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Comic Book Haul #9 Early November 5th 2014

On 11/05/2014 at 10:24 PM by Philly Kuts

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Wednesday is new comic book release day!! I love Wednesdays!! Here's some new titles I purchased on release day Oct 15th, 2014 from DC, Image, Marvel, Amigo, and DARK HORSE comics.




Super Step Contributing Writer

11/05/2014 at 10:55 PM

Alfred and Bane? Wouldn't have thought of that one. I like the dark, solid coloring of the colorist you mentioned a lot as well (please tell me you could also call him an inker so I have an excuse to make Chasing Amy references). Also had no idea about these special Spider-Man specials. Cool stuff. 

Not as big a fan of high fantasy as you, but Roman Ritual looks intriguing. Shock value isn't bad in my book, it's when it falls flat and fails to be shocking I'm not a fan of. I think The Exorcist still works in part cause of its shock value scenes. I also have come around to liking the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street remake more than the original in part due to a shock value part of Freddy's character they play up more. A reviewer I watched when it came out (Ben Mankiewicz, What the Flick?!) was so offended he gave the movie a zero and I wasn't a huge fan at the time, but the more I think of it the more I've come around to the remake's side. 

Speaking of horror movies, I need to see if Alien or Aliens is on Netflix. Never seen either. I know, I know. 

Edited reviews sound cool. You ever watch Atop the 4th Wall? 

By the way, you seem to like Batman a lot, have you seen the FOX show Gotham? I thought the first episode was promising, but I'm catching up on hulu+ while I have it (long story) and the second ep has been a bit corny so far. I really need to read the classic Batmans like Killing Joke

I'm liking these vids, something to look forward to after the hard part of my week is over.

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