So im sure you have games thats rare and if you think you dont you may be surprised to find out you may have a rare game.

Definition of Rare
1 : marked by wide separation of component particles : thin 2 a : marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : distinctive b : superlative or extreme of its kind 3 : seldom occurring or found : uncommon synonyms See Synonym Discussion at choice, infrequent
So now that thats cleared up here's what I have for Rare games.
My first one is expensive to buy online if you can fin a original copy.
Price and shipping:$129.87
+ $3.99 shipping
Panzergeneral original long box black label extremely rare.
Operation Darkness & Spectral Force 3
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI Hard to find.
Then one I just bought although not as rare as the collectors edition it is difficult to find.

And of course one that was very hard to find.

So do you own any rare games or do you want to know if you own any rare games cause I can tell you if you do.....