I spent Thursday through Saturday of last week at my grandmother's, going through things that had been stored without my consent in the basement and the garage by my ex-brother-in-law. About 90% of it went to the dump, ruined by water, mold, and rodents. Boxes and boxes of books and cherished childhood possessions, stuff my dad had given to me from his days in the National Guard, most of it ruined. Much of it I didn't even really go through, opened the box, looked in, and realized nothing was worth saving. Throwing away boxes full of books almost broke my heart, especially some first edition kid's books that had been my grandmother's when she was a little girl.
My gramma did put some of the stuff in plastic boxes - my comics are safe, all 24 books in the Tarzan series survived, and my original games. All of them obsolete, most on 5 1/4" floppies. Many of them I've found through Steam and other online sources, so I grabbed the manuals and clue books, any maps I'd made (I have levels 1-6 of Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord in their entirety) and discarded the rest. I also kept the top of the Wizardry box, 'cause it's just too cool to pitch. Among the other games were a couple of King's Quest games, Return to Zork, a Star Trek text adventure, and Interplay's 10 Year Anthology Classic Collection. Enchanter might have been in there, too, but if it was, it was in one of the boxes not worth going through.
Later, when I've hauled the remainder of my stuff up here (now safely stashed in Rubbermaid totes in a small corner of the garage, safe from water and rodents), I'll take pics of the salvaged manuals and other oddments. My much younger cousin Sean was helping with the clean out of the garage and he was suitably impressed over the vast amount of maps and detailed notes I'd made from back in the day before the internet gave us easily accessible walkthoughs. He called me "hardcore", lol. I said "no, just old school."