Whoa, who knew that Edward would come back in some form some day. That's pretty cool!
Recent Read/Bought Comics Vol. 1
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![]() On 10/30/2014 at 10:25 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
Here are comics I have bought and read recently:
Deathstroke 1#
The new Deathstroke comic started last week. My bf picked it up for me and I actually read it tonight. It was pretty good actually, had a good informational start along with the action taking off well too. Not gonna spoil anything but if ur a fan of Deathstroke I say get it. Waiting patiently for issue 2#.
Edward Scissorhands 1#
The comic continues from the movie in a sense. Kim has since passed on and her grandaughter who she told the stories about Edward to is a teenager. Everyone considers Edward a murderer while she believes what her grandmother told her. Anywho before I spoil anything let me just leave off that this comic is off to a good start. Im a huge ES fan so finidng out about this comic was a shock.
The October Faction 1#
This is an interesting but weird one*which means good in nicky language!* It mostly is centered on the Dad's character while touching lightly on the rest of the family before ending. I figure in the issues to come the family will get more light on them. The daughter reminds me of myself when I was a high schooler. Im gonna had this to my subscriptions this next week.
Deadpools Art of War
Its Deadpool, if you love the merc with a mouth you need to get this, if you dont...well we need to rethink our friendship or you must change for me!!!! J/K but seriously its a good start to a new series with him. Im afraid ill spoil anything if I even talk about the plot.
I have actually a crap ton of comics I have bought recently. Im gonna try to read and post has I go. I have others I have already read that I need to post but that will be for another day....maybe tomorrow.