I honestly think xbo has more exclusives I want, SO being atop that list since I met Insomniac's PR team, but to each their own. I'm still on the fence myself though. Eyeing that white $350 XBO/SO bundle, but wondering if I wouldn't want a PS4 in the long run.
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![]() On 11/15/2014 at 10:50 AM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
Thought about buying an Xbone since my dad gave me the money it would have costed to go on the trip with the family next weekened but I chose not to. I would have had to take unpaid leave from work and I decided I might as well stay home. This of course worked for everyone, they dont have to worry about the dogs since Ill be home nor the cats. However upon looking it up and seeing if there was anything worth getting one for and there just isnt really. I couldnt give a damn about half the games on it that are exclusive and multiplats will always go to my console of choice which is PS4. The Xbone would be for exclusives only on it and right now I dont see how anyone can cry about Sonys lack of exclusives recently since the Xbone seems just as bad. The only ones Im really interested in are Sunset Overdrive, Ori and the blind forest and I wouldnt mind jumping back in Halo but thats it really. I guess Ill wait a time longer.