I can completely understand the school thing. When I started college right after high school I'd come home and be out like a light around 5 to 6pm. I need to go back to college but I hit a snag in the road with it so time will tell if I go back or not. I have bought recently dragon age inquisition, fantasy life, little big planet 3, harvest moon the lost valley and my bf is buying me my Pokémon Sapphire tomorrow. I'm pretty excited for it even though I already have a ton of crap to play and dragon age is stealing my life away. It's good to hear from you!
Haven't posted in almost a month!!
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![]() On 11/21/2014 at 02:10 AM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello fellow people of Pixlbit! I can't believe it's almost been a month since I've been on here. Just checked the last time I posted something and it was on my first day of school. Since I started, I've been doing a s*** load of homework and papers. But I still made time for games of course! So since I started school I've bought a lot of games.
Sunset Overdrive- I've been waiting for this game since they first announced it at E3 2013. It looked different from all the other games I've played. I didn't think it was going to be this much fun. I haven't passed the game yet. I think I'm around half way through the game, but it's hard to tell because there's so much stuff to do. From the regular story missions, side missions, collectables, challenges and multiplayer. The game is very arcade-like. If I were to compare it to some games, I would describe it as a mix and match between Crackdown and Infamous. Crackdown for the exploration and enormous city map. Infamous for the combat and enemies. One thing I really liked about the game is the multiplayer. Whatever you earn in multiplayer will transfer over to your campaign. That's mainly how I leveled up most of my weapons and perks.
Fantasy Life- I had no idea what this game was until one of the youtubers I subscribed to started posting up videos of it. I watched a few and the game looked pretty interesting. Then an editor from IGN tweeted that the game was like a mix of Skyrim, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing and Ni No Kuni. Once he said that, it got my attention. So I decided to buy it. I'm very glad I did. This game has taken up a lot of my time. First off, you choose a "Life" which is basically a job class. Once you do, it gives you a set of objectives for you in order to level up that Life. Along the way there's also story missions, but my main concern was to level up my Life. I started off as a Wizard but then I experimented with Woodcutter and Miner. Currently I'm doing some story missions but also leveling up each Life along the way.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare- I was going to pass up on this CoD because of the disappointment I got from Ghosts (besides the Extinction mode.) But of course I decided to get it. I haven't missed a CoD since CoD 4: Modern Warfare. I knew a few of my friends were getting AW, but I ended up playing with only one of them. The game is pretty good. The franchise added a new boost ability which I thought would play out horribly but surprisingly it works. The weapons of course are usually the same which just a few tweaks to them. The only thing that caught my attention to this game was the fact that they were bringing Zombies back. Now I thought it was a rumor because usually each company that's worked on this franchise has their own co-op mode. Treyarch has Zombies, Infinity Ward has Extinction, and Sledgehammer has Spec-Ops. Well this year Sledgehammer developed the game and they brought in Zombies. But in this type of Zombies game mode, the zombies move faster than usual. The only thing that is disappointing is that the Zombies mode is only available for Season Pass owners. I was tempted to buy the pass but since the first DLC releases in January, I figured I could use the money for something else. In order to play Zombies currently, you must complete a mode called Exo. This is basically Spec-Ops from MW3, but to unlock Zombies you must complete a certain number of rounds in a Tier to progress to the next one. There are 4 tiers in the game mode.
Dragon Age: Inquisition- I was so excited to see this game at E3! I couldn't wait to play it. Even though I never finished the other two installments. I would tell you the story that I've uncovered so far, but I don't want to spoil anything about this game. It's too great to reveal to people who haven't played it. The gameplay, graphics, mechanics and classes are different in so many ways and yet still has some originality from the first two games. Lately I've been delving into the Multiplayer. It's like Mass Effect 3's multiplayer in a way. I think this game is going to be my GOTY
Far Cry 4- I didn't plan on getting this game as well, but since there wasn't any big titles releasing this year on consoles I just thought I might as well get it. It's somewhat like part 3. Only thing that's different is the location, weapons, people and your character. Not much to say about this game that really stands out. Only that if you really loved Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon, like I did, then you will have no problem getting lost in exploration in this game.
Grand Theft Auto V- I bought this game a year ago and loved it! I put in 300+ hours into the single and multiplayer. When they showed the First Person View trailer, it got me hooked into spending another $60 on this game. Ridiculous right? I caved in anyways. The graphics are full 1080p 60fps. It was cool seeing the game like that. There are a few things that were different in the new console version (I got it for Xbox One.) There were a few different cars, graphics, all the updates that have released throughout the year are included, and the big one of them all...First Person View. It's crazy playing a GTA game in first person. You literally see everything your character is doing. The mechanics work quite well. The shooting looks like a regular fps, the driving is great and the running is alright. When aiming down the sights, there's an option to zoom in down on the sights or have a reticle with your gun on the side. I'm glad to go back into the city of Los Santos and blow s*** up in both single and multiplayer.
So that's my whole list of games I've bought over the month. It may not seem like a lot to some but it is to me seeing as how I need to save up a lot of money for Black Friday. I'm also saving up for a terabyte drive for my Xbox One because lately I've been buying games digitally due to the early releases that games have been getting. I guess everyone is going by EST on release dates. So since I live on PST, I get my games around 9pm digitally and at stores that are doing midnight launches. Mostly GameStop.
What titles are you all excited for? Or have purchased. I totally forgot that Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire releases tomorrow! I wanted to get it but I think I'll wait. Thanks a lot Black Friday and Cyber Monday! I think I'll eventually get Pokemon when GameStop starts to give away those free codes for those rare/high leveled Pokemon. Alright that's all I have to post. Sorry that this is probably my longest post I have done since I joined Pixlbit. I hope you all have a great weekend and....