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Assassin's Creed Unity Has No Consistency

On 10/14/2014 at 03:20 PM by Casey Curran

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It was announced last week that Assassin's Creed Unity would run on 900p and 30 FPS on both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One to "avoid controversy." That is a stupid reason, but watching the latest Jimquisition showed me a follow up statement I missed, where they claimed 30 FPS is more cinematic and the amount of pixels should not matter. These statements are dumb on their own, but I'm not going into that. I'm going into a past of this game where only one conclusion can be drawn: Unity is a development cycle of contradictions.

Let's look back on the E3 controversy, for instance. Where there was an outcry for the game not including a female playable character for the multiplayer. And I was actually understanding about this for two reasons. One is that the multiplayer works in a way where your main character is never different, you only see your friends' characters as different, as they do with yours. So you would not even be playing as a female assassin. 

However, the "official" reason they gave was also understandable at the time. That they were pumping so much into the graphics that they had too many character animations for a female assassin to work in this game. I was actually disappointed over the outcry from this. It could have spawned some well thought out articles over whether the old ideas of pushing graphics and technology to sell games might be dated in comparison to inclusivity rather than just shaming them. 

Now, however, this argument holds no water. If they really cared about pushing the technology, they'd give everyone the maximum framerate and resolution possible. It is a small aspect of the graphics, but Ubisoft already established how much graphics matter to this game. They can't back up and say they're not as important just because it's convenient now.

And let's also look at the "cinematic" argument for 30 FPS. Last time I checked, Unity was supposed to be the Assassin's Creed that revamped the series' gameplay. Ex-1upper RedSwirl posted an article outlining these changes. This new Assassin's Creed will have more open ended missions, overhauled stealth mechanics, and tweaks to the parkour. Interesting changes from a gameplay perspective, one that actually made me think that Ubisoft could be taking the series seriously again.

But then they put 30 FPS as superior to 60 for non-gameplay reasons. I played a bit of Assassin's Creed 3 on PC to stream it and let me tell you, that game does feel noticeably better at 60 FPS. It still has all the same issues with pacing, world, missions, combat, platforming, the control scheme, story, glitches, and, well, you know how I feel about the game. But even after nearly two years, I could tell that the gameplay was smoother. And when it clipped down to 30 FPS for a few seconds, it stuck out a lot.

So if you're committed to making the gameplay better, why would you say that? Because Assassin's Creed is not a series where there is a huge commitment to the story. If there was, then they would not have milked Etzio's story for all it was worth. They wouldn't have ended every single Assassin's Creed game with a cliffhanger and at least once would have given us a real ending. Instead they just cared about milking it.

Because that's what Unity is really about. Not graphics or gameplay. It's about getting people to keep buying Assassin's Creed games. If gamers did not complain about the series' shortcomings, we would not have these gameplay changes. If there was no new technology we wanted to see taken advantage of, they'd reuse the same old engine. Assassin's Creed is just a product. You can have fun with it, but don't ever expect Ubisoft to take it seriously.



Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/14/2014 at 07:32 PM

I don't like these games, but I still like that they take place in areas mostly ignored by games.  Even the new one almost lures me in because I find revolutionary era France fascinating.  But we all see what they did with an awesome setting of revolutionary era america, so they just seem to fuck these things up.  My brother did enjoy the last one, but not because it was an AC game necessarily.  

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/15/2014 at 01:50 PM

I think after 2 they've really been wasting their potential.


10/15/2014 at 03:25 AM

I don't know why resolution and frame rate matters to people so much. At lot of times those numbers don't explain everything that's going on. I play mainly for gameplay and fun factor. The game may stutter sometimes and look like a Xbox 360 game from 2006 that was ported from original Xbox like EDF 2025, and I still love it for the weapon variety and the shear visceral thrill of shooting things. The graphics of Diddy Kong Racing may look like melted colored plastic, but I still get into it for the races. RE4 HD looks really good with improved graphics but the combat is as clunky as ever. I'm going to have a hard time completing it with those controls. It's good looks won't keep me playing if the controls are frustrating. I say poo on frame rates and resolution. Gameplay is what matters.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/15/2014 at 01:55 PM

Framerate absolutely matters for gameplay. That's why Call of Duty's controls are so highly praised, because it's one of the few shooters at 60 FPS. That's why Metal Gear Rising worked better than DmC last year, because action games like that almost need 60 FPS. It matters less for AC, but the gameplay absolutely is better at 60 FPS. It's just a matter of smoother, more fluid controls.

As for resolution, what you say is true, but beside the point. If Ubisoft just said their game was going to be 900p, there wouldn't be an issue. But they were one of the developers talking about how much graphics matter, how resolution matters, and all that stuff. So for them to say it doesn't now that giving the best image quality isn't convenient for them, yeah that's bullshit.


10/16/2014 at 03:39 AM

i understand how framerate matters for serious FPS gamers. I work with an ex-MLG player, but for me it just doesn't.

Resolution is cool. I got turned on by the way Killzone Shadowfall looked last year, but it's given way too much attention. I get it that Ubisoft says one thing and then seems to backpeddle on their specs, but if it's noticeable that's one thing. If it's all about a number, that's just stupid.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/15/2014 at 11:50 AM

Yeah, for film I'd agree that 30 FPS does make things more cinematic and dream-like than 60 FPS, hence why movies tend to use 30 FPS and news uses 60 FPS for the most part. There's exceptions, but a lot of people who saw Peter Jackson's The Hobbit in HFR (60 FPS) thought it was too obvious the sets were fake and people who know about film were like "yeah, that's why you slow things down to trick the eye." 

But for video games, a smoother experience is more important than what's "cinematic," so that argument doesn't really translate. 


10/15/2014 at 12:05 PM

Also, video games don't have the physical limitations of filmmaking, so developers can make a game look "cinematic" at any framerate, by using motion blur, depth-of-field effects, low resolution elements, by attenuating movement speed of characters and objects, etc.  

What's more, I think people should be concerned that game companies are being outright dishonest by claiming they are capping framerates to achieve film aesthetic. Or that they are ignorant of their own medium, take your pick.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/15/2014 at 12:08 PM


Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/15/2014 at 01:56 PM

That last paragraph nailed it.


10/15/2014 at 01:54 PM

If Ubisoft reps just kept their mouth shut or used another official excuse such as "ease of development" and/or "we were struggling to hit the release date", I think this wouldn't have blown up in the manner that it did. This could also be a case of a game that's early on in a generation's lifespan that doesn't completely take advantage of said console's abilities for whatever reason, which I've heard has happened in the early years/stages of the past two console generations.

By this point, people will know whether they want to continue playing this series every year. As much as I enjoyed Black Flag, I'm on the fence regarding Unity and Rogue. But Ubisoft needs to take a breather from this franchise. The game could end up being fun to play anyway but I understand the multitude of eyes-rolling.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/15/2014 at 01:57 PM

Rogue and Unity could be fun to play, but I refuse to spend full price on an AC game after 3.


10/16/2014 at 01:18 PM

I'm getting the impression that it seems that Ubisoft is having alot of problems with this version of Assassins and the graphics issue is just another problem to add to the list. They should have seen this as a problem from the beginning and built their game at that framerate. This could be a game that many will avoid because of these issues. 


10/26/2014 at 02:50 AM

Given what Ubisoft has done over the years with their verison of Online Pass, UPlay integration and what they've done to the AC series as a whole, I wouldn't trust them at anything they say either. Should've just cancelled this mistake from the onset.

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