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Halloween gaming

On 10/31/2014 at 08:13 AM by TheMart22

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Happy Halloween Pixlbit! Or in Irish, Oíche Shamhna sásta Pixlbit!

Remember, including Christmas, Thanksgiving & Easter, we have four days a year where moderation can be thrown out the window, so be sure to make today a good one!

So I did something pretty fantastic last night. Two words: ZOMBIE PAINTBALL. What’s that Shane? Well, it consists of sitting as a group in the back of an army truck and using mounted paintball guns to shoot people dressed as zombies as they charge you. While I was cautiously optimistic of the experience in advance of attending, I’m happy to report after last night that it is AMAZING! From our Sergeant who stayed in character throughout to the chainsaw wielding zombie who burst out of a broken down shack near the end, I highly recommend people to see if they have any such experience near them. I know there’s two here in the Pittsburgh area alone so I imagine there’s a ton nationwide. The one I went to is as follows: Remember, AIM FOR THE HEAD!

I see a lot of people making lists on Twitter of the different horror themed games they plan on playing this Halloween; Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Manhunt, MediEvil, etc. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to play some MediEvil (not being facetious), this year the only real desirable horror themed game I have access to is Diablo 3.


MediEvil: A legitimate classic

Looking at my list of games, other options I may be tempted to play are Lone Survivor or Limbo on the Vita.

For the uninitiated, Lone Survivor is a really atmospheric horror experience that although being pixilated by design still manages to convey a really desolate, zombie ridden world. Being honest, while I like the overall idea, I really didn’t care too much for what I played on my handful of play sessions. Being Halloween though, it may be sometime I feel like throwing on for an hour in the wee hours.

Lone Survivor


Another possibility is Limbo (another PS+ freebie) which I have yet to play. Thinking on it, I not actually certain Limbo counts as being horror themed but all the screenshots I’ve seen seem to show a creepy dark world full of death. That’s pretty horrific to me…


Limbo does looks pretty amazing

Alright enough babbling. What’s everyone else playing tonight/this weekend?





10/31/2014 at 08:53 AM

I have Limbo, but I hadn't played it.  

This weekend, I plan to play Dragon Age 2 (360) and maybe some Injustice (360).


11/01/2014 at 12:01 PM

Yeah I downloaded it months ago but never had the impulse to play. I hear good things


10/31/2014 at 11:01 AM

My Halloween tradition is a runthrough of Castlevania: SotN, aka one of the best video games to ever exist.


11/01/2014 at 12:05 PM

I've never actually played SotN; never had the means. 


10/31/2014 at 11:32 AM

I threw moderation out the window a while ago. Locked the door so it couldn't get back in. :)

I love MediEvil. I'm currently playing Costume Quest and I'm close to the end. I won't be able to finish it today due to me being out of town with the family. I'll probably finish on Sunday.


11/01/2014 at 12:06 PM

Costume quest looks neat in all fairness. I see they just released CQ2. Combat looks interesting though I hear it gets pretty repetitive.


11/01/2014 at 06:23 PM

Yep I admit there's not a lot to it. The fun is in the silly stuff. Must be experienced

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/31/2014 at 12:30 PM

I also think I might play Limbo, provided my PC cooperates. And yeah, I dunno if it's really a horror game, but there's a pretty grisly death-by-bear-trap animation I've run into a couple times. 

Since Coolseltzer mentioned it, I might also play some DS 'Vania or maybe pop in Luigi's Mansion. Maybe today is the best day to finally buy a copy of Eternal Darkness, given how much I say I love that game. 

On the non-gaming front, I'm trying to see if anyone near me will see Nightcrawler with me. Zombie Paintball sounds more awesome though. And of course, I'll need to load up on candy. And other foods as well. 

Happy Halloween! 


11/01/2014 at 12:08 PM

I've always wanted to play Luigi's Mansion. The premise sounds really fun.

As for Nightcrawler, it looks like a good Netflix movie to me Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

11/01/2014 at 03:44 PM

Nightcrawler was awesome, but yeah it probably would be a good Netflix movie. lol

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/31/2014 at 01:54 PM

it's Halloween and I didn't do any horror gaming. Boo!


11/01/2014 at 12:08 PM

Ha I hope you at least watched something scary. Tis the season and all...


10/31/2014 at 06:40 PM

I actually mentioned this in my blog a few nights ago but I don't really play any horror games unless I'm really in the mood. But if I wanted to, either AvP Classic or Half-Life.


11/01/2014 at 12:09 PM

I'm not a big horror nut either when it comes to games. I think I get to engrossed in what I'm playing and I end up dreading the whole experience


11/01/2014 at 04:48 AM

I'm going to try to play some Resident Evil 4 HD this weekend, but it may end up being a whole lotta Borderlands Pre-Sequel again. We'll see. 


11/01/2014 at 12:12 PM

Good weekend for RE4 though like you mention, I'll just play a boatload of D3


11/01/2014 at 11:19 AM

Limbo and the Lone Survivor are both great games and Mideavel is a classic I will not forget lol!!


11/01/2014 at 12:13 PM

Yeah I love most things about MediEvel especially the artstyle. Really fun game world


11/01/2014 at 07:01 PM

Lone survivor I enjoyed on my vita. I kind of got fustrated with it and became lost the last part I played. I didnt play any horror games which if I hadnt of had work I would have but I did play Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove on my 3DS. While its not scarey its a cute Halloween themed rhythm game. Happy late Halloween!


11/05/2014 at 07:31 AM

I find myself lost right at the start. I need to sit down with it sometime when I'm in the mood to be patient with it. Patience is key!


11/03/2014 at 06:43 PM

I had grand plans for Halloween gaming (my huge backlog includes some great horror titles) but my second son was born October 9th and my gaming productivity plummeted lol. But my wife downloaded Costume Quest 2 on the Wii U and I decided to play the first one (on my computer) while she played the second. It didn't come out till the 30th, so we weren't able to finish by Halloween. I'm about halfway through the game. It's pretty much the perfect Halloween game Smile


11/05/2014 at 07:33 AM

Congrats on the newborn dude!

I'd be half tempted to give Costume Quest 2 a try should I ever kick this Diablo fix of mine... Tongue Out


11/05/2014 at 10:40 AM

Dang I wish I could say I played some Halloween themed game during Halloween but I stuck to my usual randomness during the weekend. Its cool that many of you guys/gals did this and enjoyed Halloween.


11/05/2014 at 01:25 PM

As long as you had a good weekend dude!


11/05/2014 at 12:48 PM

Looking into Midevil as a possible game choice for a future Octoberween Game Title list for next year. We'll have to see.

That zombie outing sounds like fun. I might have to look into it and if none are in my area, make one of my own. 

Good choices for Halloween. I heard of that pixlated title offering, hope it was fully fitting for the season. 


11/05/2014 at 01:25 PM

I'd definitely check out your take on MediEvel


11/05/2014 at 06:36 PM

I'd be totally up to that Zombie paintball outbreak. Did anyone over there cosplay as Tallahase from Zombieland?

Indeed, Limbo is not horror, but not in the conventional way. What it does is fill you with opression and a sence of dread, as you roam a land hellbent on killing you. I actually made a blog about it.

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