So alot of people are curios about these bland graphic 80 hour plus games and if your thinking of getting into these heres a few tips that will first see if your even meant for them and what to start with if you are.

Probably a Jsrpg you may enjoy awesome story
One thing about jrpgs that you have to know is first there very time consuming some stories can drag out to 7 or 8 hours before the real fun begins & thats not all but the norm is about that time, the stories not always that great but do set up your introduction to the charachters, and why your with these characters and why your adventure begins.

Two basic Jsrpg thats a great starting point
One thing about jrpgs and sjrpgs are that graphics do not need to be great in fact most are down right ps2 era graphics but with that said the time and fun to be had with the game will be story and character development and the battle system which in my opinion is turn based but theres plenty of Jrpgs & Jsrpgs that has unique battle systems that work very well so what is a jrpg or Sjrpg well its a Japanese strategy role playing game or a Japanese role playing game and dont laugh I know plenty of people who has no idea what that means.
The best place to start in my opinion is on a ps2 or ps3 or even a PlayStation one, matter of fact the best game to start with is Final Fantasy Tactics this is where I started with my obssesion of Srpgs and its a excellent game its basic enough to understand and deep enough to get you hooked and a story to keep you going til the end, strategy rpgs are very time consuming and may take months of playing to complete, especially with beating that learning curve of your more deeper srpgs but once you master the learning curve srpgs, jrpgs & jsrpgs will be much easier to pick up and play, I could get into the whole paper and dice aspect of srpgs but im not you will figure this out with time and one crucial bit of advice if you do start a srpg game make sure its one that holds your interest, theres plenty of srpgs that will frusterate you confuse you and just plain make ya want to throw your controller, dont make the mistake of getting a srpg that frusterates you or your venture into the srpg realm will be a short one.