I'll definitely be picking up CoD Advanced Warfare. Also, Dragon Age Inquisition. Once I have those my holiday season will be all set.
What I've been up to lately.
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![]() On 10/27/2014 at 01:06 AM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbit! Sorry for not posting in a while. Been getting things ready for school. Sucks to say that I start school tomorrow and my gaming time might be cut in half. WHYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?! But at least I'll be doing something more productive...other than gaming. But I don't think it would be too bad. So I haven't bought anything lately. I've just been trying to finish the games I currently have. Like Shadow Of Mordor and Forza Horizon 2.
My last post I said I bought Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. As much as I love the Borderlands series, this game didn't catch my attention as much as I thought it would. Even though this game probably has a little less amount of time as the previous titles, I still think it could've been cheaper. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun and all but there's very little changes in the game. The only things that have changed are the characters, the location, one new element and one new gun. Other than that it's basically the same as BL2. So I decided to trade it in because this past week I wasn't playing it as much because I was still playing Destiny, Forza Horizon 2, Shadow Of Mordor and Super Smash Bros 3DS.
Last week I saw a used copy of Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed for the Vita. I didn't know too much about this game. I only listened to a few things about it on the Playstation Blogcast. When I first played it, I was expecting a typical JRPG. Well I got it but with a different twist. The combat is fun to play but in order to defeat your enemies, you must damage their clothing and then strip it off from them. Weird right?! I thought so too at first but then I ignored the fact and just paid more attention to the story and combat. If I wasn't saving up money for other games, I would've kept that game.
So this past week I got an email for the Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire demo. I've been playing it every once in a while. I can't really give a comparison between the old version and this one because I never got the chance to play it on the GameBoy Advance. But this version has the same 3D graphics as Pokemon X/Y. The HUD is a little different and this time you can move your character more fluently compared to X/Y. I know I'm excited for this game and I'll definitely be picking this up. I've decided to go digital with my 3DS games because I was planning on getting Fantasy Life digitally so I went to Target and I price matched a 32GB SD card for $20. I figured I would eventually get Fantasy Life along with the new Pokemon game. Another reason is because the Nintendo eShop sometimes have good deals on great games like Shin Megami Tensei IV and Fire Emblem Awakening. So when those types of games drop in price I will get them digitally as well.
I've been waiting for this game since last year's E3 and finally Sunset Overdrive is coming out in two days! When I traded in Borderlands, I put it towards Xbox credit so I can buy Sunset. Also going to get CoD: Advanced Warfare digitally as well. Reason behind me buying these digital is because I'm waiting for terabyte drives to drop in price either at Best Buy or Amazon. I didn't realize this until I saw an advertisement at my local GameStop showing that they will be selling 3 terabyte drives soon. I didn't know why I didn't think of that before. I was planning on waiting for Xbox to start selling the new terabyte consoles regularly. But I'm hoping to find a 5 terabyte drive for a good price before I use up all my storage.
Sorry for the long post Pixlbit. Just wanted to cram two weeks of no posts as small as possible on this. Hope all of you are gaming a lot! Let me know what recent games you've picked up and if you're getting Sunset Overdrive and CoD. Happy gaming!