The last time I went to E3 two years ago I saw a lot of iPad games shown, so I decided to get one soon after. I've been able to review lots of iPad games since. There are some good ones here and there. I like Where's My Water?, Groove Coaster, Pac-Chomp, Type:Rider, and a few others.
I'm turning into an iPad gamer. Help! I feel scared!
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![]() On 10/14/2014 at 04:12 AM by asrealasitgets ![]() See More From This User » |
Guys! Let me just admit something right now. I fucking hate portable gaming. I don't mean 3DS or Vita. I mean iPhone an iPad. I tried KOTOR on iPad and hated it. I never want to play a full console game on there ever again. Give me a controller any day. The only games I am able to honestly enjoy are card deck building games. I can't explain it. It just works really well, and I don't play card games. My brain just all of a sudden started enjoying games on iPad more than PC or console for some reason. I can also do this while watching sports or TV shows on the couch without really focusing too much on the game. I think this is the formula. Gaming on iPad is great for when you are distracted with things like commercial breaks on TV or Sports games.
My fav games so far...
1. Pokemon Trading Card Game
Honestly. I've never really been entirely into Pokemon games at all. I've played a few but didn't collect'em all and I got bored of the combat very quickly. This game however is the digital version of the table top game you play with card packs you can actually buy. It's a bit complicated and intense and I am addicted to it. It's not as glorious as Hearthstone, but it has animations that do the trick. I can't stop playing. I'm currently just playing offline in Trainer mode but it's pretty good. I like this game better than the handheld game. I think it's really great. It's also available for PC via flash browser. It's also FREE!
2. Terra Battle
This is that kickstarter from Mistwalker, from that dude that made JRPGs and final fantasies and the internet loves him. This game is weird. It's not like final fantasy, but it kind of is. It's not an RPG, but it kind of is. It's tile based. you move a party of six characters around a grid and they do battles like in an RPG or card game. It's odd. It's unusual. It's wierd. It's cool. It's fun. It's amazing! It's quite repetative and challenging, and I'm enjoying it. I enjoy the artwork and sountrack. I love it. I can't play it non-stop though, just a few matches a day. It's also FREE!
3. Star Wars Commander
I've never played a game like this. I guess it's considered a tower defense game? You choose Empire or Rebel Alliance then build an army base and train troops then attack other bases online for resources. So it's a resource gathering and tower defense game and it looks and sounds pretty sweet and I like it alot!
4 Hearthstone
I've played this card game on PC for a bit, and not a lot on iPad but it was very good. I though it was a bit challenging at first and I got put off by news that it was pay to win so I didn't want to get invested to much, but I might jump back in now that iPad is pulling me in with games. It's very good and looks gorgeous!
So guys, what mobile games are y'all into? I really recommend these games and could play them for a long time. I normally get put off by that idea, but these are exceptions. Any other recommendatons?
Also Bayonetta 2 Demo is pretty rad! I want to buy it soon!