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Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Review

On 03/12/2013 at 05:14 PM by Nicoleb1989

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I can not believe Im actually getting to write this review, if ya'll even knew the day I was having you would be surprised too -_- anywho, onward we go!

This is a review meaning it can contain spoilers and while I try my hardest not to do that to people but sometimes it can be difficult. If you hgavent played or beat the game yet and you plan to please dont read this blog. I dont want anyone getting upset over a spoiler.

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Uncharted 3 is ultimately my fave out of the Uncharted series. I wont lie though, most of the reason its my favorite is because it finally gives you the background history behind Sully and Drake. Ever since the first game I wondered what the full story was behind them knowing one another. When Uncharted 3 originally came out I had just gotten around to beating Uncharted 1 and I still had 2 to go through. I kept hearing from multiple sources about what the storyline was about and I just couldnt wait to play it. Hell if I wasnt OCD about playing games in order as they go I probably would have skipped 2.The story itself was well done and wasnt a disappointment. If there is one thing Uncharted has done good with its narrative and the characters. Speaking of characters Drake and his rag tag group are the same as ever, chasing after legends and treasure only to find they have stumbled across some curse or ill begotten power that can destroy the world if in the wrong hands. They also normally dont figure this out till the middle to near the end part of game. Its all fun and games until you find out what you were after isnt what it sounds to be! They actually did a really good job yet again on the antagonist type characters. They really drive you to hate those damn people because several times I could have broken Marlowe's and Talbot's necks. I swear i she hadnt of died at the end I would have been one mad bitch because I was on Sully's side about leaving her there to die. I might come off cold hearted but if you attempt to kill me a few times Im not the best choice in asking for help. Ahem, keep that in mind all of you.

Control wise I had no problems. I could jump, swing, and climp things with ease and guns were no different. I feel they really improved on the platforming part since Uncharted 2. I didnt have any glitch moments and if I did happen to mess up, it was because of my own self. The only thing I despised involving guns was the inventory. I could only keep 2 weapons on me at a time. 1 small gun and 1 big gun. I was not impressed with that, I know in reality someone wouldnt carry a damn arsenal on them but in video game world thats a different story. I like being able to carry atleast 4 options on me in weapons because in the result of only carrying 2 weapons I felt like I had switched to a different weapon like 2 million times the entire game. Thats my only complaint I have for it, everything else was pretty solid.


I of course had to save a paragraph to bring this up. Did anyone else drop their controller when Sully got shot? I sure as hell did, I dropped it and couldnt believe it. I could not fathom why in the fuck they would kill Sully. I kept thinking this has to be a damn mistake, a huge ass glitch in the game. It of course turned out to be that Drake drank the water which was contaminated and it fucked with his head. It might just be me because if a game is good and the characters are likeable I wont lie, I get attached in a way. Im a book reader, what else could you expect of me? 

There you have it, my review. I havent reviewed a game in what seems like forever so please be gentle with me. I know this one might not be the best I have written but give me time to get back in the groove of it.




Super Step Contributing Writer

03/12/2013 at 05:38 PM

Yeah, having only two guns is more realistic, but there's a reason games operate by virtual reality rules and logic. NIce review.

If the day you're having involved uploading this with an incredibly slow computer, I feel your pain. Happened to me today. lol


03/12/2013 at 09:18 PM

Thank you!

I wish it had been that type of situation,lol. My lil sister has been sick to the point of be ridden since saturday night. She is finally feeling better today but I had to help with taking care of her since I was off today and well she kept me busy all freaking day almost,lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/12/2013 at 09:48 PM

Ah, I see. Sorry. Hope she feels better and your workload decreases.


03/12/2013 at 10:03 PM

Thanks again Joe, she is def feeling better than she was so I might be able to game some tonight ^_^


03/12/2013 at 09:49 PM

thanks for the warning about spoilers....I didnt read it but I would still like to say....Nice Review!    


03/12/2013 at 10:02 PM

Thank you GH!

Just for future reference Ill always warn of spoilers on my review blogs! I hope you enjoy playing through Uncharted 3 like I did.


03/13/2013 at 12:13 PM

Oh your OCD would have gone nuts with me. I played Uncharted Series with 2, than 3, than the Vita version, and now I'm playing the original. Good review. I like reading what others thought about the game, and this has become one of my favorite series on the Playstation.


03/13/2013 at 01:28 PM

Thank you!

How in the hell did you do it man? The only time it doesnt apply is in cases were I cant play any of the first ones in order. Which is prolly how it will go for me when I play the The Witcher 3 on the PS4.


03/14/2013 at 11:59 AM

Originally I skipped over the first UC game because I thought it was a Tomb Raider Ripoff. After tons of people telling me to play it, I bought Part 2 GOTY enjoyed it, and then 3 was released and I borrowed it from a cousin. I was on the fence about playing the first one because I thought it was a bit pricey. PSN released the Vita version to PS+ played that, and during that time I finally bought the original. Talk about a crazy route to playing the Uncharted Series


03/14/2013 at 01:05 PM

Damn straight its crazy, you went in all sorts or zig zags and turns! In all truth, if I hadnt of watched my sister play it a few years back when she rented the first one, Id prolly wouldnt of touched the game for the same reason. I however learned that shit can be decieving and the only true way to know is to atleast try it out.

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