~Official Nintendo Magazine~
Februray 2006 - October 2014
The the original NOM (Nintendo Official Magazine) ran during 1992 I've been buying them since 98ish I haven't kept those though but after a clear out of my room after I got my new bed I consciously decided to keep the First of the revamped magazine only to find out that days after I throw out the rest of my mags I read they where to stop publishing
It's been great, I got sooooo many poster and nintendo themed items from them like my Nintendo Beanie or my Mario Mouse mat. Issue 115 came with "the best off" list and a double-sided poster.
I already have a smaller version of the Super Mario Galaxy cover but on the other side, I think is by far the best

It's a full portrait version but it's this one. 
At least the website is up but it's not the same 
Laptop Cooling Fan

It's pretty cool (harhar) does a good job of stopping my laptop from getting too hot and it's quite quiet as well.
I've been playing Windwaker HD for the past few days and i'm really impressed with the visuals, the ambient lighting and shading are soo good. The controls get some getting used to with certain functions, I had no ideas that you could do selfies in this game and I don't remember much who hoha about it either with is surprising but i've already picked up some bottles and am loving the few I've seen. I'm finding it easier to play than the first time and i'm begging to notice the shorter sailing times but that may take a little something away, a sense of vastness, which when you think about it is very ambitious of Ninty back then.
I've Recently saw some of the hidden Characters in SSB4 and Ganon might have a sword attack however that might just be wishful thinking.
Super Mario Kart 8 should be arriving this weekend, it should have been here by yesterday but life sucks.
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- has a release date... in America. (Gits) This December on PS3 and 4, there will be a Limited Edition, what it has I do not know but I am buying it, because it has cross platform online play I may buy the cheapest Limited Edition and the regular on the opposite console. It's not like I need to give my family presents or anything...
I played the Bayonetta demo a few times and I've preordered the Double game pack at a decent price. It'll be released next week or so.
I haven't talked about this topic for a while (to my shame) so i'll give you the highlights
- Marvel: Wolverine is dead. Again? Again and Sabretooth (with an altered personality) is the New Wolverine.
- Marvel: Thor is a woman again, who? I don't know
- The Daredevil Netflix show is picking up, and the costume is based on th 90s Frank Miller beginner Ninja suit.
- Marvel: Fantastic Four is cancelled MAYBE due to the seemingly lame film by fox that's coming out.
- Marvel are currently rewinding back to old storylines like Civil War and Amour Wars in I think the "new" storyline Secret Wars loosely based on the original still involving the Beyonder
- DC: Aquaman: Throne of Atlantis is oming soon, a movie based on a nu storyline in the less than Stellar Nu52
- DC: The Main Man, Lobo has been killed by the nu (Fauxbo) Lobo. I'm pissed about this not just because i'm a fan but because while the original eventually became satire of the current culture of ultraviolence and quasi-mature content being displayed in comics in the 90s this Fauxbo appear's to be playing it straight, and if it wasn't taking it self seriously or even taking it's self ironically seriously I may have gotten over it but it's just all soo flat and boring and is initself the very thing Lobo is satire of. Admitted ly it was overt back then but now if they where going for subtlty... I detect nothing.
- DC: Linda Carters version of Wonder Woman is getting a comic series
- DC: Watched the the first episode of Gotham, excluding the Catwoman bits which where completely unnesssesary, I liked it. Jada's character Fish Mooney is so far my fav.
- Archie: Sonic and MegaMan are crossing over again.
- Archie: when it's out in trade, buy this!

Be cool guys, I've got sleeping to do (if I can).
This is V saying "It's Alright"
