I think that through my ranting and raving I may have simply rambled jumbled nonsense.. So to all who read this; my bad. lol
Are We Entitled To More?
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![]() On 03/11/2013 at 03:29 PM by Chris Yarger ![]() See More From This User » |
So I guess EA has made another wonderful splash in the world of the Gaming Industry again.
First; the reported cancellation of Dead Space 4 simply because they were unable to meet their audacious sales quota.
Secondly; Sim City’s failure to launch properly due to the constant connection required.
And all of this has me thinking…
Are we the gamers… Entitled to more?
Now hear me out before you all begin to think that I am a pompous ass. And before we embark on this rant/tirade of my; watch this:
Now doesn’t that just LOOK awesome?
And did you notice that at the 0:05 mark was an exclamation noting that it was 100% In-Game Footage? Well I played the game, and my memory must be getting bad because I really don’t remember a lot of things from that trailer being in the game. Sure, there were a few things in the trailer that I remember from the game, but not everything was In-Game, that should’ve been labeled something along the lines of “About 50% of this is actually In-Game, the rest is crap we’ve made up so you’d buy this”
This leads me to my point though.
As a gamer, shouldn’t we be entitled to something more than what’s thrown upon us?
I realize that not everything will always run as smoothly as a Kenyan, and sometimes when runners go awry they tend to run like a double amputee that just killed his girlfriend (Too soon?). But things should be better than what they are.
More often than not though, pre-orders are shoved down our throats the moment we step into a Video Game Retailer and they try to hit us harder than a head-butt from a triceratops with exclusive deals to in-game content and DLC. They try to sweeten the deal so it’s not such a hard hit with extra in-game content and other bonuses, but why? Is this the publishers’ way of forcing themselves onto us with their games and content like my ex does while on a nude beach?
Let’s skip back to Aliens again; this game was supposed to be an incredible game, even better than my priest’s version of Just The Tip. Preorders were rushed in, and those who preordered it were given a nice new shiny gun to play with!
But the game still sucked!!
It’s as if they took our money, gave us a stick, and told us to pretend to shoot at trees with our wooden rifle we were guaranteed to have through our preorder. Go to a local GameStop and you’ll see that they’re using used copies of this game to balance desks and play Frisbee.
Let’s look at another failure of a game; Duke Nukem Forever.
Duke Nuken Forever (DNF) was a game that was in production for nearly fifteen years. Before its release (It was one of the top 3 preorders for 2011 mind you….), DNF was purported to be Groundbreaking. But upon its release, we the gamers could finally see the truth; it was merely 15 years too late for the game. It was basically like a piece of adequate beef seasoned to perfection. It may have smelled good before we tasted it, but once we got a taste of the texture we could simply sense its adequacy as a whole.
And this is just it. When is enough enough?
We have preorders shoved down our throats. We’re entering into an era in which a constant on-line connection is required, but we’re now seeing how that is turning out with in regards to Sim City and Diablo 3. We’re promised nice and shiny gold, but we receive polished turds in the terms of Aliens: Colonial Marines. We’re told that certain console’s hardware can handle any type of game because it’s the strongest on the market, yet Skyrim is still struggling on the PS3. PS3 owners are more often than not subjected to receiving DLC late (Skyrim again!). And what of Day-1 DLC releases and why can’t they just be included in the game so we’re buying a full package? What about all of the rumors of the new Xbox not playing used games, thus forcing us to buy all new games?
Where do we the Gamers draw the line and take a stand? And is it even possible to take a stand?
Oh that's awesome Day-1 DLC....
I don’t want to have to ‘buy’ DLC that was released the day a game came out simply because I didn’t want to take the gamble on a pre-order purchase. I don’t want to be forced to be online if I’m playing a game that has absolutely nothing to do with online material. I don’t want to pre-order a game that has the potential to be as stinky as a hobo in the sun.
I simply want what I want.
I’m a gamer, and I pay for what I love. And dammit, I think I’m entitled to love what I pay for.
For the record though; I have played Duke Nukem, and Aliens: Colonial Marines and I thoroughly enjoyed them for what they were; Rentals...