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The Weekender Thanksgiving 2014 Edition

On 11/26/2014 at 11:50 PM by xDarthKiLLx

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Been getting promoted like crazy at work.  Now Im a trainer, and I rec'd a nice raise.  They're making it worth my while at Chili's for sure.


The Weekender

as always, credit to the original artist for the lovely splash I ripped.  I don't have any desire or inclination to make my own graphics, so chew on that. =)

What Are You Playing?

Well instead of Far Cry 4, Gamefly decided they'd send me Dragon Age: Inquisition.  I'm not mad at all about it though, as I'm thoroughly enjoying the game.  It's loads better than the previous two Dragon Age games.  That's just my opinion for sure, though I'm fairly confident that most who play Inquisition are going to agree.  I recently purchased Battlefield Bad Company 2, SSX and Alice: Madness Returns on a PSN sale, so I have those games added to my seemingly endless backlog.  I'm enjoyng DAI so much though, I may just buy it outright from Gamefly.  Good stuff.  My son is playing loads of Mario Kart 7, as well as Kirby's Pinball Land.  He digs the Kirby games quite a bit, I'll probably find something for his 2DS in the Kirby vein for Xmas.

What Are You Watching?

The first season of Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD.  It's a very good show.

What Are You Reading?

Still about 60 pages from finsihing Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.  I'll end up finishing that tonight or tomorrow and then getting back into Killing Patton by Bill O'Reilly.

What Are You Eating?

Tonight I'm eating a couple chalupas from Taco Bell.  Tomorrow....Turkey!



Super Step Contributing Writer

11/27/2014 at 12:09 AM

Congrats on promotions!


11/27/2014 at 12:10 AM

thank you sir.  Makes all the bullshit of the first few weeks worthwhile.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/27/2014 at 02:59 AM

man, you must be kicking ass at that job!  Good work!  

I'm playing DA as well.  I like it a lot.  Only three hours in, but it's a lot of fun, and the graphics are great.  Looking forward to seeing where it goes. 

Tonight we had pre-thanksgiving pizza from little caesar's.  

I'm not watching anything but football and car shows with my dad.  I want to watch Shield and Gotham but I just can't focus on tv dramas.  

I'm reading a book by composer Steve Reich about music.  


11/27/2014 at 03:08 AM

Congratulations  on moving up in the work place! I'm glad there doing the right thing. I have worked so many places that passed up good hard workers for shitty ones too many times.

I'm playing Inquisition myself and it's stealing my life away. I love it thou so it's worth it. I need to give LPB3  some attention thou. I think tomorrow will be a game day since my previous plans aren't gonna happen. I also got Alpha Sapphire  to go thru. I'm loving it like I loved X  thou I disagree with people saying it's easy like X and Y was. The exp  share I think they reworked it since there was complaints that it made the game easy in the last installments. I heard the new Kirby game they put on the 3DS earlier this year is pretty good. 

I've mostly been watching youtube, my show of choice is off right now I believe till summer. The Strain  is a great show if ur into vampire's and I'm talking old style vampires. I wanna watch Gotham but I'm waiting to see if it's gonna live past it's first season. I hate getting into a show that dies early.

Reading wise I'm mostly reading comics. I just finished one series that actually ended in September so I got lucky finding all the issues this past Tuesday. It's called Madame Frankenstein  and it was actually a really interesting and good series. This doctor gets this crazy idea to rebuild and bring back a woman he loved using the Frankenstein method even thou she didn't love him. It was a good series with some of it major themes and tones being jealousy, murder, anger, madness, and sadness. It ended off with it being easily revived for a sequel series so I'm kind of wondering if they will return to it. Other then that I'm thinking of reading the last Artemis Fowl novel. The series ended a while back and I'm just now getting the final book in my hands. It's a YA series but I definitely  recommend it.

Food wise I just had tacos that were home made. I'm excited tomorrow for thanksgiving and I'll most likely stuff my face. After that thou it's back to dieting. I've been on and off recently with it but I haven't given up completely.


11/27/2014 at 08:37 AM

Playing through Stick of Truth a second time to try and grab a few more trophies and see how the other classes play. Although, I might decide to knock something else off my enormous backlog instead. I dunno.

I'll leave what I'm watching for my random updates blog. I have been watching some great British crime dramas, though.

Reading The Fellowship of the Ring. Haven't gotten to the part where they're trying to get through the mountain pass yet, but that would have been a good chapter to read last night while the northeaster howled around me and the power went out. I read a couple of chapters by flashlight before calling it a night.

I just finished off an English muffin with lots of cream cheese and I'm drinking a cup of Wicked Joe's Maine State Parks Blend coffee before I bake a gluten-free, no refined sugar apple crisp for my friend Michael and then go dig out my car, pick up Jason and drive to his aunt's for dinner.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/27/2014 at 08:48 AM

hey do you watch George Gently?  a new season was just released on NEtflix and my parents were watching it.  good show.  


11/27/2014 at 09:53 AM

Haven't watched George Gently yet. I like the dark ones, like Jack Taylor, Luther, Waking the Dead, and Thorne. But I'll check it out sometime.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

11/27/2014 at 10:44 AM

Me and my dad like Jack Taylor too. Cool


11/27/2014 at 09:43 AM

Glad to here you are being appreciated at work. 

I've been playing a little bit of Atelier Ayesha. I can't play Child of Light any more. It is seriously fucked up. The Atelier game is a bit of slow burn. It's still in tutorial mode after an hour. I've only been in three battles and there's a lot of stuff still to be explained. 

Still watching my backlog of Person of Interest and Haven episodes. Grimm I'm pretty much caught up on.

Still reading Clarke's The City and the Stars. I love the story so far. About 40%  done.

Just ate a banana muffin my wife made. No turkey for me. Canada has already had its Thanksgiving. 


11/27/2014 at 09:54 AM

Turkey's over-rated anyway. Jason made me a ham instead.


11/27/2014 at 11:43 AM

I prefer ham too. My wife made a nice spiral ham a while back. She cubes the leftovers for me to make omeletes with


11/27/2014 at 06:28 PM

The small ham was a huge hit, there were no leftovers. Sad face.


11/27/2014 at 10:57 AM

Took a freezing walk on the beach, now watching Macy's Day Parade on TV. I've been talking Minecraft with my neice and nephew a lot. That game's still a thing!


12/02/2014 at 01:33 PM

Awesome news on the promotion, congrats man!

I like SSX but I never really sat down and tried to get into the game. I played a bit here and there, but never gave it a lot of time like the previous versions. 

Killing Patton seems like an interesting book. I might have read one of O'Reilly's early books but that one seems interesting when I saw it at Costco.

I've been busy finishing off the leftovers from Thanksgiving. 


12/05/2014 at 01:28 PM

all I remember from the turkey day weekend is turkey coma and burning rage.

That is all. *flees*

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