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Comics Run: The funny books are getting better.
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![]() On 12/02/2014 at 02:28 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
In regards to the big 2 that is but in particular DC.
It's been a while but I have something of comic worthy stuff to discuss or share. I'll keep things short because I hae work in the morning... and i'm lazy so dont expect too much detail. But then that's half the fun.
This gets first billing because it is a new creative team and new arc for the comic, my verdict?
I say it's a good start to a new direction and in my oppinion is a stronger first issue than Azzerello's run not because it was better written but because Wondy is presented as the most important character to the plot as opposed to taking a back seat to it. We see the weight of all that's happened in 5 years of her exposure to "mans world" and a few character flaws that makes her more... realistic,relatable? Hard for me to say but she's a little more engaging now, More happened in this first issue than in Azz's so, good.
It looks nice but I honestly prefer Cliff Chang's art but David Finch's work is servicable.
Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly have teamed up once again to present to us a comic that has been teased since the very start of the Nu52 ans it's delightful.
In essence it's a variation of the Watchmen Universe, however less opressive and more, adventurous. I don't mean that it supasses or is wholey different but as I worded in other comic forums Pax America isn't a reimagining or Decostruction rather a "Reconstruction" of Watchmen with DC bits and bobs with an atmospheric update.
If you read the Watchmen GN you'll have fun with this I think, though not significant for new comers it is easy to follow with interestng panels.
If you like cyberpunk with a noir edge, buy the Graphic Novel when it eventually comes out, saying that each issue is great, my favourit issue is 2 but that's partly because the title for it is "God Hates You"
Frazer Irvine is one of my favourite artist and not just because he sketched for me the Joker with a crowbar (if you understand the significants of the crowbar, you know why this is awesome) and he is on typical top form here. I've started to notice very clever approach to his backgrounds, he intentionally fades and dulls out his bakgrounds to enhance the presents of his characters and key objects but that's my assessment.
Though i'd like recomend the floppies, TradeWait.
This is the Second volume/arc to the first series I thought was oddly brilliant, try the first trade.
It's pretty much that movie Frank but with a plush doll young adults going through the average lifely toils and pleasure, so it has a bit of a Scott Pilgrim edge (with out the goofy game stuff)
It's Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips and Crime Noir. Just buy it.
It's a Supernatural story set in Japan, a red head from Ireland moves to be with her mom and soon develops Abilities.
It's got some Bleach here, some X-men there and cats! I find Jim Zub (writer) wholely reliable in terms of "fun", Just read his Skull Kickers for proof. this issue he even provides some of the collours.
The art is pretty nice, it looks manga-esk but is very much western framed and passed it has maybe a four part structure, Intro-setting-climax-foreshadow.
It's really good.
Art Books
I already posted the latest Bach of art books and I've come to the conclution that I need a bigger book shelf.
Anyway, I'll save my favourite for last.
It's really a collection of all there comics covers promo art and commissions for capcom ever since they aquired the rights.
It's glorious just tasety from Fighting Evolution to MvC3, some cool closer looks at some of the art we see on screen.
SF25: The Art of Street Fighter.
(This is the wrap around cover to the book)
It's like the 20th anniversary eddition with more sketches from the series but with a key difference that made it my fav...
The interviews including Yoshinori Ono and other staff from Street Fighter II onwards about how they stared out, their work ethic and experiences. These are always the best as it allows us gamers just to better appretiate their work and a lot of context to what we remember growing up with at the time amazing stuff. IMO I think this should be a hardcover than the above but c'est la vie
Either way both are great but SF25 is better and I don't even like reading so that should tell you all that you need to know
Last week and This weeks comics I might talk about Friday or next weeks Wednesday,
That'll consist of S-Man 2099, Gotham By Midnight, TMNT/Ghost Busters 1-2 (mayby), MADMAN IN YOUR FACE 3D SPECIAL, Wayward #4 and Dr Spektor #3-4 (Because I like the artist, I missed his signing )
The New Series of Secret Six a villain led series by DC is out this week, most of the DC vets like that series, me being one of them and it's nice to see their return written by the Creator Gail Simone. Detective Comics is out too, by the old new creative team that needed time to do there arc so hired some 2 other teams for a couple of months. Which where still good.
Well that's it, I've finally had a week to play Smash Bros Wii U, I haven't played all the characters but Shulk is Next, i'll leave my gaming news for another time.
This is V saying "You're the Best. Around!"