I was listening to Nintendo Voice Chat the other day. It was the episode about the history of Factor 5 makers of Star Wars Rogue Squadron. Besides it being an awesome review of that devs history, the guy interviewed, Julian Eggebrecht said he was making a game called Touch Fish which uses a really complex evolution system that reminds me of the Spore game. I tried to find a trailer or something and couldn't. Anyway, this is all to say that evolutions in games are awesome and I want to see more of them.
Top 5 Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Mega Evolutions
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![]() On 10/26/2014 at 12:28 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
With the release of Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire on the horizon, there is a whole new batch of Mega Evolutions to be found as well. Pokemon who are fully evolved, but in the midst of battle can turn into a new super form of their regular ones. These boosts usually come from better stats, but can also have a tradeoff (such as more bulk, but less speed) or an awesome new ability. So here's my pick of the five best new ones.
5. Mega Sharpedo
The next four are obvious ones which stand out like a sore thumb. But five was by far the trickiest. There's Slowbro who now boasts ridiculous bulk, Sceptile with a much needed power boost, immunity to most paralysis, and a secondary Dragon type, and Lopunny who gets a Fighting typing and can hit Ghosts with Normal and Fighting moves now.
But in the end, Sharpedo was the one who deserved it. Thanks to his awesome regular ability Speed Boost (gets faster after every turn), he can have one turn of setup to help him outpace almost everything else in the game. Add in his Strong Jaw ability which makes his Crunch one of the most powerful moves in the game along with a great movepool and second water typing and Sharpedo will be a force to be reckoned with. Plus he might survive a hit or two now.
4. Mega Metagross
Metagross has always been awesome. Awesome design, awesome typing, awesome movepool, awesome stats. Well, awesome typing until X and Y added two more weaknesses that not even having the upper hand on Fairy types could fix. But now thanks to being insanely bulky, having a much needed speed boost, and a Tough Claws ability adding a little more powers to his physical moves, Metagross is back to being a force to be reckoned with.
3. Mega Salamence
Salamence has always been a beast, though one on the decline ever since Black and White. However, despite only slight boosts in everything save defense and speed, he may be back to top dog soon. This is thanks to Aerialite, an ability which not only makes Normal moves Flying type, but gives him a little extra power.
For example, Return is a move with 103 base power. It's accurate and reliable, but Normal isn't the best coverage. Aerialite, however, puts it at 133.9 power. Add in the same typing boost and it's at 200.85. Double Edge, meanwhile, after these boosts, rests at 234. To put things into perspective, Self Destruct, a move so powerful it faints the user, is at 250 power. Mega Salamence is going to hit like a fucking truck.
2. Mega Swampert
Swampert's been falling behind the times lately. He was once bulky, but powerful with amazing typing. Now his bulk isn't tanking hits as well while not dealing as much damage to everything else. This makes his Mega Evolution design so fitting, he's been working out and is ready to prove it. His attack is up there the best legendaries while his bulk beats many dedicated walls and tanks.
But the real prize is Swift Swim, doubling his speed under the rain. This makes him faster than any other Pokemon in the game without an item called Choice Scarf to make Pokemon faster. Not only this, but his Water attacks get an extra boost under the rain. He hits like a truck while shrugging off any trucks crashing into him.
1. Mega Rayquaza
It has to be Rayquaza. It has the movepool and power to knock out anything in the game with one hit. But more importantly, it loses a weakness, halves another, while gaining a resistance. Even amongst the best such as Mewtwo and Kyogre, this guy is going to be almost unstoppable.