Your sketches are really neat! I have a bamboo tablet myself. I usually just touch up images with it. Do you do banner art by request by any chance? I'd love a Resident Evil or Silent Hill banner from you.
AlchemistLog:Nearing The End Of October...Stuff I've Finished...
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![]() On 10/24/2014 at 08:38 PM by AzureAlchemist ![]() See More From This User » |
..Welp I have been getting incresingly busy...Kinda got another request to be working on but..No real time to start on it..(As some of that is going into this...)Luckly the dishes are pretty much back in order for this week..Oh, also if things are still set, I'm going to a family brunch this weekend..Attepmt to go to bed earlier tonight...(Oh..It seems they rescheduled..)Anyway..Been practicing still with my tablet..Definitly have gotten more comfortable with it..Pretty much has become like my traditional media stuff..I got plenty of half to more or less almost done stuff laying around the digital space of my laptop...Finished some traditional stuff recently as well..With most of that aside..I got some work-in-progress shots of my digital stuff...
Been working on this off and on…Hopefully I’ll finish soon…
Recent one I’ve started…Maybe I’ll post more about it later…Pretty much a new original character though..
..Now for various traditional doodles done through this month...
...Oh, hello October..I almost didn't see you there....
...Drawn around my dog's birthday..A bit of a new original character...
..A redraw of an old doodle from a few years back..Comparison post here...
…I neglected to try and post something up from the last time I had meant to around here..At the very least trying to get some practice in..With my tablet..Been trying to play a little with my recently arrived copy of Super Smash Bros. 3DS..(Or as I like to call it..Smash pocket edition..)Even though I pretty much now have two of the “current” portable systems these days..(Or,roughly “current”…Cause I heard about the New 3DS, as it’s being called.)..I now pretty much have plenty to do or play, as long as the battery is fully charged on each, outside of not being near a TV/console…Oh I guess in having both a Nintendo 3DS and PSPVita system..Things could get distracting at times..Especially with Smash..
…Random Smash Run stats for ye…
Getting used to Robin and what he has at his disposal…~
Smash Run is surprisingly fun but chaotic…So is Trophy Rush..The Race stage thing is kinda annoying.(Unless you like to pick fast characters..Been playing around with some of the Newcomers the little bit of time I’ve thrown into the game…)Also cause it’s random whether they choose to stick you into a Free For All, Special match(Like you’ll see in a screenshot above..), or a Climb to the top thing…Well at least those of you who are playing or have seen some chunk of Smash Run gameplay..Hopefully know what I’m getting at..It seems the WiiU version has been announced for November 21st..Guess I don’t have as much time as I thought to practice/train with new and “favorite” characters…
Uh, other little screenshots I recently put up from last weekend...
..Many of you likely saw it already but there was the Nintendo direct stuff that showed 50 new things in Smash Brothers WiiU version..That also mentioned if you happen to have gotten both, Mewtwo would be a free download later..(Not sure the specefics..But I'm sure they will bring it up later..)...I know my cousin's gonna likely enjoy that..Well, the video in question for those who didn't catch it I guess...
..Seems the better I get with my tablet..The busier things get generally…I suppose that’s it for now..Till next update..