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That's what you get SimCity!

On 03/12/2013 at 09:48 PM by NSonic79

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Looks like someone didn’t learn from Diablo III's release.

Oh how the mighty have fallen! I tried to hold off in writing this, I really did. I’m not a PC gaming so this game really doesn’t affect me. I will probably NEVER get around to trying this game out. Others have already done a thorough job in kicking EA for the huge failure in SimCity’s release. So why should I join in given that PC gaming is not my forte. The answer for that is simple: as a console gamer this is something we ALL should be concerned about, PC game or not.

We all should’ve seen this coming. After what we saw with the game release of Diablo III it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone that SimCity (also a single player game) would run into the same issues as what plagued Diablo III.  Both games are forced to have a secondary program running in the background to allow the game to load. And both games force a constant-on DRM to even be able to play the game PERIOD, even with the single player modes. But you’d think that given the game’s pedigree one would be able to overlook the shortfalls that have suffered SimCity.

And for the most part their right. Look at what happened to Diablo III in the end. People still soldiered on and were able to enjoy the game once all the bugs of the new system implementations were ironed out.  Yet people seem to forget is that despite the fact the problems were overcome, the damage to the game franchises name was already done. They don’t like to talk about how many people just game up on trying to play the game or tried to pirate the game. Despite the high number of subscribers to Diablo III, no one will say out loud about how those numbers could’ve been better?

And the sad part about all of this is that this entire situation could’ve been avoided if no background programs or constant-on DRM was even used.  Diablo III didn’t learn this lesson

And now it looks like SimCity didn’t learn it either. It’s like the exact same situation. All you have to do is replace the wording “Diablo III” with “SimCity” and this writing could easily be interchanged between two completely different games, and yet stay on subject!

It’s come to the point with this failed game launch that EA is going to give a free game to SimCity players to help appease the fact that the game they paid full price for wasn’t even accessible day one. But like the above mentioned game before it the damage is already been done. I wonder how many gamers out there gave up altogether in just trying out this game upon hearing the headaches one received in just getting it to work. Think of all the lost sales of this game, the damage to the SimCity name and all the gamers that use to care for SimCity, turning to Sim alternatives.

There's really no point in me joining in on kicking the dead horse (since the horse I'm sure has been reduced to a bloody pulp by now) so instead I'll just say I recall the very warning during my Diablo III blog in reguards to SimCity: Trying to justify a single player game to have a MMORPG type constant-on connection is never a good idea. It’s bad enough that both games require a secondary background program to run in but the constant on just doesn’t make sense.  I hope that makers of console games (and the console makers themselves) think twice about trying to pull this off in the next gaming generation. One of the first thoughts that came into my mind about hearing word of Diablo III being ported to the PS4 was “will it require a secondary program to run? Will it require my system to be online to even play?”

After seeing what happened to SimCity I sure hope the people behind Diablo III’s port-over are thinking twice about that notion.  As I’m sure many other games out there will reconsider a next generation console purchase if Microsoft and Sony decide to try these PC exclusive features. I know it would herald my move to retro gaming all the more quicker.






03/12/2013 at 09:52 PM

Yes, as console gamers we should still be concerned about what is going on with PC games, because it will sooner or later be a console problem too.


03/12/2013 at 10:11 PM

On the money GreyHaired! Given how the PS4 is "PCing" their next console it could be possible we could see similar features soon. Now is the time to let them know if we wanted to play PC games we'd play them on PC's!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

03/12/2013 at 10:03 PM

Yeah, I am not cool with always-on internet requirements.  It's just bad news and it's unnecesary for non-MMORPG's.


03/12/2013 at 10:12 PM

Perhaps they should ask Capcom how their always-on internet requirements worked out for their PSN game releases, Bionic Commando 2 and Final Fight: Double Impact.

Oh wait, they haven't said if the PSN versions sold WORSE than their XBLA counterparts did they...

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/12/2013 at 10:15 PM

This is why I'm waiting out the next generation until I see what happens with these consoles. Already waited out this one, I can do it again if they start pulling this crap.


03/12/2013 at 10:27 PM

I'm with you. Last console generation I only held out until a "certain" game was released for said system of choice. this time I'll wait to see what I'm suppose to give up in exchanged for the new features offered. If they expect to much they can keep it.


03/12/2013 at 10:43 PM

Sadly, seeing as how it's EA and seeing what they did to Spore, I'm not surprised. I will be sticking with SimCity 4. If I need a more up-to-date city sim, it will be Cities XL.


03/24/2013 at 04:00 PM

oh EA, will you never learn. Perhaps one day, perhaps...


03/12/2013 at 10:50 PM

I just got my ps3 not too long ago, and I'm enjoying Vita thoroughly. Waiting on PS4 for all the aforementioned reasons. Adding you- great review! :D


03/24/2013 at 04:01 PM

The more I learn about the new gen systems coming out, I'm thinking more and more I'll sit this upcoming gaming generation out as well. Even with word of the new Xbox does not give me much faith in what is to come.

Thank you and back at you!


03/12/2013 at 11:01 PM

Well said and right on target. EA has pulled one epic blunder. Perhaps their dismal failure will save console gamers from suffering the same BS when the new systems are released.


03/13/2013 at 12:07 AM

Don't bet on it. EA started this crap with Spore (actually, if you want to be really technical, they've been doing this crap since 1986). Their response to it will be to double down on it, because gamers will put up with it.


03/24/2013 at 04:03 PM

Right now we can hope this'll be the wake up call to game makers for consoles not to try something like this. Games are having a hard time as it is justifiying the price tag plus the worries about future DLC, add-on content and Online Pass. No game should be handicapped from the get go with constant on internet requirements.


03/12/2013 at 11:54 PM

I'll never agree with always online DRM or online passes. I love Diablo, and was ready to buy Diablo 3 day one... but luckily my brother saved me from that. That and like 3,000  one star reviews on Amazon lol. You can't go wrong with retro gaming man!  Wink


03/24/2013 at 04:03 PM

that'll teach them. Perhaps if we raise enough of a stink most gamers won't bother with it. I just wish people would realize how bad this idea is for constant on interent connections for non-MMO's.

True Gamer At Heart

03/13/2013 at 12:09 AM

Agreed, we can only hope they think twice about doing this again!


03/24/2013 at 04:05 PM

They had better for I'm sure there are other games like ourselves that'll forgo the next gaming generation and just catch up on what we missed this go around.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

03/13/2013 at 01:03 AM

This shit can only go on for so long. Eventually we'll reach a point where we just back out and they've got no room to pull anymore of this BS, right?


03/24/2013 at 04:08 PM

right. that is I am hopeful that gamers will finally get fed up with this and begin to ask the questions asto why we have to go thru all of this just to play a game.

And hopefully the game industry will hear us ask these questions before we ask the next one: is it worth the trouble.


03/13/2013 at 01:26 AM

If it keeps going like this they'll be another videogame crash akin to what happened during the Atari era.


03/24/2013 at 04:09 PM

If that does happen I have to say for the record that I'm okay with it.

Just hear me out: we have more than enough games to play spanning over so many console generations and digital download options. I know all I'd be doing during the fall would be pointing the finger at gamers that allowed this to happen.


03/24/2013 at 04:17 PM

True that! My collection can last me ages! lol.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/13/2013 at 07:42 AM

I agree fully with you. The constant on-line requirement is foolish and making many people turn away. I LOVED the first two Diablo games, and I even got the third one on the day of its release despite the constant on-line crap.

With that said... I only ever finished the first act of Diablo III...


03/24/2013 at 04:10 PM

See what you did Diablo III! You tainted another diablo player by doing this. I hope your happy. One less person you can expect to play your future games.


03/13/2013 at 08:12 AM

I don't mind an always-on DRM option as long as it is an "option". I like the idea of being able to interact with cities around me in SimCity for trade and whatnot. Saying that though, the current issue is ridiculous and should not have happened to a big time release (again!).


03/24/2013 at 04:11 PM

If given a choice, I'd rather have that CHOICE in having that in my games. Granted having that online feature to have your city interact with other cities is a novel approach. It's just too bad they used that as the justification to have constant on internet connectivitiy (that and piracy). If they diecide not to give a choice then that's fine, I'll just choose not to play their game. End of story.


03/13/2013 at 11:27 AM

EA reminds me of Republicans. Lost in their own little world, not caring about who they hurt, so long as it's profitable. But that's another issue for another day!


03/24/2013 at 04:12 PM

Indeed that is. Though the same can be said for some certain democrats as well depending on their district and political standing.


03/13/2013 at 05:14 PM

EA have a lot of balls (and money) to think they can get away with this, everyone knew this would happen and they didn't make sure they had suficiant resources.Yell

What a joke.Undecided


03/24/2013 at 04:14 PM

they indeed learned the hard way. That's what you get when you don't learn from current history. Let's hope others learn this in the proper way. Don't bother trying to get more servers for a single player game. Just keep it single player and don't bother with the constant on. It'll save you from alot of headaches down the road. It doesn't matter to me how good SimCity is, it lost right out of the starting gate and it get's not continues from me.

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