didn't this game cost like $500 million or something? where did the money go?
5 Things Destiny 2 Needs
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![]() On 09/28/2014 at 01:58 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
So I traded in Destiny with it. I liked the game, but there was not enough to keep the game fresh. There was plenty of content, but what it lacked was effort.
Turn Story Missions and Strikes into Halo Levels
What made me so excited for this game was the idea that we could have a loot RPG with the design and care put into a linear shooter like Halo. I can count the number of times we got that. My suggestion would be to design these just like they would with Halo. Have giant battlefields, have vehicles everywhere,
Greater Enemy Diversity
Yahtzee hit the nail on the head in his latest Zero Punctuation review. Halo had enemies of all shapes and sizes, each having their own distinct look with their own tactics. Destiny has the second part, though not to the same extent as Halo. There are a few different kinds of enemy attack partterns and weak spots, but they mostly look the same and blur together. I think there were three different factions, but I have no clue what their different goals were, if they even have any. This is mitigated a little more on Mars, but not enough.
The next Destiny should make enemies as diverse as the Covenant and Flood, both between each other and within their own groups. I saw enemies shooting at each other, let the ones from each side stand out from one another. And let me know why they're shooting at each other.
More Environment Variety
Destiny only has four planets to roam around in. These planets are sizable and have their own distinct look and feel, but still. In my mind, I feel like since they have the groundwork done, a sequel should keep that number of large planets, maybe even one less and throw in a bunch of smaller planets. Or have planets each have their own subsection each with its own look. Maybe one is a ruined city while another is a jungle full of wildlife. Destiny already has the second idea to an extent, but it is not nearly fleshed out as well. They just feel like pieces of an area rather than an interesting place you want to explore.
Better Lore
I still have no idea what happened in the backstory other than people used to live on planets and now they live in the tower, which is basically a bizarro Deathstar. What was life like on these planets? How did the moon, Mars, and Venus become hospitable? How has humanity been affected by this? This is a conceptually interesting world with boring execution.
Replace Peter Dinklage
This is more a personal thing, but everyone pretty much agrees that Peter Dinklage does not deliver on his voice acting. The guy is a fine actor, hell, his scenes are the only bits from Game of Thrones that put me to sleep. The issue may be bad direction or that he does not work as a voice actor. Either way, I think there should be a different guide for the sequel. My suggestion: Chris Pratt. He's the polar opposite of Peter Dinklage's character and if he could give his usual enthusiasm, he would make the game more fun.