Although the books look cool o3o
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![]() On 10/14/2014 at 10:51 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbitonians! I, Blake "Terrible Punman" Turner have moved into a new place with a friend! It's fucking awesome! The room is a touch small though, and I don't have a bed. I have a queen sized matress that has to be against the wall when I'm not using it or I can't open the door or sit at my computer. But hey, rent is 230 a week (115 because I'm splitting rent), and I HAVE MY OWN SPACE!
Also, the location! So, I'm a minutes walk from a petrol station/shop thing. Across the road is a liquor shop. Across the road a bit and down is a shop that houses the greatest combination of things ever: Coffee, Gelato, and books. Yeah, it's fucking awesome. Havem't tried there Gelato's yet because it was rainy and miserable and cold, but their coffee is nice, and I bought two books!
Tbh, their fantasy/sci fi section is pretty huge, so I'lll be spending plenty of time there. Plus the staff is awesome. They know stuff about books, and make recommendations based on stuff you've read/are buying. It's great! Oh, and like 2 out of the five are cute redheads. So yeah, I'll probably spend a lot of time there (sorry Bilby :p)
Haven't heard back from Baiada yet but I should have work there soon. I'm resuming my old job picking up eggs, which sounds easy, but it's not overly. You have to pick up 6000-7000 eggs a day while in a hot shed, with chickens shitting on your hands, roosters attacking you, culling sick roosters, moving dead chickens out of the shed, watching chickens do fucked up things like eat their guts out through their prolapsed anuses (that fucking terrified me when I first saw it, I can tell you that. Thank god the Human Centipede guy hasn't worked in a chicken shed!), and lifting heavy things. We do get to ride a golf cart around though, so that's fun. Oh, and it's 21 bucks an hour (roughly $19 USD) with no qualifications, so that's pretty darn awesome.
So yeah. That's my life at the moment. I watched Drive as well last night for the second time. I really love everything about that film, from the soundtrack, to the slow build plot, to the sweet romantic scenes, to the horrific explosions of violence - the movie is like if Quenton Tarantino and Lars Von Trier teamed up to make a Fast and the Furious sequel. It's artsy, its brutally violent, and it has Bryan Cranston and Ron Perlman in it. So yeah.
Oh, and in the games department, it's mostly been Archeage. That game is a ton of fun. It starts off like a traditional MMO with quests and shit, but that's mainly to get you familiar with the mechanics. After that, you can build your own house and be a farmer, or be a pirate, or whatever else. If you commit a crime, you can be summoned before a Jury of actual players who decide whether you go to jail or not and for how long (max is like 15 mins I think). I'll probably write a blog about it at some point since there's a lot to say. Anyway, Blake out motherfuckers.
Yeah. It's pretty fucked. But some of them are cool. There was a rooster who was gettting picked on by other roosters because it was a bit younger then the rest, so shooed off all of the other roosters and protected it. When it was older and strong enough to fight, it would follow me around and bur up/attack any rooster who attacked me. He was awesome, and he let me pat him and hand feed him, which something roosters rarely let you do. They really are cocks.
Not really a follow up, I just mean their next work together. If you liked Drive... you might like it? I didn't mind it, but it is a lot more pretentious. The story is told more in metaphor than traditional narrative structure and the violence does seem a touch unncessary in places.
It's still a really well shot and solid thriller with another astonishing soundtrack. Oh, and Ryan Gosling speaks even less in this haha.
Chickens, when not free-range, are nasty. My great-grandfather was the manager for a big chicken farm and we used to go visit when I was very small. I didn't eat chicken until five or six years ago...
Bookstore with coffee and gelato within walking distance sounds like heaven, especially with a large science fiction/fantasy section. As for the cute redheads - my philosophy is it's ok to look but not touch. Tell Bilby you're just admiring living sculptures.
Haha indeed. I told her that there was a David Tennant lookalike working there too, so she'll have something to look at while we're there :p.
Fair enough. My grandmother is the manager of one, so they gave her a free house near the shed so she can be called upon at all times. Since you're not allowed to work with relatives and you're not allowed to work at a different farm while living with a relative who works at Baiada (contamination issues) I had to move out to get the job.
But yeah, I definitely understand. I could never not eat chicken, because I love cooking marinated chicken/chicken stir fry, but it is very uncomfortable what they do in those situations.
Congrats on the new place. Good deal on that rent as well. The only thing I miss about sharing an apartment with someone is sharing the costs of rent. And I agree, being located near creature comforts is always a plus. At my current location I have drive to some of those but its less than 5 minutes away (and up one of the biggest hills in town) so no problem.
My brother was a huge fan of Red Dwarf and he also bought those books as well as a collection of scripts from selected episodes.
I once picked eggs in a chicken house when I was younger. I stopped early on since it played hell with my sinuses. It's a shitty job in a literally shitty environment.
I felt that way the first time I watched it too. I thought it was boring the first time I watched it. But I think the middle is what makes the end so awesome. It's a slow build that makes the characters more likeable. Also, I like that the main character rarely speaks. His mannerisms make him seem sort of autistic to me. He doesn't seem to know how to react in social situations and he seems to get on with the kid more than he does the mother. It seems like when he kisses her later in the film that he only did this because he'd seen it been done in films or something.
That said, when I saw it with my girlfriend at the time she hated it. Thought the middle was too slow and the end was too violent. However, I feel like it is exactly my kind of film. A slow burn film that ratchets up the tension and explodes in dramatic fury. Whether that be explosive violence or just dramatic tension doesn't matter. I just love when a slow film explodes. Which is probably why I LOVE Breaking Bad so much.
I never found Breaking Bad "slow." In my opinion, there was something dramatic happening between characters in most episodes. That's what I'm mainly interested in with visual media: watching how characters interact with each other.
You might be right with the autistic thing. I hadn't thought about it that way. I figured it may have been part of the director's style to just make a really quiet movie. I did watch the movie more than once though and the middle still dragged a bit for me the second and third times.
I'll agree the middle does some nice character building for the end. My dad hated the ultra-violent ending when he came in on it while I watched the movie in the living room and I told him he might have liked it if he'd seen the middle. Personally, I love the shots of downtown L.A. with Kavinsky playing after the chase scene in the beginning. Adds such a style and atmosphere.