Why is it that, games makes us decide decisions? I mean a lot of people say they play games to get away from reality?? But in reality we make decisions in our lives..Why do we want that again??
I hate..not always but majority of times making a decisions in games that will affect it. I always make plenty of decisions in real life why in games too??
I mean at times I feel the developers are being lazy, uncertain and do not know where they want the game to go..So instead of making one way and one story..They make it to where there is more than one way and story.
I mean imagine in movies where we had that outcome?? Yeah you are sitting watching a movie, let's say Snow white and the seven dwarfs then it decides to ask you" One dwarf appeared and wants to join the group..You have 6 dwarfs..do you want the dwarf to join or ignore him and keep your dwarf count to 6?? And you making that decision may affect the story and the ending of the movie??
I know games are supposed to be more hands on than movies but still. I pay the developers and everybody else to give me a story..That means you make the choices, decisions, and ending as well not me!!
If you want to give me that much power, heck then pay me and I will write a story for you and give you a ending to boot!
I know a lot of people want games to be more realistic, but like in everything there is a limit. I want games to be games but not too realistic as well. People do not say anything when they playing a game like superman he flies all over town. But the moment you put a homeless person to fly people are like OK this is not realistic??
9 out 10 times I will not replay the game to get that extra outcome. I will replay the games because it was so much fun I want to do it again. For example riding a roller coaster.
You like it and it was so much fun so you ride it again..Do you expect something different?? The only difference is that somebody else may be riding next to you...Kinda beats my point down..But that would be cool thou right.
Riding a roller coaster and getting a different result like a different turn or something..Besides the point. I do not want to make in game deciding decision anymore!!