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Chris' Gaming Updates

On 10/06/2014 at 01:17 PM by goaztecs

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So get this Pixlbit, early Saturday morning, for some odd reason I woke up at 5am. Why 5am? No idea but I was up and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I didn’t want to turn the TV on because I couldn’t find the remote and I refused to leave the bed so I started playing some stuff on the tablets. I decided to try and see if my Nexus was still able to do the time hack. If you don’t know what this is, the time hack is basically you roll the clock on your device two hours after you played a stamina based game to trick the game to thinking time past and your stamina bar is refilled. Apparently it works and I spent the next four hours swiping away and building up a couple of my characters so I could make a run at completing the game.



These are my three go to characters that I am currently leveling up to make that run. I got to the third group of missions and they are a little tougher than I thought they would be so I dropped down a bit to play Level them up a bit more, and maybe enough gold to buy a new Gold Level character. Doesn’t that sound like a lot of grinding for a freebie game? Yup. If/when I do complete this game it will be the second game I’ve taken down on the console, handheld, and tablet versions.


During my four-hour marathon I racked up some Google Play Achievements




There are a couple on here that are challenge based, online, and other random achievements I won’t reach and that’s fine. Heck I don’t think I’m close to going 100% on any of the tablet games I’ve played. I might be close on a couple that I’ve played for over a year but that’s a whole different story.


So how are you Pixlbit? Did this past weekend treat you well? Did you catch Upset Saturday in college football? Did you see AMERICA’S TEAM beat the Houston Texans? More importantly what did you play?


I jumped back into Destiny and played a couple of missions. I’m not getting my first person shooter dizzy spells like I do with other games, which is great but once again I do wish this game had a pause button. There was a mission that takes a bit of time and I had to do something in the other room. I would normally hit pause, take care of business, and come back but since this is not one of these games I had to hide my character in an area with no bad guys. I did unlock Venus, which is a good thing to have another place to roam around and shoot at bad guys.



This is my guardian. Apparently I made a unicorn.



And for you folks who love stats. I should try the other game options just to raise my Guardian’s Skill Level. If I were to judge by the tone of the story, I’m probably around Act II, and around the middle of the game. For you folks who already played the game, I bet you’re saying “he has no idea where he’s at” and I would agree, but hey I’m enjoying this game and hopefully I knock the story mode off Mount Backlog.


Star Wars Commander – iPad Air


Oh this game. This game is making me take longer than I would normally write this blog because I’m stopping every 10 minutes to go and attack some other player’s base (sorry other players)



This is my new favorite special weapon. I spent Saturday and part of Sunday getting it to Level 4, and currently I’m upgrading it to Level 5.


In other gaming news, I played more Madden 25, I thought about getting Super Smash Bros. for the 3DS again. I had it in my hands and then put it down and left the store. I also played a bunch of random tablet games, which is nothing too exciting. Alright Pixlbit I must go, and since it’s Monday, I can’t wait for Wednesday for another trip to the local Swapmeet. This is easily becoming my favorite thing to do, right up there with CD Saturday/Sunday.


That’s all for now, more later!




Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/06/2014 at 01:25 PM

how is Madden 25?  I'm thinking of getting it for PS4 when I get one, but I've heard mixed things.  I heard it's better than last year's though.  

I'm still playing Pier Solar and Wasteland 2.  Great games.  

My weekend was alright.  A lot of football yesterday, disappointed the Cardinals lost, but the Eagles won (barely).  


10/07/2014 at 06:52 AM

I just got Pier Solar and planning to play it asap!


10/07/2014 at 12:55 PM

I don't think I played the previous Madden game on the consoles (Vita only) but I like 25. I really haven't used the update players function, but I should at some point just to improve my team. I don't care for Gameflow, and there is a lot of features. The one thing I really like is that the community created an updated roster for this year, so the game doesn't feel like it's a year old.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/06/2014 at 02:24 PM

Texans-Cowboys was a lot of great plays mixed with a lot of typical fuck-ups. 

I did enjoy the Dez Bryant catch, Romo shaking Watt, and the ending field goal though.


10/07/2014 at 12:57 PM

If only DeMarco can shake his fumbling problem...and DEZ F'N BRYANT! Romo had a couple of big plays escaping from the Texans but it's sweet to see him get away from Watt. 


10/06/2014 at 04:44 PM

I had a let-down of a weekend after a really awesome weekend last week. I was headed to my uncle's in New Hampshire (about 115 mile trip) for my grandmother's 90th birthday party when my car started dying on me. Luckily, I was only about five miles from home when it happened, so I was able to get back home and then get my car to the mechanic, but it was still a major disappointment to miss the party.

To console myself, I vacuumed the dust off and out of my consoles (see what I did there?) and fired up my 360 and played a couple of games I'd downloaded months and months ago (like last spring). I had a lot of fun with Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, even if I suck at the combat part and didn't get very far. I also played Sleeping Dogs and got hooked. I checked my watch at one point thinking it was maybe 2:00 or 2:30 in the morning and discovered it was actually 4:30. Oops. At least I didn't have to be anywhere on Sunday, especially since the cat woke me up just after I'd fallen asleep by puking next to my pillow and then the dog decided that he had to pee at 7:10. I managed to nap on and off, but fell asleep right after the Patriots' first TD and woke up just as the third quarter was ending. 


10/07/2014 at 12:59 PM

Sorry about that weekend, but like you said at least you were close to home when your car started giving you problems

I see what you did there! The thing with Sleeping Dogs is I go through hot and cold streaks with it. On the PS3, I played a bunch but lost interest, and when it was free on 360 I picked it up again, and I just can't get back into it. Glad you're enjoying it!


10/07/2014 at 06:53 AM

I love how the Guardians can look like that! And I agree I wish it had a pause too because I found out it didn't the hard way! I have a hunter in that game though and found out I am quite an amazing medic lol


10/07/2014 at 01:01 PM

There are some cool looks for the characters in this game. I do wish I was able to keep my created guy from the Beta, but I'm digging the unicorn guy. Funny you mention being a medic, everytime I see an alert that someone needs help, I get to them and they already respawned. I'm the anti medic, hahaha. 


10/07/2014 at 03:32 PM

Star Wars Commander. . . sigh. One day I'll have an iPad.


10/09/2014 at 11:47 AM

Such a fun game. I just like attacking other people's bases. In fact as I'm currently typing this I'm building up another force to avenge my butt kicking I got last night. 

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