not think ahead and they care only about jumping on the bandwagon to make more cash. (Yet by doing "me too" games they actually lose profits instead.)

I really hope the next console generation is better,Chris.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 06:54 AM

I'm trying to remain hopeful for the future as well Ben.

Honestly though, so far the PS4 is outshining the NeXtbox in my eyes. While I love my 360 to death, I'm seeing far more positives outweighing the PS4 as compared to the 720. I'm just hoping that Xbox has a few tricks up it's sleeves to keep me drawn towards it.


03/11/2013 at 05:07 PM

My two cents, for what it's worth: We need to vote with our wallets here. If enough people say we've had enough and don't buy the stuff, they'll give up trying to force it on us. Problem is, there are always enough suckers who will undermine that approach for the rest of us.


03/11/2013 at 05:10 PM

That's a great point, Tami! I've adapted to the motto by waiting for price drops of games I'm unsure of and only buying certain titles brand new when I respect the company behind them.

Also, given the troubles even the biggest game companies are having lately I think our "message" is finally hitting home.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 06:56 AM

I completely agree with you Tami.

The problem we have with a lot of these games is the fact that we 'preorder' a lot of them long before they're released. By doing so, we're basically telling the developers to take our money because no matter how shitty the outcome is for the game, we're still willing to pay the full $60 for it.


03/11/2013 at 05:52 PM

I buy very few game new, and even fewer of those do I preorder. One reason is cause I'm a cheap basterd, and the other is if I'm not 100% sure the game is good I'm not about to drop $60 of my hard earned cash on a gamble. And it seems like the games with the most hype are the one to be the most wary of. Colonial Marine is a perfect example. Although I have not played it, I have read enough reviews and seen enough Youtube videos to know that Assasins Creed 3 is a glitchy fuckin mess. And it has not even been out a year yet and Assasins Creed 4 is already around the corner. I like quality over quanity.

 Anyway I'm not going to sweat all this too much cause I got enough games in my back log to keep me buissy for years. But it would be a damn shame to see the video game industry implode because of shamless greed when they are on the verge of being accepted as an art and as the next major form of popular entertainment.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 06:58 AM

Great points bud.

I actually just read an interview with the developers of RockStar and they were just saying how they refuse to constantly release GTA games intermittedly because of their fear of the series growing stale and stagnant amoung it's fans. I gotta say that I fully agree with the Quality over Quantity methodology.


03/11/2013 at 05:57 PM

I stayed far, far away from SimCity. I knew that EA had ruined the game with its ham-handed DRM. I saw what happened to Spore five years ago, and Spore was nothing compared to what EA did to SC. I avoid EA pretty much on sight, TBH.

Aliens: CM - That game was another disaster in slow motion. Word has it that Gearbox took Sega's money and used it on Borderlands 1 and 2 instead. The game had a long, troubled stretch in development hell. I likewise don't think anyone expected anything from the Duke other than seeing how that train wreck turned out after over a decade.

We do deserve better from the industry. At the end of the day, these are luxury items. I don't need any of these games, but the game industry still needs our money to keep going, despite the shocking number of corporate ballwashers there are defending these practices.


03/11/2013 at 06:03 PM

Why bother buying pre-orders at all? I don't even have the time to play new games on their release date. I'm still playing XCOM and Etrian Odyssey. I'm just sitting back and taking in comments for Revengence and Tomb Raider but I don't feel the urge to run out and buy them now. If they are good games they will always be good games. Besides, you're gonna be expected to buy in-game items and extra content in the long term. I just shelved away ME3 and was done with it, now comes news of more DLC. Come on! I'll just wait another year for the final, final game of the year edition.

FU EA!!!Yell


03/11/2013 at 10:32 PM

The only games I buy day one are niche RPGs that I know are going to be hard to find, especially if they come in nice collectors' editions. The AAA stuff I pass on until it's in the bargain bin, if I buy it at all.


03/12/2013 at 03:27 AM

Yes. You are right. Xenoblade was rare to find as it was an exclusive to Gamestop. Etrian Odyssey games stopped being stocked at games stores as well. I have a persona psp game and ys game in special packaging as well as Etrian Odyssey 3 & 4, which are exclusive to pre order, but also I was informed about the games quality and didn't consider the purchase risky. I would't pre-order every game though. Although I just saw news of a Picachu Edition of 3DSXL with Pokemon Mystery Dungeons. Goddammit! I'm a Hypacrite!Yell

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 07:01 AM

You guys both have great points, ESPECIALLY in regards to grabbing niche RPGs before they esculate in price.

I know I grabbed Fire Emblem on day 1 and I have yet to regret it, let alone stop playing it!


03/11/2013 at 06:42 PM

Face it EA is money hungry and is an out of control corporate pig and nothing we can do will change this unless everyone gets on board I have a good freind who works for EE the online half and he tells me on a daily basis how rude and how they do not care for there employees so if they treat there own like that you know were getting stuffed so I say to hell with them they wont get another penny from me know matter what they put out, and keep in mind EA publishes alot of companys games maybe they need to know who there dealingnwith so next time they will look for another publisher.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 07:26 AM

I'll still give EA my money if I see a game that I really want (Granted, I'll definitely be renting it first so I can judge it before I try it). I just think that companies need to refocus their goals and initiatives before they launch crap and expect us to pay full price for it.

Honestly, I would be much less bitter if Aliens would've released as it was but for $30-$40 instead of the full $60.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

03/11/2013 at 06:48 PM

I tell ya...these are some sad times for gamers.  I'm starting shudder just thinking about what the future will bring.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 07:28 AM

It's a sad time for us, it's true.

But I worry even more about the future and what my kid's gaming future will hold. This is a hobby I'd love to share and pass down, I'm just not sure if I'll be able to effectively do it though.


03/11/2013 at 09:49 PM

I hate the day 1 dlc model. It's so shady. Oh, and Gamestop won't automatically transfer your preorder money to a game of your choosing. You have to ask them too. These kinds of practices are just designed to scam us for profit.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 07:29 AM

I agree. Day-1 DLC is awful. Why would developers create a full game, then splinter off a section or two solely for DLC and extra profitting.


03/12/2013 at 07:44 AM

Their reasoning is that their developers continue to work on content after the game is completed. So by the time the discs are all printed, shipped and put on retail shelves, they have all this stuff ready for dlc support. I say if you're going to do that, make it worthwhile, not some little extra stuff that takes about an hour to make!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/12/2013 at 07:50 AM

Definitely. The DLC I usually invest in is the DLC that guarentees numerous hours worth of content for me to complete, such as Skyrim, Dark Souls, and Borderlands.


03/12/2013 at 11:21 AM

The gaming industry really has gone down hill from where it use to be I feel. I do not like this turn of them saying we have to have the internet or them giving us games where we have to play online with others. I like to make my choice for that, which it stinks because a lot of games out there that look really awesome some people may shy away from. Also I am not happy with how they are like here's our finished product but there's all this stuff wrong with it...either they know and just don't care or they are just like we'll fix it later. That's what I thought game testers were for though to test out the product...

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