Well Hello Pixlbit World, the weekend is over and it is time to get back to the fun of the week. One of my favorite shows is back
and since it is a television show about what goes on behind the scenes in a newsroom, I’ll give you a bit of transparency (ooh those TV buzz words) I am starting this blog on Sunday night. One of the HBO’s is an East Coast feed so I will watch the Newsroom at this time and move Homeland back to the normal West Coast time. I just had a funny thought: I do love trashy reality shows, yet some of my favorite TV shows are more series. Anyways let’s get back to the Newsroom.
The show picks up from a fun season finale where we finally get some resolution to the main plot along with the more lighthearted secondary storylines. The show usually revolves around one big real news story, and builds its plot around it. The first season was the shooting of Gabby Giffords, last season ended with the Presidential Elections, and this year starts off with the Boston Marathon. The Newsroom is such a good show, and it is a shame it will only run for three seasons
Olivia Munn as an economist. How do you not like this show?
Anyways for you good people of Pixlbit I thought I would change things up a bit and give you a review of my weekend. Why? I have no idea, but I thought it would be fun.
I heard there was going to be a big neighborhood garage sale down the street from the casa, and I do like searching for deals so why not?
This is my setup. Backpack with tons of room for stuff I find, a comfy breathable mesh cap, my trusty ultra comfortable summer sneakers, the phone, the ipod, and some wireless headphones. My goal was to park on a main street, and just walk around this neighborhood listening to some podcasts, and AC/DC while using this walk as my gym day.
My goal was to find some good music, maybe some old games, and Lego. There were CDs but 99% of them were either albums I already own or Country CDs. There was an older couple in the back of the neighborhood that had a lot of boxed appliances and other kitchen items. The odd thing was that they had multiples of items, which looks like they cleared out a Walmart Clearance aisle.
That’s me!
I walked around the entire neighborhood, which came out to around 6 thousand steps (a little over half a mile), thanks to the Pacer App. The one house that I checked out three times was one house that was selling 50lbs of Lego for $300. The kids selling it looked like they were in their early teens and the price sounds like they were probably trying to get a PS4. I’m not going to lie, I thought about buying this lot, but that’s three hundred dollars! I needed to walk away before I ended up with 50lbs of Lego to sort through.
I didn’t pick up anything from this garage sale, but I fulfilled half my treadmill goal of walking a mile so I was happy.
I spent a good hour and a half at the garage sale which means for the rest of the day I was going to spend time with the couch, playing some games, and maybe taking in a football game or two.
During this time I finished off the story mode for Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3. I wanted to buy the new COD but decided against it, because of Mount Backlog, so I decided to finish off the game that came with my PS3. I tackled two missions a day last week, and finished the final two missions Saturday morning.
After finishing off my game of COD, it was time to do some channel surfing. Since there wasn’t anything interesting to watch I went with the Apple TV to stream random football games that the Watch ESPN App were airing.
Two of these things are not like the others. I don’t understand why ESPN was showing World of Warcraft and Starcraft. Sorry WOW and Starcraft fans, your games are not sports. Bowling is more of a sport than sitting behind a monitor and clicking on a mouse. Anyways I decided on watching the powerhouses of Florida Tech take on West Georgia.
Later on that day it was time to watch my Aztecs. The MWC cancelled their channel after last season, but kept the website with streaming of sporting events and thanks to iPad Mirroring I got to watch Aztec Football
I have no idea what Root Sports is, but they were the ones carrying the game (I wish the MWC would have just signed with ESPN years ago because at least we would have games on the Watch ESPN App). I got to watch one quarter before the MWC decided that I shouldn’t watch the game
Thanks MWC. This happened right around the time it was for me to head out with my cousin to the Swapmeet, so I went with the radio feed. I found a couple of things at the Swapmeet, and then it was off to check out a couple of stores. Ok so I have a bit of a mini rant.
During the trip to the second GameStop my cousin asked the manager if they had any of those Pokemon cards, the ones with the special Pokemon you can add to X and Y. Manager goes into this whole thing about describing the card, what it can do, using Pokemon Bank to import your Pokemon into the new games that were coming out this year and a couple of minutes later ended with you can get a card…if you reserve those games. Thanks for wasting time A-Hole, a simple “we have them but you have to reserve the game” would have been sufficient. The other store handed them out, and their manager said they just gave them out. Seriously why go through all of that nonsense? Its not going to make me say hey you make a valid point, let me boost your numbers and reserve it. There are other outlets that have better giveaways than a card you’re supposed to give away for free. This is why I don’t care for this GameStop location, and if/when I do buy the latest Pokemon games, I’m going to Target.
Anyways the night ended with my Aztecs being victorious over Idaho on HOMECOMING, Women’s Basketball winning their exhibition game, and Women’s Soccer once again winning the MWC Tournament
AMERICA’S TEAM goes to England, and of course wins. How ‘bout them Cowboys!
After this I decided to boycott the rest of the NFL games, but I was hoping the Oakland Raiders would continue their streak of not winning. Hopefully the NFL will lift their ban on OWEN 16 jerseys.
Star Wars Commander snuck in an update where you are earn bonuses for attacking other bases
I was doing this for a good hour and then I decided to take a nap. Funny thing, during my nap I was playing the game and I was pissed I couldn’t take down this random base’s shield. *More transparency, I stopped typing this blog so I could attack another base. Made 50k, in credits, 50k in ore, and earned 19 credits in my ranking during this attack-fest. This new bonus game is going to last 13 days so hopefully I can earn enough for a new vehicle.
I also decided to dip into the backlog and find a new game I haven’t played. I settled on giving WWE All Star on the PS3 a try, and it is a fun arcade rastlin’ game. I started a championship run with Hulk Hogan because Whatcha Gonna Do, When Hulkamania Runs Wild You!!!!...Brother!
Another game I tried was The Conduit for the Wii. This one uses both the Wiimote and the nunchuk, and for the first five minutes I was confused by the controls until I placed the nunchuk in my left hand, and the Wiimote in the right and then the controls felt more like a conventional controller. As for the game itself, I was underwhelmed with the Dead Space like story of the game, and quickly grew tired of it. I’ll give it another shot later on.
I also got caught up in my Star Wars Rebels show, thanks to Apple TV there is a Disney XD app so I caught the most recent episode. Ooh so Saturday night there was a trip to Target, where I spotted the Star Wars Rebels Lego sets, and while walking through an action figure aisle I said “Hey Star Wars Rebels figures.” Random little kid hears me, and says I like Star Wars Rebels…hey you like Star Wars Rebels? I said yup, and started to make my way out of the aisle because I don’t want to be odd guy who is talking to a little kid in the toy section. He did say “you’re an adult, why do you like…” and I was out of there! Sorry little kid.
Sunday afternoon I decided to check out this comic book
I need to find the book where Wolverine dies. I like this book, the three storylines, the artwork, and the jokes made it a fun read. I’m bummed to see Wolverine go, but it was interesting to see what others thought of him (he needs that alien stuff Coulson and Skye have from Agents of Shield)!
There is a line in this book that made me laugh out loud. I was going to post a screen grab but I didn’t want to ruin anything for you folks.
Weekend Pickups
I can’t have a weekend recap without the fun stuff I bought right?
From GameStop I bought the Tony Hawk game while Pokemon Manager was having a longwinded talk with a bored parent. The employee laughed and said she just placed this game on the floor a couple of minutes ago, and hadn’t put the disc in the drawer. Metal Gear Solid was a Target find, and is actually cheaper than the digital version I bought at the beginning of summer. F-1 Race was my lone Swapmeet buy from a video game vendor I always stop at but didn’t notice they had Gameboy games. I wonder how many Gameboy games are there in the North American Library.
At Walmart I bought a couple of Hotwheels
I bought two Batmobiles because I wanted to open one, and keep the other sealed. I also picked up the Monte Carlo thinking it was the car used in Fast and Furious 4. Turns out my limited car knowledge and lack of using Google bit me in the behind because that was a Buick Grand National. Oh well its still a cool looking car. I have no idea what I am going to do with these cars but they’re cool to have.
I freaking love this Batmobile. This is easily my favorite out of all the Batmobiles. I have the first edition Hotwheel along with a Micro Machine version somewhere in a container. This one is cool because it has the red accents like the Adam West Batmobile.
The final pickup is actually a food
These chips are awesome! They play off the salty sweet just like McDonalds French Fries dipped in a McDonalds Sundae, or the salted caramel stuff you find in chocolate bars to Starbucks Fraps (caffeine milkshakes). I need to find more of this…or start melting my own chocolate (this is in my chef bag of tricks).
Well Pixlbit, it is 9pm on Sunday night, I need to eat dinner and I’m thinking a turkey sandwich. It’s fancy if I pile the sandwich on top the chips. Cooking shows always show their contestants piling food on top of each other and its considered fancy.
That’s all for now, more later!